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A reads text to speech;

25 Cards in this Set

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Internal conflict

1. psychological struggle within the mind of a literary or dramatic character, the resolution of which creates the plot's suspense:

external conflict

struggle between a literary or dramatic character and an outside force such as nature or another character, which drives the dramatic action of the plot:

direct characterization

the process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed by the use of descriptive adjectives, phrases, or epithets.

indirect characterization

the process by which the writer shows the character's personality through speech, actions and appearance.


that particular point in a narrative at which the conflict or tension hits the highest point.q


an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience. and is generally conveyed through the choice of words or the viewpoint of a writer on a particular subject.


A figure of speech where an object, person, or situation has another meaning other than its literal meaning. The actions of a character, word, action, or event that have a deeper meaning in the context of the whole story.


a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly.


literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story.
Point of view
the angle of considering things, which shows us the opinion, or feelings of the individuals involved in a situation.


interruptions that writers do to insert past events in order to provide background or context to the current events of a narrative.


s used to identify and establish the time, place and mood of the events of the story. It basically helps in establishing where and when and under what circumstances the story is taking place.


which involves anexaggeration of ideas for the sake of emphasis.


refers to a meaning that is implied by a word apart from the thing which it describes explicitly. Words carry cultural and emotional associations or meanings in addition to their literal meanings or denotations.

For instance, “Wall Street” literally means a street situated in Lower Manhattan but connotatively it refers to “wealth” and “power”.


used commonly in literature and in daily life where logical deductions are made based on premises assumed to be true. Another definition of_____ suggests that it is rational but non-logical, which means that through the observation of facts presented in a particular pattern, one ultimately sees different or new interpretations and perspectives.

Simple sentance

has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought,

1 independence clause, end punctuation.

Compound sentance

Has 2 independent clauses (complete thoughts) combined with a coordinating conjunction (FANBOY)

FANBOY stands for: for, and, nor, but, or, yet

put a comma before the FANBOY, can combine 2 independent clauses with a semicolon

Complex sentance

Has 1 independent clause and at least 1 dependent clause in the same sentence (one complete thought and one incomplete thought)

part of the sentence cannot stand alone

Dependent clause start with a subordinating conjunction (AAAWWWUUBBIES)

when a subordinating conjunctive starts a sentence a comma comes after the dependent clause. if a subordinating conjunction is in the middle of a _____ sentence no comma is necessary

Compound complex sentence

has 2 independent clauses and at least 1 dependent clause



a single, related chunk of lines in poetry. It basically refers to one unit or group of lines, which forms one particular faction in poetry.


It is a statement that appears to be self-contradictory or silly but may include a latent truth. It is also used to illustrate an opinion or statement contrary to accepted traditional ideas.

is often used to make a reader think over an idea in innovative way.

"your enemy's friend is your enemy"

Situational irony

something happens that we wouldn't expect to happen

Dramatic irony

the readers know something the characters do not

Verbal irony

what is said is different than what is meant


s a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an effect.