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51 Cards in this Set

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Name place these five hormonal factor in the order of their importance: thyroid hormone, FSH/LH, Insulin and IGFs, GH, Placental lactogens
Name place these five hormonal factor in the order of their importance: Insulin and IGFs, thyroid hormone, Placental lactogens, FSH/LH, GH
Name the three types of steroid hormones?
Adrenal steroids, gonadal, vit D (B-ring steroids)
Which is higher in concentration, steroid hormone and thyroid hormones or peptide hormones?
steroid and thyroid hormone concentration is higher than peptide hormone
What are the four major types of hormones?
peptide, steroid, catacholamines, iodothyronamines
T/F ectopic hormones secretion is under feedback control.
Name the 6 hormones released by the anterior pituitary.
Name the 6 hormones released by the anterior pituitary. FLAT-PiG: FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, Prolactin, Growth hormone
Name the 2 hormones released by the posterior pituitary.
Name the 2 hormones released by the posterior pituitary. Oxytocin and ADH
Match (anterior or posterior pituitary) came from Rathke's pouch (4th/5th ventricle) or neural crest:
Rathke's pounc (4/5th pouch)= anterior pituitary… neural crest = posterior pituitary
Which hypothalamus enzyme is 41 AA long?
Which hypothalamus enzyme is 41 AA long? CRH
Which hypothalamus enzyme is 3 AA long?
Which hypothalamus enzyme is 3 AA long? TRH
Which hypothalamus enzyme is 44 AA long?
Which hypothalamus enzyme is 44 AA long? GHRH
Which hypothalamus enzyme is 10 AA long?
Which hypothalamus enzyme is 10 AA long? GnRH
What quality (effect) do LPH and ß endorphins have
What do ACTH MSH and ßLPH have in common?
What is the most common effect of hypothalamus hormones?
Adenylate cycles --> increased cAMP
What is the mechanism of action for TRH?
it's converted (degraded) to --> TRH
What do FSH, LH and TSH have in common?
they are all glycoproteins
Name four pituitary hormones that have a direct effect.
Name four pituitary hormones that have a direct effect. GH, PRL, ß LPH, MSH
Besides causing the release of TSH, what does TRH release?
Besides causing the release of TSH, what does TRH release? GH and PRL
Which two pituitary hormones are suppressed by somatostatin?
Which two pituitary hormones are suppressed by somatostatin? GH and TSh
You suspect a hypo-X-ism, but you're not sure if it's primary or secondary. What do you do and how do you interpret the results?
You suspect a hypo-X-ism, but you're not sure if it's primary or secondary. What do you do and how do you interpret the results? Add XRH, after XRH -->(a) if it is primary: exaggereated rise in XSH… (b) if it's secondary (pituitary) there is no rise in XSH
What effect will drugs like ∂methyldopa and reserpin have on Prolactin release?
What effect will drugs like ∂methyldopa and reserpin have on Prolactin release? They deplete dopamine stores --> increased prolactin release
Of these 6 ways to get an excess of hormone X, which is correct? Tumor at gland X causes secretion of X, (b) tumor at anterior pituitary decreases XSH, (c) hypothalamus oversecrete XRH, (d) Tumor mimics XSH or XRH, (e) Ig stimulates production of X, (f) excess steroid use.
Of these 6 ways to get an excess of hormone X, which is correct? (a) Tumor at gland X causes secretion of X=TRUE (b) tumor at anterior pituitary decreases XSH=FALSE it should increase... (c) hypothalamus oversecrete XRH=TRUE... (d) Tumor mimics XSH or XRH=FALSE... tumor mimic XSH or hormone X... (e) Ig stimulates production of X=TRUE... (f) excess steroid use=TRUE
You suspect that a person has is overproducing a hormone, but you're not sure of the cause… which two types of X-hyperfunction would produce a RISE in XSH? a)Tumor in the pituitary, b)tumor in the hypothalamus, c) ectopic tumor, d) immune stimulation mimicing XSH, e) exogetnous ingtestion of X, f) tumor in the the enodcrine gland
You suspect that a person has is overproducing a hormone, but you're not sure of the cause… which two types of X-hyperfunction would produce a RISE in XSH? Tumor in the pituitary or in the hypothalamus
You suspect that a person has is overproducing a hormone, but you're not sure of the cause… which two types of X-hyperfunction would produce a DECREASE XSH? a)Tumor in the pituitary, b)tumor in the hypothalamus, c) ectopic tumor, d) immune stimulation mimicing XSH, e) exogetnous ingtestion of X, f) tumor in the the enodcrine gland
You suspect that a person has is overproducing a hormone, but you're not sure of the cause… which two types of X-hyperfunction would produce a DECREASE in XSH? c) ectopic tumor, d) immune stimulation mimicing XSH, e) exogetnous ingtestion of X, f) tumor in the the enodcrine gland
Besides GH which 5other hormones are needed for normal development and growth?
Besides GH what other hormones are needed for normal development and growth? Thyroid hormone, gonadal steroid hormones, cortisol, and insulin
you have an interruption in portal cicualtaion due a tumor or trauma that puts pressure on the pituitary stalk? What may happen to the prolactin levels?
you have an interruption in portal cicualtaion due a tumor or trauma that puts pressure on the pituitary stalk? What may happen to the prolactin levels? If dopamine is blocked --> hyperprolactinemia may occur
What are two effects of Ghrelin?
What are two effects of Ghrelin? Stimulate GH and apetite
Name three things that inhibit GH.
Name three things that inhibit GH. SS, Hyperglycemia and ß-agonists ( which means ß antagonists stimulate GH release)
What effect dose uncontrolled diabetes and starvation have on GH?
What effect dose uncontrolled diabetes and starvation have on GH? Stimulates GH
You suspect a patient has acromegally (or gigantism), you apply the OGTT… two hours later there is no drop in their GH. What is your diagnosis?
Positive for acromegally (or gigantism)
What effect do dopamine blocker ( such as phenothiazines, buyrophenones, metoclopramide and domperidone) have have on prolactin?
What effect do dopamine blocker ( such as phenothiazines, buyrophenones, metoclopramide and domperidone) have have on prolactin? --> hyperprolactinemia without dopamine to inhibit prolactin release
What effect do decrease callories and decreased insulin have on IGF-1?
What effect do decrease callories and decreased insulin have on IGF-1? Reduction(counter-intuitive)
IGF1 fluctuates less than GH and both tend to decrease with the OGTT, why would is checking GH still the gold standard?
IGF1 fluctuates less than GH and both tend to decrease with the OGTT, why would is checking GH still the gold standard? There is overlap for the people that are cured with acromegally, wherein it show a level that would be considered positive in the GH test. (page 57)
What is the pathophyiology of Laron's syndrome, and why do they still have central obesity after treatment?
What is the pathophyiology of Laron's syndrome, and why do they still have central obesity after treatment? Dysfunctional or absent GH receptors… Rx = IGF-1… plasma level rises --> increase in linear height... In periphery IGF-1 remains low --> central obesity
which of these is a direct metabolic effect of GH: a) promotes protein synthesis, b) glycogen synthesis, c) decreases lipolysis, d) oposes insulin action (glucose uptake and utilization of glucose in muscle and adipose), e) promotes negative balance of nitrogen, f) decreases K+, g) increases phophate, h) stimulates ketogenesis, i) causes compensatory hypolasia and decreased secretion of by ß cells in pancreas, j) promotes hepatic glucose production
which of these is a direct metabolic effect of GH: a) promotes protein synthesis, b) glycogen synthesis, c) decreases lipolysis (FALSE -increase), d) oposes insulin action (glucose uptake and utilization of glucose in muscle and adipose), e) promotes negative balance of nitrogen (FALSE - POSITIVE not negative), f) decreases K+(FALSE - INCREASES) g) increases phophate, h) stimulates ketogenesis, i) causes compensatory hypplasia and decreased secretion of by ß cells in pancreas (FALSE - HYPERPLASIA), j) promotes hepatic glucose production
What effect can hypothyroidism have on prolactin release?
What effect can hypothyroidism have on prolactin release? Hypothyroidism --> ↑ TRH --> ↑ prolactin
Where is vision loss first experienced in pituitary adenomas (e.g., acromegaly)?
outer and upper fields - bilateral
Of the two types of GH deficiency, which would you be more concerned with giving GH-Rx? And which would you give IGF-1 instead of GH? (Lack of GH receptor, GH gene is deleted)
Of the two types of GH deficiency, which would you be more concerned with giving GH-Rx? GH gene is deleted --> Ab-GH… And which would you give IGF-1 instead of GH? (lack of GH-®)
which has a higher risk of hypopituitarism in the treatment of hyper GH secretion, surgery or radiotherapy?
Radiotherapy = 100%
What effedts does EXCESS E, exercise, emotional stress, pituitary tumor, and chest wall disease have on prolactin release?
What effedts does EXCESS E, exercise, emotional stress, pituitary tumor, and chest wall disease have on prolactin release? --> prolactinemia
which of the following are used for the Rx of hyper GH secretion? SS, dopamine agonists, rHGH, Ghrelin analogs, GH receptor antagonists,
which of the following are used for the Rx of hyper GH secretion? SS, dopamine agonists, GH receptor antagonists,
What are ghrelin and rhGH used for?
What are ghrelin and rhGH used for? GH deficiency
what effect do ↑ levels of E and P have on prolactin?
what effect do ↑ levels of E and P have on prolactin? ↓ prolactin
what effect do ↑ prolactin levels have on potency and libido?
↑ prolactin --> ↓ potency and libido
What effect does stress have on prolactin?
Name 7 causes of hypopituitarism.
Name 7 causes of hypopituitarism -pit tumors, para pit tumors, Trauma, radiotherapy, infiltrations (sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis), infections (TB, syphilis, mycoses), infarction (sheehan's)
A woman has a difficult birth, she cannot produce milk, an MRI reveals an empty sella… what do you suspect?
Sheehan's --> caused by low BP at birth
What is the order of loss for LH, FSH, GH, TSH, and ACTH in hypopituitism?
What can you give a person to chech their GH and ACTH secretion if you suspect hypopituitism?
What can you give a person to chech their GH and ACTH secretion if you suspect hypopituitism? Insulin
T/F histolgical appearance does NOT correlate with biological activity of pituitary function.
T/F histolgical appearance does NOT correlate with biological activity of pituitary function. TRUE