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74 Cards in this Set

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Engineering Management Framework (EMF) (2)

Sets policies and guidance which regulates engineering, manufacturing and maintenance processes for design management

Defines the minimum requirements for all individuals and organisations whose activities affect the technical integrity of designs


Engineering Management Framework

Engineering Management Framework (EMF) Examples (3)

CASA (aviation safety)

State Road Authorities (vehicle design)

State Electrical Requirements (electrical designs)

Engineering Management Framework (EMF)

Components (4)





Engineering Management Framework (EMF)



Organisations should establish, maintain and follow a management system which complies with the technical regulatory framework when performing engineering or maintenance activities

Engineering Management Framework (EMF)



Should have and use documented, controlled and approved plans, procedures and processes

Procedures are normally documented as process and included within the organisation's Engineering Management System

Engineering Management Framework (EMF)



Should only assign Technical/Engineering Authority to competent individuals who are capable of undertaking technical functions

Competency must be measured through combination of training, education and experience. It must be displayed through acquired knowledge, skill and attitude to perform design/engineering tasks correctly

Engineering Management Framework (EMF)



should determine, authorize and publish instructions for the use, maintenance, recording maintenance outcomes and unauthorised changes for the designs they manufacture, modify or procure

Engineering Management Systems (EMS)

The organisational structure, responsibilities, procedures and resources that it applies to the conduct and management of engineering


Engineering Management System


Engineering Organisation


Engineering Management Plan


Design Support Network

Engineering Management Systems should include: (9)

Engineering Management Plan (EMP)

Design Support Network (DSN)

Senior Design Engineer

Be Authorized by Executive Authority

Specify Key Appointments

Identify the designs or types of systems the EO is responsible for

Describe how design and engineering processes are delivered

Be accessible to all staff

Be complied with by all staff and contractors


Executive Authority

Engineering Management Plan (EMP)

Provides a reference to the engineering plans, process and procedures with which the EO must complie

The initial assessment of t EO as an Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO) by an accrediting body


Authorised Engineering Organisation

Design Support Network

External organisations which help EOs which do not have all the internal resources necessary to conduct engineering activities autonomously

Is an essential element of the EMS and should be described in the EO's EMP


Senior Design Engineer

Chief Engineer

Senior Design Engineer (SDE)
Chief Engineer
Responsible to the senior executives for ensure the EO complies with the technical authority's regulations
Responsible assigning EA to individuals to perform design and Configuration Item (CI) management activities
Responsible for design approval certification of designs generated in the EO

Technical Integrity (3)

Fitness for service


Environmental protection

Generic Engineering Management Construct (4)
Policy development
Competent Organisations (EOs)
Compliance Monitoring

Generic Engineering Management Construct:

Policy development

Regulatory agencies (e.g. government) issue policy

Generic Engineering Management Construct:
Competent Organisations
Recognition based on systems, people, processes and data

Generic Engineering Management Construct:

Compliance Monitoring

Design organisation monitor internal compliance (internal to EO)

Generic Engineering Management Construct:


Principal method to assure compliance


Main Regulatory Framework (?)

Main ERF Processes (8)

Material classification

Authorizing individuals

Authorizing technical data

Accrediting organisations


Design management

Configuration management

Detect reporting

Internal Audits provide assurances that the: (4)

EO's designs and engineering practices comply with internal and external requirements

EMS is documented in the EO's designs and procedures

EMS is effectively implemented, maintained and followed

EMS is audited with appropriate periodicity (e.g. at least within a two year cycle)

Internal Audits should result in a written report detailing: (3)


Corrective and preventative actions

Opportunities for improvement

External Audits should produce a report on: (4)

Scope of external compliance monitoring activity

Findings of external compliance monitoring activity

Corrective actions required (Corrective Action Request (CAR))

Reporting timelines


Corrective Action Request

External Auditing requires

Management of EO to provide unrestricted access to organisational EMS documentation and data to the compliance authority

Management's response to Audits

Should formally acknowledge the report and accept or reject any recommendations made

Should implement corrective action to eliminate the non-conformances and prevent its reoccurence within the timeframe specified in the CAR

If corrective action is not performed within the time frame of CAR,

Management should develop and submit to the auditing organisation for endorsement

An Endorsement is a management plan that details (2)
How the non conformance and any associated risk will be managed until rectification
How the non conformance will be eliminated with documented milestones and dates identified

Key Appointment

SDE who may be externally endorsed by an accrediting body

Deputy Chief Engineer

Design Engineers

Technical officers/Technicians

Assessment of matching jobs to individuals involves assessing: (2)
Technical qualifications and competencies required for the job
Technical qualifications, competencies experience and knowledge of relevant material systems of individuals

Tasks Requiring Technical Authority: (9)

Provision of technical advice

Judgement of significance

Conduct of design in accordance with EO's approved design process

Design approval/acceptance

Approval of variations to maintenance, procedures, techniques or requirements of design

Technical maintenance

Conduct of technical assessments

Assignment of TA within EO

Tasks or activities directed by system specific instructions

Requirements for Engineering and Design (3)

Authorized personnel

Judgment of significance

Use of Design Process (Management of Design)


Judgement of Significance

Judgement of Significance (JOS) (3)

An assessment of the technical risk introduced by implementation of design or design change

Takes into consideration probability and consequence of partial performance or failure of design or design change

Completed JOS provides a determination that the design or design change is significant or non significant

Design Development (2)

Engineer prepares drawings and other presentation documents to begin the design concept and describe it in terms of architectural, electrical, mechanical and structural systems

Engineer prepares a statement of the probable project costs

Design Review (2)

Engineer finds human mistakes and corrects them before a design is incorporated

Is not the stage at which redesign is done to correct errors or where design documentation is completed

Design Review Guidelines (5)

Assumptions, data, conditions, method and tools employed in developing the design solution must be appropriate and valid

Up to date referencing in design reports must be ensured

Design standards compliance must be ensured

Calculations must be correct (either check numbers or repeat entire calculation)

Design outputs must meet input specifications

Design Approval is granted by an authorized person only if it satisfies that:
The design was developed in accordance with EMP
The design complies with specified requirements
Compliance of the design with specified requirements has been adequately verified
The design output documentation provides true and accurate record of the design
All WHS hazards relevant to the design are identified and treated as reasonable and practical

The procedure for issue of a Design Approval must

Ensure that each design certificate references the specifications and standards to which the design was developed

Design Acceptance (2)

The formal acceptance of technical integrity of the EMS's design by an authorized design acceptor based on objective evidence

Conducted prior to modification, manufacture acquisition and/or integration

Design Acceptance Guarantees: (4)


Fit for service

Environmentally compliant

Absence of deficiencies

Safety Management Systems (SMS)

Must be implemented for the safe management, maintenance and operation of the complex systems prior to design acceptance

Is the actual implementation of processes, systems, procedures and practices to continually deliver safety

Should include policy and direction which requires the relevant people to manage instances of unsatisfactory or defective products and design flaws


Safety Management Systems

Defect Reporting Systems

Nominated by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) that produces the system

Enables improvements and rectification of design defects. In some cases product recalls can also be enacted


Original Equipment Manufacturer

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

Makes available technical and non technical information for the safe installation, operation, testing, maintenance, disposal of the design

This information must be used to prevent unauthorized changes to the design


Technical Data


Technical Data Management Plan

Technical Data should be published if conducting the following activities: (9)








Operation Configuration Management

Decommissioning of equipment

Disposal of equipment

Technical Data (TD) includes: (7)

System specific instructions

Maintenance publication

Engineering instructions

Illustrated parts of catalogue


Wiring diagrams

User instructions

EO's should develop Technical Data Management Plan (TDMP) which: (4)

Identify documents managed under the plan

Detail how and when the TD is updated

Detail how the TD is authorized and published

Detail the triggers to review TD


Operation Configuration Management


Configuration Management


Configuration Management Plan


Configuration Management System

EO's that acquire manufacture systems that will be subject to modification should:

Establish a Configuration Control Board (CCB)

Give CCB responsibility for managing configuration changes for design and TD using the CMP

Conduct configuration auditing to ensure CM system is managed in accordance with the CMP


Configuration Control Board


Engineering Change Management Process

Each CMS must include a ECMP that: (5)

Identifies material system, Configuration Item (CI) or Technical Data (TD) being changed

Assesses the logistic and safety factors affected by the change

Design acceptance and executive approval of the change

Management of the change in accordance with the CMP

Technical certification of the implemented change


Configuration Status Accounting


Configuration Item

Configuration Status Accounting

Represents the approved configuration baseline of the system managed

Good Practices for Conduct of Maintenance (3)

Allow maintenance by authorized personnel only

Conduct maintenance in accordance with Authorized Maintenance Specific Instruction (ASMI) which is approved by the OEM

Use material classification

Authorized Maintenance Specific Instruction

Usability Codes (3)

FF Fully Functional

RU Restricted Use

XX Do not Use

Suspected Fault Process
Plant and complex systems which have a suspected fault or defect should be identified