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23 Cards in this Set

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__ is useful to accurately determine the size of nodules and change in size over time
Thyroid U/S
What are some radionucleotides used for scanning thyroid?
non-toxic goiter -->
euthyroid or hypothyroid
toxic goiter -->
what are some conditions causing toxic goiter?
diffuse toxic goiter (Graves')
Toxic multinodular goiter
Toxic adenoma
what are some conditions causing non-toxic goiter?
simple or colloid goiter
iodine deficiency
goitrogens (substances blocking thyroid)
chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's)
non-toxic multinodular goiter
What are some growth factors that lead to goiters?
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs)
VEGF, HGF, etc.
what is a dietary factor that leads to goiter?
Iodine deficiency
what are some drugs that can lead to goiter?
antithyroid drugs, lithium, amiodarone
firm, nontender, diffuse goiter --> think
AI thyroiditis
What is the likely cause of Granulomatous thyroiditis (deQuervain's)?
viral infx of the thyroid gland
tender thyroid w/ moderate enlargement w/ transient hyperthyroidism -->
Granulomatous (deQuervain's) thyroiditis
thyroid scan reveals multiple areas of increased and decreased uptake, w/ normal thyroid function tests -->
non-toxic multinodular goiter
T or F: 50% of pts over 50 have thyroid nodules
what are some risk factors for thyroid malignancy?
single nodule
male < 20 or > 60
hx of prior RT
hx of stem cell tranx
fam hx of thyroid cancer (MEN II)
nodule hypofunctioning
how do you work up a thyroid nodule?
check TSH (normal or elevated and > 1cm --> bx)
if biopsy benign --> watch and consider re-bx if grows
If TSH suppressed get RAI uptake/scan (if hyperfcn, no ca so consider Rx w/ radioiodine)
what are some proposed mechanisms for thyroid neoplasia?
1. TSH receptor mutation (constituitively activated)
2. Gs protein mutation (constitutively activated)
3. Activated oncogenes and inactive tumor suppresors
which thyroid has an AD inheritance (germ-line mutation)?
medullary carcinoma
what's the stage: 1 lobe involvement, no mets, tumor < 1.5 cm
Stage I
how do you small treat stage 1 cancer w/ favorable cytology (papillary or min invasive follicular carc)?
ipsilateral lobectomy and isthmusectomy w/ thyroid replacement
how do you treat big papillary or min invasive follicular or any invasive follicular, medullary carcinomas?
total thyroidectomy +/- node dissection body I-131 scan and thyroid replacement
thyroglobulin concentratoin above __ ng/ml suggests persistent cancer after thyroidectomy
5 ng/ml
what makes the thyroglobulin test more sensitive to check for persistent cancer?
give thyrogen (recombinant TSH) --> amps up thyroglobulin if there is any