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50 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the pineal gland?

1. Directly sensitive to light

2. Coordinates daily and seasonal cycles with the environment light-dark cycle

How does the pineal gland develop?

1. Outgrowth of diencephalon

What forms the capsule of the pineal gland?

1. Pia mater

What are the corpora arenacea?

1. Aggregates of calcium phosphate within the pineal gland

What are the types of cells found in the pineal gland?

1. Pinealocytes

2. Glial cells

What is the structure of pinealocytes?

1. Modified neurons

2. Large, euchromatic nuclei

What is the function of pinealocytes?

1. Secrete melatonin

What does the secretion of the pinealocytes at its peak?

1. Middle of the night

What controls the secretion/synthesis of melatonin?

1. Norepinephrine

What is the structure of glial cells?

1. Smaller, heterochromatic nuclei

What are the divisions of the parenchyma of the adrenal gland?

1. Cortex

2. Medulla

What is the embryological origin of the adrenal cortex?

1. Mesoderm

What is the embryological origin of the adrenal medulla?

1. Neural crest--- ectoderm

What are the trabeculae of the adrenal gland?

1. Thin offshoots of the capsule diving into the parenchyma of the gland

What happens to the steroid hormones in the adrenal gland post-production?

1. They are released immediately

What are the divisions of the adrenal cortex?

1. Zona glomerulosa

2. Zona fasciculata

3. Zona reticularis

What types of capillaries are found in the zona glomoerulosa?

1. Fenestrated sinusoid

What do cells of the zona glomerulosa secrete?

1. Mineralocorticoids

What is the principal mineral corticoid secreted by the zona glomerulosa?

1. Aldosterone

What are spongiocytes?

1. Large secretory cells in the zona fasciculata

What do spongiocytes secrete?

1. Glucocorticoids--- cortisol

2. Androgens

What is the function of glucocorticoids?

1. Increasing metabolism of glucose and fatty acids

2. Depress the immune and inflammatory responses

What interleukins are suppressed by glucocorticoids?

1. IL-1

2. IL-2

What stimulates secretion of glucocorticoids by spongiocytes?

1. ACTH production by corticotropes of the adenohypophysis

What is the structure of the cells in the zona reticularis?

1. Contain lipufuscin granules

2. Few lipid droplets

3. Stain intensely with eosin

What do the zones of the zona reticularis secrete?

1. Androgens--- more pronounced than the zona fasciculata

2. Glucocorticoids--- regulated by ACTH

What is the principal secreting cells of the adrenal medulla?

1. Chromaffin cells

How do chromaffin cells secrete hormones?

1. Accumulate and store hormones in secretory granules

What are the principal hormones secreted by chromatin cells?

1. Epinephrine

2. Norepinephrine

What causes chromaffin cells to secrete hormones?

1. Innervated by sympathetic nerve fibers

2. Release of Ach causes degranulation of chromaffin cells

What is the function of ganglion cells in the adrenal medulla?

1. Modulate the activity of chromaffin cells

2. Innervate blood vessels within the medulla

What is the function of capsular arteries?

1. Irrigate the capsule

What is the function of cortical arteries?

1. Branch within the cortex

2. Form a dense network of fnestrated cortical sinusoidal capillaries

3. Drain into medullary collecting veins

What is the function of the medullary arteries?

1. Pass through the cortex

2. Form a dense network of fenestrated medullary sinusoidal capillaries

What is the blood supply to the medulla?

1. Medullary arteries-- O2

2. Cortical capillaries-- glucocorticoid-rich blood

What is the function of adrenomedullary collecting veins?

1. Receive blood from smaller blood vessels with the medulla

2. Drain into central adrenomedullary vein

What is the role of the central adrenomedullary vein?

1. Drain into IVC on right side

2. Left renal vein on left side

What type of epithelium makes up the thyroid follicle?

1. Simple cuboidal follicular epithelium

What is the substance at the center of a thyroid follicle?

1. Colloid

What are the principal cells of the thyroid gland?

1. Follicular cells

What is the structure of follicular cells?

1. Squamous to low columnar

2. More active=taller epithelium

What hormones are synthesized by follicular cells?

1. Thryoxine (T4)

2. Triiodothyronine (T3)

What is the function of thyroid hormones?

1. Regulate metabolism

2. Regulate heat production

3. Influence body growth and development

What causes T3 and T4 to be released?

1. TSH release by the pituitary

How are thyroid hormones produced?

1. Thryoglobulin synthesized in RER and Golgi

2. Follicular cells transport iodide from blood into cytoplasm, iodide oxidized to iodine

3. Iodination of thyroglobulin results in either T3 or T4

What is the reaction of follicular cells to TSH?

1. Resorb colloid

2. Thyroglobulin is broken down by lysosomes

3. T3 and T4 are released

What is the function of parafollicular cells?

1. Synthesis of calcitonin

What is the most numerous cell in the parathyroid gland?

1. Parathyroid chief cell

What is the function of parathyroid chief cells?

1. Production of PTH

What is the function of oxyphil cells in the parathyroid gland?

1. Unknown

2. Have a large number of mitochondria in the cytoplasm