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51 Cards in this Set

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Parathyroid Hormone will ___________ when calcium is low


Parathyroid will be inhibited with ______ Ca or ______Mg

high Ca, high Mg

High Ca? ________ is released to lower it


Low Ca? ________________ will be released to pull Ca from bone and increase Ca absorption in the kidney


Ca & ___________ are "brothers"


Ca and _________ are "sisters"


PTH will: _____________ calcium absorption in the intestines


PTH will: ____________ Ca excretion in the kidneys


PTH will ____________ Ca breakdown in the bone (PTH PULLS)


High Ca stimulates _______________ from thyroid


Calcitonin ___________ calcium in the bone. PTH __________calcium from the bone.

Calcitonin keeps, PTH pulls

Calcitonin causes kidneys to ______________ calcium


Serum Ph is _______________ to calcium


3 diagnostic studies for Parathyroid

PTH, Serum Ca, Serum pH

Hyperparathyroidism: describe

Elevated PTH causes elevated blood calcium.

Sx of Hyperparathyroidism

are sx of high Ca: weakness, loss of appetite, constipation, increases need for sleep, emotional disorder, short attention span

3 Major Signs of Hyperparathyroidism

fractures, kidney stones, neuromuscular muscle weakness

Ca levels in Hyperparathyroidism


Diagnostics for Hyperparathyroidism

PTH, Serum calcium>10, elevated urine calcium, serum Cl, uric acid, Cr, amylase (pancreas), all phosphate (bone disease). Low Ph<3mg/dl, BMD, MRI/CT/US

Diagnostics for Hyperparathyroidism: Ph


normal Ph


normal magnesium

1.5 to 2.5

Diagnostics for Hyperparathyroidism: expected serum calcium


Diagnostics for Hyperparathyroidism: 6 Elevated electrolytes

elevated urine calcium, elevated serum Cl, uric acid, Cr, amylase, alk. phos.

most effective surgical tx for hyperparathyroidism


what is a Parathyroidectomy

most effective surgical tx for hyperparathyroidism, can be partial or total removal, done outpatient endoscopically

5 criteria for Parathyroidectomy


Post Parathyroidectomy watch for signs of:

low calcium

What are signs of low calcium

Tetany, tingling, Trousseau's/Chvostek's sign

4 Nursing management post parathyroidectomy

KEEP IV CALCIUM BY THE BEDSIDE, I/O, Monitor Ca, Phosphate, Mg levels, Watch for signs of low Ca, Ambulate

Conservative approach to hyperparathyroidism, non surgical DIET TX

High fluid intake. Low Ca. Na 8-10g/d. Ph supplements

Conservative approach to hyperparathyroidism, non surgical Monitoring

Yearly serum PTH, calcium, phosphorus, alk phos. Test renal function. X-rays (assess for metabolic bone disease), measure urine calcium excretion.

Goal of pharmacologic agents in tx hyperparathyroidism

goal- lower Ca level

Generic name for Fosamax


3 meds given for hyperparathyroidism

1. Alendronate (Fosamax), 2. Phosphate, 3. Diuretics

How does phosphate work in tx hyperparathyroidism

stops vitamin D absorption at the intestine so calcium is not absorbed

how do you give alendronate (Fosamax)

take alendronate by mouth on an empty stomach in the morning at least 30 minutes before food, drink, or other medications. Swallow whole, take with a full glass of plain water. Do not lie down for 30 min after taking alendronate or prior to eating first food of the day.

what is hypoparathyroidism

inadequate circulating PTH causing hypocalcemia

4 causes of hypoparathyroidism

REMOVAL OF PARATHYROID. atrophy, antibodies, severe low MG w/ suppressed PTH.

low calcium levels cause:

chronic renal failure, vitamin D deficiency, hypomagnesemia, and atrophy of parathyroid gland

nursing management tx goal for hypoparathyroidism

tx tetany, keep normal Ca levels, prevent complications

tx hypoparathyroidism w/


S/e of IV Calcium

low BP, arrhythmias, arrest, vein irritation (monitor digoxin levels)

what does a rebreathing mask do for a patient with hypoparathyroidism

increases CO2, makes them acidotic, lowers their calcium

Diet for patient w/ hypoparathyroidism?

high calcium diet: dark green vegetables, soybeans, tofu.

how often should hypoparathyroidism patients have Ca drawn

3-4 times per year

2 vitamins to give to hypoparathyroidism patient

1.5-3 grams PO calcium, Vitamin D (calcitriol)

what is Calcitriol, what does it do

vitamin D analog, helps to absorb calcium

Diet for patient w/ hypoparathyroidism, what foods to avoid?

oxalic acid: spinach, rhubarb (inhibit calcium absorption)

what will patient look like with high calcium

lethargic, memory loss, personality changes, anorexia (n/v), bone pain, polyuria, dehydration, kidney stones, stupor/coma.

what will a patient look like with low calcium

fatigue, depressed, numbness/tingling, hypereflexia, cramps, Chvostek/Trousseau's sign, Laryngeal spasm, Tetany/seizures.