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18 Cards in this Set

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Primary function of the Endocrine Sytem
regulate internal environment
Structures of the Endocrine Sytem
🔸Glands that secrete hormones
🔹Pituitary gland
🔹Thyroid gland
🔹Parathyroid gland
🔹Adrenal glands
🔹Gonads: ovaries & testes
What are hormones?
🔹chemical messengers of the body
🔹act on specific target cells
causing an⬆or⬇in body function
What is Negative Feedback❓
Hormone regulation
When target cells release too much or too little hormone ➡sends back a message to reduce or increase that hormone released
Hypothalamus (IN BRAIN)
Attached to the Pituitary gland
🔹 controls the anterior pituitary
🔹 temperature
🔹 fluid volume
🔹 growth
Pituitary gland "Master Gland"
-below hypothalamus
🔸Anterior lobe has 6 hormones
🔸Posterior lobe has 2 hormones
🔹GH growth hormone
🔹PRL prolactin
🔹FSH follicle stimulating hormone
🔹LH luteinizing hormone
🔹TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
🔹ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
🔹ADH anti-dieretic hormone
Anterior lobe: GH growth hormone
🔸target cells
bones and muscles
🔸stimulates growth &
⬆blood glucose levels
Anterior lobe: PRL prolactin
🔸target cells
mammary glands
🔸stimulates breast development during pregnancy &
milk secretion after delivery
Anterior lobe: FSH
Follicle stimulating hormone
🔸target cells: TESTES AND OVARIES
🔸stimulates sperm production &
estrogen secretion
Anterior lobe: LH
Luteinizing hormone
🔸target cells: TESTES AND OVARIES
🔸 stimulates ovulation & testosterone secretion
Anterior lobe: TSH
Thyroid stimulating hormone
🔸target cells: THYROID
🔸stimulates growth of thyroid & stimulates secretion of thyroid hormones
Anterior lobe: ACTH
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
🔸target cell: adrenal cortex
🔸stimulates adrenal cortex growth & stimulates secretion of glucocorticoids
Posterior lobe: ADH
Anti-dieretic hormone
🔸target cell: kidneys
🔸stimulates H2O retention ➡
⬇urine output ⬆H2O in serum/body
Posterior lobe: Oxytocin
🔸target cells: UTERUS & MAMMARY GLANDS
🔸uterine contraction during labor & milk secretion
Thyroid gland
-butterfly on trachea
2 lobes connected by an isthmus
●Thyroid hormone: Thyroxine T4
●Triidothyronine T3
⬇ Ca+ levels in blood
target cell: BONE
Parathyroid gland
-Posterior lobes of thyroid
PTH Parathyroid hormone
🔹⬆Blood Ca+ levels
Vitamin D necessary
⬇serum Ca+ levels causes PTH to be released ➡bone
releases Ca+ into plasma ⬆serum Ca+ levels
Adrenal gland
-on top of each kidney
🔸 corticosteroids
●glucocorticoids: cortisol
〰purpose: handle stress
primary: ⬆blood glucose levels
secondary: anti-inflammatory
●mineralcorticoids: aldosterone
Salt & H2O balance
target cells: KIDNEYS
🔸androgens: Sex hormones
⬇blood volume/ BP ➡adrenal cortex ➡aldosterone ➡kidney ➡retain Na+ & H2O ➡⬆blood volume/BP
Adrenal gland
Epinephrine AKA Adrenaline
⬆heart rate
⬆force of heart contraction
physical stress response:
fight or flight
Stress➡fight or flight ➡adrenal medulla ➡epi/norepinephrine
heart⬆heart rate/contraction
blood vessels➡constriction ➡handle stress