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41 Cards in this Set

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Flexor carpi radialis
O: common flexor tendon
(Medial epicondyle)
I: Palm on radial side
A: flexion of wrist, abduction
Flexor carpi ulnaris
O: common flexor tendon
(Medial epicondyle)
I: Palm on ulna side
A: flexion of the wrist, adduction
Palmaris longus

O: common flexor tendon
(Medial epicondyle)
I: Palmer fascia(Palm)
A: flexion of the wrist
Flexor digitorum profundus

O: medial and anterior ulna
(Interosseus membrane)
I: distal fingers 2-5
A: flex fingers 2-5, flex wrist
Flexor digitorum superficialis
O: medial epicondyle via common flexor tendon and anterior ulna&radius
I: distal fingers 2-5
A: flex fingers 2-5, flex wrist
Flexor Pollicis Longus
O: Anterior radius, ulna and medial epicondyle
I: thumb(anterior)
A: flex thumb, flex wrist
What is the name of the true wrist joint?
Radiocarpal joint
What is the articulation of the radiocarpal joint?
Distal radius & proximal row of carpals
What is the articulation of the radiocarpal joint?
Distal radius & proximal row of carpals
What is the structure and function of the radiocarpal joint?
Structure: synovial condyloid
Function: diarthrotic/bi-axial
What is the name if the thumb joint?
1st carpometacarpal joint
What is the articulation of the 1st carpometacarpal joint?
Trapezium & 1st metacarpal
What is the structure and function of the 1st carpometacarpal joint?
Structure: synovial saddle
Function: diarthrotic/ bi-axial
What bones make up the intercarpal joints?
Carpals touching carpals
What type of joint is the intercarpal joint?
Synovial plane, diarthrotic/non-axial
What bones make up the carpometacarpal 2-5 joints?
Distal row of carpals & metacarpals 2-5
What type of joints are the carpometacarpal 2-5 joints?
Synovial plane, diarthrotic/non-axial
What bones make up the metacarpophalangeal joints?
Metacarpals & phalanges
What type of joints are the metacarpophalangeal
Synovial condyloid, diarthrotic/bi-axial
What bones make up the interphalangeal joints?
What type of joints are the interphalangeal joints?
Synovial hinge, diarthrotic/uni-axial
What does PIP stand for?
Proximal interphalangeal
What does PIP stand for?
Proximal interphalangeal
What does DIP stand for?
Distal interphalangeal
What tendon group runs thru the carpal tunnel?
Forearm flexor a
What tendon group runs thru the carpal tunnel?
Forearm flexor a
What nerve runs thru the carpal tunnel?
Median nerve
What two bones make up the carpal tunnel?
Pisiform & trapezium
Where do all the wrist flexors originate?
Medial epicondyle & anterior side of forearm
Where do all the wrist flexors originate?
Medial epicondyle & anterior side of forearm
Where do all the wrist extensors originate?
Lateral epicondyle & posterior side of forearm
How do you stretch the forearm flexors?
Extend wrist
How do you stretch the forearm flexors?
Extend wrist
How do you stretch the forearm extensors?
Flex wrist
What is another name for wrist abduction?
Radial deviation
What is another name for wrist abduction?
Radial deviation
What is another name for the wrist adduction?
Ulnar deviation
What is another name for the thumb?
Name the proximal row of carpals?
Scared- scaphoid
Lovers- lunate
Try- triquetrum
Positions- pisiform
Name the proximal row of carpals?
Scared- scaphoid
Lovers- lunate
Try- triquetrum
Positions- pisiform
Name the distal row of carpals?
That- trapezium
They- trapezoid
Cannot- capitate
Handle- hamate