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44 Cards in this Set

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Endochrine gland

Glands all over the body, take chemicals to blood stream

Exocrine glands

Take things out of the body, usually ducted

Nervous Vs. Endochrine



Localized signals

Short duration, rapid recovery



Global Affects

Long duration long recovery


Neurons controlling hormones

Hormone Diversity





Synthed into prehormones

Processed into prohomones

Cleaved to become hormones


Processed by cholesterol

Sex steroids: Estrogen, progesterone, testost.

Cortical Steroids: From adrenal

Amine Hormones

Derived from amino acids


Peptides (water soluble) Easy

Steroids (Lipid soluble) Hard



Body adds or removes receptors to increase or decrease sensitivity

Solubility allows/disallows passage

Alpha s

-B-AR receptor

-Increase cAMP

-Increase RKA

Alpha i

-Increase phosphodiesterase

-Opposite of alpha s, turns off (inhibits)

-during flight or fight shut off parts to increase more important blood flow.

Alpha q

-Activates phospholipase C -> PiP2 -> IP3 & DAG

-DAG activates protein muscle kinase C

-IP3 Stimulates endoretic to release calcium (Smooth muscle contstriction)

Non-GPRC signaling

RTK's (receptor tyrosine kinases)

Receptor is kinase on inside of membrane, skips middle steps to turn on kinase activity

Release factors

-Changes in plasma (ion) & (organic)

-neurotransmitter activation

-Circadian rythms

(not mutually exclusive)

Simple vs Complex path

Gland controls release of it's own hormone


anything else

Blood calcium


Parathyroid- raises plasma (ca++)


(in thyroid)

Lowers plasma (ca++)

Blood Glucose


Alpha Cells- Glucagon, raise

Beta Cells- Insulin, lower

Fight or Flight


Sympathetic- Input to beta cells inhibits insulin

Parasymp- Input to beta cells stimulate release

(vargus X)


Anterior- Epithelial tissue/endocrine gland

Posterior- Nervous tissue/neuroendocrine

Hypothalamus & Posterior



Supraoptic region

Paraventricular nuclei

Hypothalamic hypophysial tract

Hormones of Posterior Pituitary

Oxytocin- Milk "letdown", uterine contractions

ADH (Vasopressin)- Water conversion

Hypothalamus & anterior pituitary

Tuberal Region- release (inhibiting) hormones

Tuberohypopyseal tract- axons from hypothal

Hypophyseal portal system- Vasculature

3 control levels

Hypothalamus- Releasing hormones

Anterior Pituitary- Tropic Hormone

Endocrine gland- Effector hormone

Feedback types

Ultra short-hormone on hypothal.

Short-- tropic hormone on hypothal.

Long- Effector hormone on hypothal. & anterior pituitary

Growth hormone

-Low plasma

-Raised plasma





Effects of Growth hormone

Metabolic: Lipolysis, raises plasma

Growth: Amino uptake protein synth, cell growth


GH disorder, Dwarfism





Gigantism & Acromegaly

Thyroid Anatomy

Internal- Follicles & Colloid

Microscopic- Follicular & parafollicular cells

Thyroid Follicle

Functional unit of the thyroid gland

Consists of thyroid cells

Apical: Faces Lumen

Basal: Faces Blood

Capillary Plexus = Blood supply

Thyroid Stim. Hormone

TSH receptor activates thyroid hormone synth.

Effects include gene transcription, thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase, thyroid hormones

Thyroid Hormone (T3 & T4)

T4 more abundent, but T3 more potent

carried through plasma via TBG

Thyroid Hormone effects (cell)

Increase oxygen consumption

growth and differentiation in tandom w/ GH

LDL regulation (uptake)

Thyroid Hormone effects (systemic)

Basal metabolic rate increase

adrenegic receptor permissiveness

regulation of tissue growth & development

Thyroid hormone regulation

Rising T4 inhibits TRH and TSH

Reduced T4 stimulates TSH, cold temp ups TRH


Adults- Low bmr, dermal issues, connective tissue deposition, lethargy, mental slowness

Youth- Cretinism, short, weird bodies & mental strugles


Enlarged thyroid, common in iodine deficiency

Graves Disease

Autoimmune disorder where antibodies function like tsh

Adrenal Gland

Neurohormonal: Medulla & chromaffin cell

Fight or flight: Epi and Norepinephrine

Endocrine: Cortex, endocrine cell

Layers of adrenal cortex



Reticularis- Androgens


Primary responsible for metabolic changes

tragets- all tissue but brain


Cushings disease- hyperglycemia, bone mass loss, hypertension, edema.


Addison's disease- weight loss, low blood volume, dehydration, weird skin pigmentation.