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38 Cards in this Set

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What causes spore formation?
stress from high temperature, pH change, or nutritional limitation
Identify the Genus:
Gram + rods, motile, catalase +, acid from glucose, foot odor smell
Group I, Large Cells
B. cereus, B megaterium, B. anthracis, B thurigiensis
group I, Small Cellls
B. subtilis, B. pumilus, B. licheniformis
Group II
B. circulans, B. macerans, B. polymyxa, B stearothermophilus
Group III
B. sphaericus
Protease +, Amylase +, Lipase +
______ ______
Bacillus subtilis
Forms of anthrax
1. Cutaneous
2. Inhalation
3. Gastrointestinal
Cutaneous anthrax:
mode of infection
enter small cut and germinate. Papule forms at contact site 1-5 days later. Formation of pustule with swelling, center becomes black/necrotic (Eschar).
Inhalation (sytemic) anthrax:
mode of infection
Spores taken up by macrophages in the lung, migrate to the lymph nodes and blood stream. Causes septic shock, severe hemorrhaegic fever.
Gastrointestinal anthrax:
mode of infection
Ingestion of contaminated meat, rare
Virulence factors of B. anthracis
L-alanine - signal that determines germination.
Toxins: Edema and Lethal
Capsule: D-glutamate
Edema Toxin
A-B Toxin.
B = Binding
A = Edema Factor, adenylate cyclase enters the cell and produces cAMP (disrupts the flow of ions in the cell)
Lethal Toxin
Same B portion
A = Lethal Factor, attack and kill macrophages. Causes shock b/c of production of cytokines.
Gram +, sporeforming rods, square ends, subterminal endospores, non hemolytic, non motile, acid from glucose sucrose maltose, salicin -, glycerol -, gelatinase +, growth at 42 C.
____ _____
Bacillus anthracis
Treatment of anthrax
Penicillin and tetracycline
Gram + rod, endospore former, motile, acid from glucose maltose salicin, gelatinase +, non encapsulated, B hemolytic
______ _______
Bacillus cereus
Gastroenteritis B. cereus:
mode of infection
Spores can withstand pasteurization, growth at 4-7 C
Emetic and Entero toxins
Emetic toxin
vomiting, heat stable exotoxin, cereulide, produced during stationary growth phase. Causes swelling of the mitochondria and uncouples oxidative phophorylation.
profuse watery diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Four different heat stable toxins. Two protein complexes HBL/NHE
Two enterotoxins T and cytotoxin K
BT Toxin
____ _____
Bacillus thurnigiensis
Ingested as a prototoxin. Trypsin like enzymes converts it to active form. Disrupts cation flow. Encoded in plants, Ti shuttle vector.

Mosquitoes and Gypsy Moths
Spores used to test autoclaves
_____ _______
Bacillus stearothermophilus
Gram + rods, spore forming, strict anaerobe.
______ _______
Clsotridium novyi
Gram positive rods, spore forming, more tolerant of oxygen
_______ _______
Clostridium histolyticum
Best method to show spores on clostridium
Inoculate cooked meat agar slant, anaerobic 5-7 days, 30 C
Isolation of anaerobic bacteria
No swabs. Anaerobic glove box/Gas Pak System. Inoculate thioglycolate broth and chopped-meat glucose to enhance recovery.
Gram + rods, oval subterminal endospores, no growth in acid environments salts or nitrite cures.
_____ _______
Clostridium botulinum
What types of botulism cause disease in humans
A, B, E, F
Mode of botulinal toxin
Binds the synaptic vesicles of cholinergic nerves.
Prevents release of acetylcholine
Acute flacid descending paralysis
Symptoms of food borne botulism
18-36 hrs incubation
Weakness, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision.
Gram + rods, terminal endospores, heat labile protein _____ ______
Tetanospasmin, clostridium tetani
What type of toxin is tetanospasmin
Neurotoxin, same mechanism as botulinal toxin, different binding site, spastic paralysis
Gram + rods, oval central, subterminal, or terminal spores, produces hemolytic lecithinase, splits cell membranes
______ ______
Clostridium perfringens
Causes myonecrosis (Gas Gangrene) and food poisoning
Clostridium perfringens
Symptoms of myonecrosis
rapid invasion and liquefactive necrosis of muscles, gas formation and signs of toxicity
Foamy diarrhea is a symptom of what?
Food poisoning caused by C. perfringens
2 conditions:
Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea
Pseudomembranous colitis
________ _________
Clsotridium difficile
Isolation of C. difficile
Spores isolated from stool using heat shock method.
Plated on medium phenylethyl alcohol blood agar