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50 Cards in this Set

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Define Metaphor
Metaphor is a sustained comparison in which part or all of a poem consist of related metaphors.
What is a Simile?
Definition: Simile is when you compare two nouns (persons, places or things) that are unlike, with "like" or "as."
What is Personification?
Definition: when you make a thing, idea, or an animal do something only humans can do.
What is Hyperbole?
Definition: a boldly exaggerated statement that adds emphasis without intending to be literally true, as in the statement "He ate everything in the house".
Define Irony
Definition: A literary device that uses contradictory statement or situations to reveal a reality different from appears to be true.
What is a Lyric Poem
A type of brief poem that express the personal emotions and thoughts of a single speaker.
What is a Epic Poem?
A long narrative poem, told in a formal, elevated style that focuses on a serious subject and chronicles heroic deed and events important to a culture or nation.
What is a Dramatic Monologue Poem?
A type of lyric poem in which a character (the speaker) addresses a distinct but silent audience imagined to be present in the poem in such a way as to reveal a dramatic situation and often unintentionally, some aspect of his or her temperament or personality.
What is a Ballad Poem?
Traditionally a ballad is a song, transmitted orally from genateration to generation, that tells a story and that eventually is written down.
Describe a English/Shakespearean Sonnet.
A fixed form of lyric poetry that consists of fourteen lines, usually written in iambic pentameter.
Describe a Italian/Petrarchan Sonnet.
An Italian sonnet is divided into an octave, which typically rhymes abbaabba and sestet, which may have varying rhyme schemes.
What is an Ode poem?
A relatively lengthy lyric poem that often expresses lofty emotions in a dignified style. Odes are characterized by a serious topic, such as truth, art, freedom, justice, or the meaning of life.
What is an Elegy poem?
A mournful contemplative lyric poem written to commemorate someone who is dead, often ending in a consolation.
What is a Villanelle poem?
A type of fixed form poetry consisting of nineteen lines of any length divided into six stanzas: five tercets and a concluding quatrain. The first and third lines are aba and the final lines are abaa.
What is a Haiku poem?
A style of lyric poetry borrowed from the Japanese that typically presents an intense emotion of vivid image of nature, which, traditionally, is designed to lead to a spiritual insight. Haiku is a fixed poem consisting of 17 syllables organized into three unrhymed lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables.
What is meter?
When a rhythmic pattern of stresses recurs in a poem, it is called meter. Metrical patterns are determined by the type and the number of feet in a line of verse.
What is iambic foot?
An iambic foot consists of one unstressed and one stressed syllable. This is the most common metrical foot in English poetry
A monometer equals?
One foot
A dimeter equals?
Two feet
A trimeter equals?
Three feet
A tetrameter equals?
Four feet
A pentameter equals?
Five feet
A hexameter equals?
Six feet
A heptameter equals
Seven feet
A octameter equals
Eight feet
By combining the line length with name of the ___, we can describe the metrical qualities of a line concisely.
Define exact rhyme.
Exact rhymes share the same stressed vowel sounds as well as sharing sounds that follow the vowel.
Define eye rhyme.
Words that may look alike but not rhyme at all. Such as, bough cough, or brow blow.
Define off rhyme.
The sounds are almost alike but not exactly alike. Such as home, same or worth, breath.
What is rhyme scheme?
It describes the pattern of end rhymes.
Define stanza
Grouping of lines, set off by a space, that usally has a set patteren of meter and rhyme.
Define the stanze form couplet.
Two consecutive lines of poetry that usally rhyme and have the same meter.
Define the stanze form quatrain
A four line stanza. The most common in the english langauge.
Define the stanze form sestet
A stanza consisting of exactly six line.
What is blank verse?
Unrhymed iambic pentameter.
What is free verse?
Also called open form and refers to poems characterized by their nonconformity to established patterns of meter, rhyme, and stanza. They usually do not rhyme.
What is enjambment?
When one line ends without pause and continues into the next line for its meaning.
What is refrain?
A refrain is a repeated part of a poem, particularly when it comes either at the end of a stanza or between two stanzas.
What is the genre of William Shakespeare, "Shall I compare thee to a summers day"?
Identify the genre of “My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun”.
Identify the genre of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, “How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways”
Sonnet – a fourteen-line rhymed lyric poem written in iambic pentameter.
Identify the genre of John Updike, “Dog’s Death”
Lyric poem written in free verse.
Identify the genre of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, “Ulysses”
Lyric poem/dramtic monologue written in blank verse.
Identify the genre of John Keats, “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
List the 9 genres of poetry.
lyric poem
epic poem
dramatic monologue
sonnet (English/Shakespearean and Italian/Petrarchan forms)
Identify the Genre of Langston Hughes, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”
Lyric poem written in free verse it lacks rhyme and meter.
Identify the Genre of Dylan Thomas, “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”
Lyric poem/Villanelle
Identify the Genre of Matsu Basho, “Under Cherry Trees”
Lyric poem/Haiku
Identify the Genre of William Ernest Henley, “Invictus”
A short Victorian poem
Linda Pastan, “Jump Cabling”
Lyric written in free verse.