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22 Cards in this Set

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Parathyroid gland
*CHIEF CELLS: polygonal, central round nuclei. Contain GLYCOGEN & SECRETORY GRANULES that contain parathyroid hormone.

*OXYPHIL CELLS: singly/clusters, larger w/ inc mito w/ no secretory granules.

*amount of fat at max of 25% of gland at age 25.
*regulated by level of free/ionized Ca+ in blood. Dec serum Ca+ stim synth & secretion of PTH
Parathyroid Hormone
*inc renal tubular reabsorption of Ca++,
*conversion of VitD-->active form in kidneys,
*inc urinary phosphate exretion--> dec serum P levels
*inc GI Ca+ absorption
* NET RESULT = INCREASE level free Ca+--> inhib PTH secretion
*caused by inc levels of PTH, usu malignancies, esp advanced lesions due to bone resorption
*solid tumors secret PTH RELATED PROTEIN (PTHrP)--> espression of receptor activator of NUCLEAR FACTOR KAPPA BETA LIGAND (RANKL)

*RANKL =on osteoblasts, osteoclast differentiation factor which binds RANK on surface of osteoclast progenitor cells--> differentiation --> mature osteoclasts
*OSTEOPROTEGRIN: decoy receptor of RANKL, removes excess ligand & prevent unbalanced bone resorption.
secreted by osteoblasts & inhibited by RANKL--> alter RANKL/OSTEOPROTEGRIN RATIO TO FAVOR OSTEOCLASTOGENESIS
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
*common, esp F, causes hypercalcemia
*CAUSE: adenomas, primary hyperplasia, parathyroid carcinoma, & solitary parathyroid adenoma in a sporadic setting.
*familial kind assoc w/ MEN1 &MEN 2 & familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
Familial Primary Hyperthyroidism
*MEN-1: inactivated MEN1 gene on chr 11q13 in parathyroid adenomas & parathyroid hyperplasia

*MEN2: caused by activ mutations in tyrosine kinase-R RET on chr 10q, assoc w/ parathyroid hyperplasia

*FAMILIAL HYPOCALCIURIC HYPERCALCEMIA: autosomal dominant, assoc w/ enhance parathyroid fxn due to dec sensitivity to extracell Ca from inactive mut in parathyroid Ca sensing receptor gene (CASR) on chr 3q
Sporadic parathyroid adenomas
* Caused by 2 molec defects:
1. CYCLIN D1 GENE INVERSION: cylcin prot overexpressed--> cell prolif

2. MEN 1 MUTATION: including ones not assoc w/ MEN syndrome.
Parathyroid Adenoma
*Usu solitary, well circ, soft, tan red/brown nodule w/ capsule. Glands outside of adenoma normal/slight shrink.
*uniform cheif cells w/ polygonal shape & small central nuclei. Dec Fat.
*pleomorphic cells, but benign. Nests of large oxyphil cells.

*OXYPHIL ADENOMA: entire adenoma composed of oxyphils
Primary hyperplasia
*occur sporadically, or w/ MEN syndome.
*all 4 glands usu involv but occas just one or 2

*cheif cell hyperplasia, diffuse or multinodular. Dec fat.
Skeletal Changes in hyperparathyroidism
* inc # of osteoclasts: erode bone matrix to mobilize Ca+ salts esp in metaphyses of long bones.
*bone resorption-->inc osteoblast activ & form new boney trabeculae
*OSTEITIS FIBROSA CYSTICA: thin cortex w/ marrow containing inc amounts of fibrous tissue w/ foci of hemorrhage & cyst formation.

*BROWN TUMORS: aggs of oclasts, hemorrhage & giant cells resembling neoplasms.
*Hypercalcemia--> renal stones, calcification of renal tubules/interstitium. Met calcification of stomach, lungs, myocardium, & BV
Parathyroid Carcinoma
*circumscribed, appear similar to adenomas, clearly invasive.

*involve one parathyroid w/ irreg mass, >10cm

*uniform cells, resemble normal cells. trabecular pattern w/ dense capsule.

*for dx of malig: must invade surrounding tissue/met
Asymp hyperparathyroidism
*Cause: primary hyperthyroidism.
*detected during routine blood work as hypercalcemia.
*classic manifests of hyperparathyroid not always seen if identified early
Parathyroid Hormone Studies
* Non parathyroid tumors: secrete PTHrP
*inc in PTH assoc w/ hypophosphatemia, inc urinary secretion of P.
*secondary renal dz-->P retention & normalization of P serum levels
Symptomatic Primary Hyperparathyroidism
*signs & sx reflect effects of inc PTH secretion & hypercalcemia
*Bone dz: bone pain w/ fracture of bones weakened by OSTEOPOROSIS OR OSTEITIS FIBROSA CYSTICA
*nephrolithiasis: w/ pain & obstructive uropathy
*GI: constipated, N, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, gallstones
*CNS: depression lethargy, seizures
*neuromusc: weak, fatigue
*cardio: calcificationon aortic * mitral valves
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
*arise from chronic hypocalcemia, compensartory overactivity of parathyroid gland
*RENAL FAIL IS MOST COMMON CAUSE also dec dietary Ca+, malabsorption w/ steatorrhea, VitD def

*parathyroid glands hyperplastc, assymetric. inc # chief cells. Fat cells dec.
*bone changes similar to primary hyperparathyroidism.

*met calcifications in lung, heart, stomach, BV.
*Sx dominated by chronic renal fail.
*ischemia from vascular calcification
*TERTIARY HYPERPARATHYROIDISM: parathyroid activ becomes autonomous & excessive--> hypercalcemia
Chronic renal fail
* dec P excretion --> hyperphosphatemia
* inc P--> dec serum Ca+ & +parathyroid activity
*loss of renal parenchyma--> dec availabilty of alpha-1hydroxylase (needed for synth of active Vit D)-->dec int absorp Ca+
*vit D def compounds hyperparathyroidism
*less common. usu from removal of glands.
*Types: APS1, autosomal dominant hypoparathyroidism, familial isolated, congenital absence of glands
assoc w/ mucocutaneous candidiasis & primary adrenal insufficiency
gain of fxn mutations in Ca+sensing receptor (CASR) gene which suppresses PTH--> hypocalcemia & hypercalcuria
autosomal dominant or recessive
may occur in conjunction w/ other malformations such as thymic dysplasia (DiGeorge Syndrome) or cardiac defects.
clinical manifestations of hypoparathyroidism
*TETANY:neuromusc irritability due to dec serum ionized Ca+ conc w/ numbness, laryngospasm, seizures

*CHVOSTEK SIGN: tapping of facial nerve--> contraction of eye, nose, mouth

*TROUSSEAU SIGN: carpal spasm from occlusion of circ to forearm & hand w/ BP cuff for few minutes

*MENTAL STATUS CHANGE: emotional instability, anxiety, depression, psychosis, hallucinations

*INTRACRANIAL MANIFESTATIONS: calcifications of basal ganglia due to inc in P levels--> tissue deposits of locally prod Ca+, parkinson like movement, inc ICP

*OCULAR DZ: calcification of lens w/ cataract formation

*CARDIOVASCULAR MANIFESTATIONS: conduction defect w/ prolongation of QT interval.

*DENTAL ABNORMALITIES: dental hypoplasia, fail of teeth eruption, defective enamal, caries
*end organ resistance to actions of PTH
*PTH levels normal/elevated
*Defects in G-prot triggered 2nd messengers.
*px as hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, & inc PTH