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40 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 major endocrine glands?
1. Pituitary

2. Thyroid

3. Parathyroid

4. Adrenal

5. Endocrine Pancrease
What are 4 common features of endocrine tissues?
1. Ductless

2. Vascular

3. Epithelial (usually)

4. Polyhedral Cells
What type of endothelium do endocrine cells have? Why?
Fenestrated endothelium to allow for easy diffusion
What are the 4 patterns of endocrine cells?
1. Epithelial

2. Mesenchymal

3. Neural

4. Individual cells (throughout body)
What are 2 structural characteristics of epithelial endocrine cells?
1. Cords or clumps

2. Cells attached to each other
Mesenchymal endocrine cells have what type of oganizations?
Connective tissue
What are 2 examples of mesenchymal endocrine cells?
1. Leydig cells

2. Ovarian stromal cells / granulosa / luteal cells
Individual endocrine cells are usually found where?
The gut
The pituitary gland is aka what?
What connects the pituitary to the hypothalamus?
The stalk - infindibulum
What are the 2 sections of the pituitary?
Anterior and Posterior
The anterior pit. develops from what?
Oral Ectoderm
The posterior pituitary develops from what?
Neural ectoderm
What are the 3 sections of the anterior pituitary?
1. Pars distalis

2. Pars intermedia

3. Pars tuberalis
What are the 2 sections of the posterior pituitary and what do they contain?
1. Pars nervosa - contains neurosecretory axons and their endings

2. Infundibulum - contains neurosecretory axons forming the hypothalmohypohysial tracts
What is the function of the pars distalis?
Bulk of AP; arises from thickened anterior wall of RP
What is the function of the pars intermedia?
Remnant of psterior wall of RP
What is the function of the pars tuberalis?
Forms sheath around infundibulum

Contains veins from hypothalamus/thalamus
What are the 3 cell types in the pars distalis?
1. Acidophils

2. Basophils

3. Chromophobes
What are the 2 type of cells within acidophils and what are their functions?
1. Somatotropes - produce GH

2. Lactotropes - produce PRL
What are the 3 types of cells within basophils?
1. Corticotropes - produce ACTH

2. Gonadotrophs - produce LH/FSH

3. Thyrotropes - produce TSH
The pars nervosa consists of what?
Unmylinated nerve axons and supportive cells called pituicytes
The pars nervosa secretes what?
ADH and oxytocin
What are herring bodies?
Structures within the pars nervosa where oxytocin and ADH are stored
What is the gross shape of the thyroid?
What makes the thyroid gland unique as compared to other endocrine glands?
Storage of secretory product is unique in the thyroid compared to other endocrine
Follicular cells store what in the follicles for subsequent use in producvtion and section of what and what?
Store thyroglobulin for T3/T4 production
Parafollicular cells (C cells) produce what?
What cellular structure is characteristic of thyroid cells?
Follicles, each with a large lumen surrounded by a simple cuboidal epithelium
Thyoglobulin is stored extracellularly as what until it is needed?
Parafollicular cells are found where?
Between follicles
What are the 3 types of parenchymal cells in the parathyroid glands and what are their functions?
1. Principal (chief) cells: Secrete PTH

2. Oxyphil cells: unknown fucntion

3. Adiposites: fat cells
Grossly, what do the adrenal glands look like?
Like "napolean's hat"
What are the 2 distinct parts of the adrenal gland?
1. Outer Cortex (90% of gland)

2. Inner Medulla - cells similar to sympathetic neurons which secrete catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine)
What are the 3 poorly defined zones of the adrenal cortex and what are their function?
1. Zona glomerulosa - produce mineralcorticoids

2. Zona Fasiculata - produce glucocorticoids (cortisol)

3. Zona Reticularis: produce gonadocorticoids (androgenic steroids)
What is the mineralcorticoid that is made in the zona glomerulosa?
What is the structure of the zona glomerulosa?
Closely packed clusters and columns of cells
What are the numerous liquid droplets seen in the zona fasiculata?
They are steroid hormone precursors
What are the nests/cords of endocrine cells scattered within the pancreas?
Pancreatic islets
What are the 3 main cells types in the pancreatic islets?
A cells: make glucagon

B cells: make insulin

D cells: make somatostatin