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92 Cards in this Set

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adrenal gland
to secrete
glucose (sugar)
hormone (an urging on)
ketone bodies
thymus gland
thyroid gland (shield)
adrenal glands
suprarenal glands
located on the superior surface of each kidney; the adrenal cortex secretes steroid hormones, and the adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
steroid hormones
hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex
regulate carbohydrate metabolism and have antiflammatory effects; cortisol is the most significant glucocorticoid
mineral corticosteroids
maintain salt and water balance
influence development and maintenance of male sex characteristics, for example, facial hair and deep voice
hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla and affect the sympathetic nervous system in stress response
secreted in response to fear or physical injury
secreted in response to hypotension and physical stress
located on both sides of the uterus of the female pelvis; secrete estrogen and progesterone
responsible for development of female secondary sex characteristics
regulates uterine contractions during pregnancy
islets of Langerhans of the pancreas
endocrine tissue within the pancreas (the organ located behind the stomach, in front of the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae); secretes insulin and glucagon
a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans that is responsible for regulating the metabolism of glucose
a hormone secreted by the alpha cells of the islets of Langerhans that serves to regulate carbohydrate metabolism by raising blood sugar
parathyroid glands
two paired glands located on the posterior aspect of the thyroid gland in the neck; secrete parathyroid hormone
parathyroid glands
two paired glands located on the posterior aspect of the thyroid gland in the neck; secrete parathyroid hormone
parathyroid hormone (PTH)
regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism
pineal gland
located in the center of the brain; secretes melatonin and serotonin
exact function unknown; affects the onset of puberty
a neurotransmitter that serves as the precursor to melatonin
pituitary gland
located at the base of the brain; considered the master gland as it secretes hormones that regulate the function of other glands, such as teh thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, and testicles, the anterior pituitary secretes thyroid-stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, growth hormone, and prolactin; the posterior pituitary releases antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin
anterior pituitary
anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
stimulates the secretion from thyroid gland
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
stimulates secretion from adrenal cortex
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
initiates the growth of ovarian follicle; stimulates the secretion of estrogen in females and the production of sperm in males
luteinizing hormone (LH)
cause ovulation; stimulates the secretion of progestrone by the corpus luteum; causes the secretion of testosterone in testes
melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
affects skin pigmentation
growth hormone (GH)
influences growth
lactogenic hormone
stimulates breast development and milk production during pregnancy
posterior pituitary
posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
influences the absorption of water by kidney tubules
influences uterine contraction
located on both sides within the scrotum in the male; secretes testosterone
affects masculinization and reproduction
thymus gland
located in the mediastinal cavity anterior to and above the heart; secretes thymosin
regulates immune response
thyroid gland
located in the front of trhe neck; secretes t3 and 54 and calcitonin
triiodothyronine (t3)
thyroxine (t4)
known as the thyroid hormones; regulate metabolism
regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism
Cushing syndrome
a collection of signs and symptoms caused by an excessive level of cortisol hormone; may be due to excessive production by the adrenal gland (often because of a tumor), or, more commonly, occurs as a side effect of treatment with glucocorticoid (steroid) hormones, such as prenisone for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or other inflammatory diseases; symptoms include upper body obesity, facial puffiness (moon-shaped appearance), hyperglycemia, weakness, thin and easily bruised skin with stria (stretch marks), hypertension, and osteoporosis
adrenal virilism
excessive output of the adrenal secretion of androgen (male sex hormone) in adult women caused by a tumor or hyperplasia; evidenced by amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), acne, hirsutism, and deepening of the voice (virilus = masculine)
diabetes mellitus (DM)
metabolic disorder caused by the absence of insufficient production of insulin secreted by the pancreas, resulting in hyperglycemia and glucosuria
(diabetes = passing through, mellitus = sugar)
type 1 diabetes mellitus
diabetes in which no beta-cell production of insulin occurs and the patient is dependent on insulin for survival
type 2 diabetes mellitus
diabetes in which either the body produces insufficient insulin or insulin resistance (a defective use of the insulin that is produced) occurs; the patient usually is not dependent on insulin for survival
a condition resulting from an excessive amount of insulin in the blood that draws sugar out of the bloodstream, resulting in hypoglycemia, fainting, and convulsions; often caused by an overdose of insulin or by a tumor of the pancreas
inflammation of the pancreas
hypersecretion of the parathyroid glands, usually caused by a tumor
hyposecretion of the parathyroid glands
disease characterized by enlarged features, especially of the face and hands, caused by hypersecretion of the pituitary growth hormone after puberty, when normal bone growth has stopped; most often caused by pituitary tumor
pituitary dwarfism
a condition of congenital hyposecretion of growth hormone that slows growth and causes hort, yet proportionate stature (not affecting intelligence); often treated during childhood with growth hormone; other forms of dwarfism are most often caused by genetic defects
pituitary gigantism
a condition of hypersecretion of growth hormone during childhood bone development that leads to an abnormal overgrowth of bone, especially of the long bones; most often caused by a pituitary tumor
enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by thyroid dysfunction, tumor, lack of iodine in the diet, or inflammation
(goiter = throat)
a condition of hypersecretion of the thyroid gland characterized by nervousness, weight loss, rapid pulse, protrution of the eyeball, goiter
Graves disease
the most common form of hyperthyroidism; caused by autoimmune defect that creates antibodies that stimulate the overproduction of thyroid hormones (expophthalmos is a featured characteristic)
a condition of hyposecretion of the thyroid gland causing low thyroid levels in the blood that result in sluggishness, slow pulse, and often, obesity
advanced hypothyroidism in adults characterized by sluggishness, slow pulse, puffiness in the hands and face, and dry skin
condition of congenital hypothryoidism, in children that results in a lack of mental development and dwarfed physical stature; the thyroid gland is either congenitally absent or imperfectly developed
blood sugar (BS)
blood glucose
measurement of the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood
fasting blood sugar (FBS)
measurement of blood sugar level after fasting (not eating) for 12 hours
postprandial blood sugar (PPBS)
measurement of blood sugar level after a meal (commonly 2 hours later)
glucose tolerance test (GTT)
measurement of the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates by administering a prescribed amount of glucose after a fasting period, then measuring blood and urine for glucose levels every hour thereafter for 4 to 6 hours
glycosylate hemoglobin (HbAlc)
a molecule (fraction) in hemoglobin, the level of which rises in the blood as a result of an increased level of blood sugar; a common blood test used in diagnosing and treating diabetes
electrolyte panel
measurement of the level of specific ions (sodium, potassium, and chloride) along with carbon dioxide (co2) (for indirect measure of bicarbonate ion) in the blood; electrolytes are essential for maintaining water balance (hydration) as well as nerve, muscle, and heart activity
thyroid function study
measurement of thyroid hormone levels in blood plasma to determine the efficiency of glandular secretions, including t3, t4, and TSH
urine sugar and ketone studies
chemical tests to determine the presence of sugar or ketone bodies in urine; used as a screen for diabrtes
computed tomography (CT)
CT of the head is used to obtain a transverse view of the pituitary gland
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
nonionizing images of magnetic resonance are useful in identifying abnormalities of the pituitary gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, and thyroid glands
sonographic images are used to identify endocrine pathology, such as with thyroid ultrasound
thyroid uptake and image
radionuclide (nuclear medicine) scan of the thyroid to visualize the radioactive accumulation of previously injected isotopes to detect thyroid nodules or tumors
excision of the adrenal glands
excision of the pituitary glands
excision of the pancreas
excision of the parathyroid glands
excision of the thymus gland
excision of the thyroid gland
continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII)
insulin pump theraphy
use of an insulin delivery device that is worn on the body (usually the abdomen) and subcutaneously infuses doses of insulin programmed according to the individual needs of the diabetic patient
radioiodine therapy
use of radioactive iodine to treat disease, such as to eradicate thyroid tumor cells; treatment is administered in a nuclear medicine facility
antidiabetic drug
any of several agents used to control blood sugar levels in treatment of diabetes mellitus
antithyroid drug
an agent that blocks the production of thyroid hormones; used to treat hyperthyroidism
hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
treatment with a hormone to correct a hormonal deficiency (e.g., estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid)
a drug that lowers the blood glucose level (e.g., insulin)