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8 Cards in this Set

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Transport form of Acetyl CoA into the cytosol:

First rate-limiting step of fatty acid synthesis:

How is A CoA carboxylase activated?

Role of AmpK?

acetyl CoA carboxylase - converts A CoA to malonyl CoA

dephosphorylated by protein phosphatase 2A (promoted by insulin)

AmpK phosphorylates A CoA carboxylase, inactivating
Cofactors for A CoA carboxylase:

Regulation of Acetyl CoA carboxylase by citrate:

Palmitoyl CoA also inhibits what else?
ATP, CO2, Mg++, biotin

citrate allosterically stimulates phosphorylated A CoA carboxylase (high ATP, acetyl CoA levels makes high citrate)
counteracted by palmitoyl CoA (excess of FA's)

translocase - prevents transport of citrate into cytosol
G-6-PD - stops NADPH generation
Explain role of ACP's in FA synthesis:

How many acetyl CoA's are required to make palmitate?

Structure of FA synthase?
FA synthase mediates formation of acetyl and malonyl ACP's (acyl-carrier-proteins);
Transacylases convert A/M CoA + ACP to A/M ACP + CoA

8 A CoA's

dimer of identical polypeptides head-to-tail; 7 distinct enzyme activities + ACP
Compare/contrast synthesis vs B-oxidation of FA's:
citrate, cytoplasm, ACP, FA synthase, acetyl CoA, reduced by NADPH
carnitine transport, mitochondrial matrix, coenzyme A, oxidized by NAD+ and FAD
Main site of long-term energy storage:

TAG formation involves what intermediates in the liver, adipose tissue?

Explain conversion of G-3-P to TAG:
adipose tissue

G-3-P, phosphatidic acid

acyl transferase adds acyl group
phosphatidate phosphatase removes -P
diglyceride acyltransferase adds acyl group
Insulin's effect on acetyl CoA carboxylase:

How are TAG's changed before entering adipocytes?

Rate of TAG formation is controlled by:
stimulates glycolysis --> increased pyruvate --> increased Acetyl CoA --> CAC --> increased citrate --> stimulates A CoA carboxylase

lipoprotein lipase hydrolyzes

G-3-P availability (high glucose)
Explain pathway of hormone-sensitive lipase:
Glucagon/epi stimulate adenylyl cylase, forms cAMP --> activates PKA --> phosphorylates HSL + perilipin A; HSl translocates to surface of lipid droplet; perilipin A allows HSL to enter
Explain role of leptin, and its effect in stable weight, decreased and increased body fat:
hormone secreted by adipose tissue in response to fat mass; highly expressed in hypothalamus, regulates BW by inhibiting food intake, stimulating energy use

stable weight - 15-20% body fat - food intake = energy use
decreased fat - decreased leptin, stimulates food intake
increased fat - increased leptin, reduced foot intake; obesity causes desensitization to leptin, increased set point