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110 Cards in this Set

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cells of an exocrine gland are organized into
small round groups of cells called acini
in endocrine orans secretions are released into
capillary bed
the pituitary gland sits in the
turkish saddle, sella tucica above the sphenoid sinus, below the optic chiasm and hypothalamus betwee the cavernous sinus
what's in the cavernous sinuses
carotid artery, veins, 3rd 4th and 6th nerves
what separates the cavernous sinuses from the pituitary gland
dura mater
what vessels supply the pituitary
superior and inferior hypophyseal, normally stripped away
type of nerve fibers in posterior pitutiary
what supplies the median eminence
superior hyophsyeal artery
what drains th emediane emincee
the hypophseal veins
where are the sinusoids in th epituitary
pars tuberalis and pars distalis
the sinusoids in the pars tuberalis represent
the distal ends of the hypophyseal veins that penetrate the pars tuberalis
acidophils produce
gh and prolactin
basophils produce
tsh, fsh, acth, lh
when a chromphil goes to a chromophobe due to inactivation, what happens
lysosome degrade the organellse involved in sythesis and exocytosis of hormone
how to tell an inactive from an active chromophobe
active are lightly stained with prominent nuclei
anything under what level won't be seen as a granule on LM
mammotrophs acidophil, during lactation
somatotroph GH acidophil
gonadotroph basophil
corticotroph POMC
beta lipotrophic hormone from corticotroph (also produces acth
% gonadotroph's
10% throughout
% mammamotrophs
15-20% lateral wings
% somatotrophs
50% lateral wings
15-20% central an dposterior + pars nitermedia +border of pars nervosa
% thyrotorph
5% anterior and medial
lateral wings
mammotrophs and somatotrophs and gonadotrophs
central and posterior
corticotroph and gonadotroph
pars intermedia
corticotroph and gonadotroph
border of pars nervosa
corticotroph and gonado troph
anterior and medial
thrytroph and gonadotroph
hherring bodyies contain
neurosecretory granules
a fibers contain
granules of varying electron density
b fivers contain
very electron dense matrix
size of fibers in hypothalamohypphyseal tract
are neurosecretory granules only in dilated regions?
no also in non-dilated regions
small synaptic vesicle like structures throughotu the pituicye represent
cell membrane after exocytosis of the neurosecretory hormone material
glial fibrillary acidic protein… stains pituicytes and astrocytes
in the neurohypphysis what contacts the blood vessels and envelope the nerve fibers of th etract?
processes of the pituicytes
what's between the pituicyte processes?
junctions desmosomes and gap juctions
openings of th eendothelium that lies sinusoids of pars nervosa are how big
bbb in pars nervosa
no there's no tight junctions
what's released from herring bodies
adh/vasopressin and oxytocin
does narrowing of channels control th elfow of hromoen
nerve cells release hormone into where?
extracellular gap between pituicyte processes
excess hormone is removed by
pituicytes by phagocytosis
follicles are lined by
simple epithelium
what surrounds the thyroid
connective tissue capsule
divide thyroid into lobules
within the connective tissue of the thyroid are
lymphatic vessels, parasympathetic nerves, blood vessels
columnar follicular cells
flat follicular cells
enlarged follicles
small folicles
is it possible to determine functional status of thyroid from morphology?
no says
thryoglobulin is pas pos or neg
staining of the colloid is due to
degree of fixation and concentraiton not activity
a parafollicular cell can reside
on the basement membrane of the follicle, but it never touches the colloid
between the follicles are
basal lamina, collagen fibers, fibroblast and capillaries
the existence of rer, transport vesicel, golgi near the lumen
are suggestive of asecretion pathway
capillaries in thyroid are
fenestrated covered by diaphrams
apex of parafollicular cells is
covered by cytoplasm of adjacent chief cells
what other organ stores hormone elsewhere
sythesis of the hormone outside the cell
chief cell of parathyroid contains
lipfuscin, fat, glycogen, golgi, rer and af ew secretion granules
how many types of chief cells in parathyroid
2… won't see them
the two superior parathryoid glands lie at
the level of the cricoid cartilage
the inferior parathyroid glands lie nerar
the end of the lateral lobes of the thyroid gland
parathyroid gland have a capsule?
stroma of parathyroid
connective tissue cells and fibers will not catch the eye
septa in the parathryoid
they originate from the capsule and carry blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics
parathyroid chief cells look like
parathyroid originally contains
only chief cells
fatty tissue in parathyroid
can be up to 30% up to age of 25
action of parathyroid controlled by
levels of calcium in the blood
do endocrine organs posess ducts
where do endocrine organs secrete
directly into vascular system
endothelium of endocrine blood supply
fenestrated except in testis where it's non-fenestrated
what happens to concetnration of hormoens after secretion?
steroid secreting cells arise from
embryologically from mesoderm
do steroid secreting cells have abundand smooth er?
large and extensively developed cristae in mitochondria
steroid secreting cells
why lipid droplets in steroid secreting cells?
free cholesterol and cholesterol esters
lining of lipid droplets
do steroid secreting cells have stored hormone?
cords aranged in ball shape
few lipid droplets
zg and zr
shelf like mitchondrial christate
tubular vesicular mitochondrial christae
zf an zr
abundant lipid droplets
zf spongiocytes
branching sturcure
straight cords
smooth er
in zg zf, zr
zona glomerulsoa
zona fasciculata and reticularis
and sex steroids zona reticularis
hypophysectomy causes
involution of inner zones of zona fasciculata
low blood sodium
increases cell width in zona glomerulosa
cortex of adrenal glands
from coelomic mesoderm
fetal cortex
occupies 80% of inner gland, while permanent cortex takes up 20% of outer gland
cortex cells arise
peripherally near sub glomerulos and move inward
modified myopeithelal cell in wall of afferent arteriole to glomerulous and few also in efferent arteriole, granular cells tha
cyto plasmic granules stain with PAS or bowie's ethyl violet
JGA myopethileial cells
secretes renin
JGA myopethileial cells
macula densa
distinct region of thick ascending limb of the loop of henle
components of jga
afferent and efferent arteriole; macula densa, extraglomerular mesangium; jg cells
stimulates aldosterone secretion