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37 Cards in this Set

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what are 4 classes of hormones that the adrenal glands produce?
what are some sx of cushings dz?

what is elecated?
buffalo hump, thin arms and legs, immunocompromised, central body fat, abdominal striae, HTN, osteoporosis, diabetes

what is the most common cause of cushings dz?
what are 2 example of ACTH dependent cushings?
pituitary tumor that causes the production of to much ACTH and ectopic tumor (paraendorcine) that also produces to much ACTH
what are the majority of tumor that secrete ACTH ectopicall?
what is an example of ACTH independent cushings?
tumor in the adrenal cortex that causes excess production of mineral and glucocorticoids. most of these are benign
if you measure ACTH to be:

<5 then...
>20 then...
ACTH independent
ACTH dependent
what 2 test are done for ACTH dependent cushings?
dexamethasone suppression test and CRH stimulation test
People with cushings dz will respond to CRH stimulation test but if it is due to ectopic production then it will not.
Only after you prove that the cushings you have is a ACTH dependent, then should you do imaging (MRI)
with someone with an ectopic tumor that is producing the ACTH, you need to start them on ACTH before the surgery so the levels do no drop.
what are some signs and sx of adrenal insufficency?
fatigue, Wt loss, hypotension, anorexia
what is the most common infectious cause of adrenal insufficency?
what is the most common AI dz that causes adrenal insufficency?
addisons dz
what are some features of addisons dz?
dark pigmentation, salt craving, hyperkalemia
what is the most common cause of secondary adrenal insufficency?
steroid withdraw (must wein off)
someone with secondary/tertiary adrenal insufficency will still produce what hormone?
aldosterone. this means they typically do not have hyperkalemia
what test do you run to test for primary adrenal insufficency?
cosyntropin (ACTH) stimulation test
what is the tx for adrenal insufficency?
gluco and mineralcortoicoids
24 year old man presents with fatigue, weight loss and dizziness. His glucoses are normal/low. Sodium low and potassium slightly high. You suspect adrenal insufficiency. Which test would be most appropriate?
cosyntropin (ACTH) stimulation test
if you find an incidental adrenoma, what are 2 tumor types you should screen for?
pheochromocytoma and cushings tumor.
what tumor should always be ruled out prior to surgery?


may lead to HTN crisis
if an incidental adrenoma is found, upon what size should it be considered removed?
66 year old woman is hospitalized for abdominal pain. A C.T. scan reveals a 3 cm solid mass in the right adrenal gland. She is obese and has diabetes and hypertension. What do you recommend?
get lab studies to see what it is
what are some clinical manifestation of hyperaldosteronism?
hypokalemia and HTN
what are the aldosterone and renin levels for primary hyperaldosteronism?

primary- aldosterone is high and renin is low

secondary- aldosterone is high and renin is high.
what is the tx for hyperaldosteronism due to tumor?

due to adrenal hyperplasia?

what are the sx of a pheochromocytoma?
spells of tachycardia, diaphoesis, headaches, and chest pain.
what hormones are made via a pheochromocytoma?
NE and epi
what is the test you should run if you expect a pheochromocytoma?
24 hr metanephrines
what should a pt with a pheochromocytoma be tx with prior to surgery?
alpha blockers
what is a common cause of androgen excess?
congential adrenal hyperplasia (lack an enzyme so to much of certain steroids get produced)
what are some sx of congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
ambigious genitalia
what is the principle androgen secreted by the adrenals?
DHEA-S >700 suggests...
adrenal tumor
what is the principle androgen from the gonads?
testosterone of >200 in a female suggests what?
ovarian tumor