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106 Cards in this Set

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osteitis fibrosa cystica (excess PTH) ~~
too much bone resorption
too little bone deposition is seen in 2 dz's:
1. osteogenesis imperfecta
- defects in bone matrix formation

2. Ricket's/osteomalacia
- severe Vit. D deficiency
features of osteitis fibrosa cystica:

1. excessive osteoclast activity via excess PTH

2. ~~fractures and kidney stones
features of Paget's Dz:

1. improper resorption AND deposition
(~~improper osteoblast and osteoclast activity)

2. => areas of thin bone with other areas of thick bone

3. thickened areas are still weaker than nl bone

4. anywhere, but skull/spine/pelvis m.c.

5. NORMAL serum Ca2+
bone matrix is made up of:
osteogenesis imperfecta =
inherited defect in either 1 of 2 collagen genes

=> inadequate formation of collagen

=> defective collagen impairs mineralization
features of osteogenesis imperfecta =

1. diminished bone mass/strength

2. => multiple fractures and deformities in childhood
features of Rickets / osteomalacia:

1. defective mineralization of bone matrix

2. bone deformities

3. reduced mechanical strength
3 causes of Rickets or osteomalacia:
1. Vit. D deficiency

2. Phosphate deficiency

3. both together
osteoporosis =
decrease in BOTH bone matrix AND bone mineralization

- "skeletal fragility characterized by reduced bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration"
***features of osteoporosis:***

1. ~~decreased osteoblast activity

2. ~~increased osteoclast activity
normal BMD =

(bone mineral density)
T-score between +1 and =1

(within 1 SD of the mean of controls)
osteopenia =
T-score between -1 and -2.5 SD
osteoporosis =
T-score less than -2.5 SD
***1 SD down = ***
**2 times** the risk for fracture

=> -3 SD = 8x risk of fracture
women always have lower bone density than men; furthermore,
the decrease in bone density is more dramatic past 40 y.o.
osteoporosis starts in:
amenorrhea ~~ osteoporosis because:
amenorrhea = dec. EST

dec. EST = dec. bone mineralization/mass

you have higher Vit D/Ca2+ requirements during:


Ca2+ absorption hits a ________ wrt Vit D levels

- past 1,25-D of 40, your Ca2+ absorption actually decreases
**non-modifiable risk factors of osteoporosis:**

1. previous fracture as adult (esp. hip)

2. history of osteoporotic fracture in a 1st degree relative

3. Female

4. age

5. dementia/poor health/frailty
**modifiable risk factors of osteoporosis:**

1. current smoker

2. LOW weight (< 127 lbs)

3. EST deficiency

4. low lifelong Ca2+ intake

5. high alcohol (3 or more drinks per day)

6. history of other diseases causing secondary osteoporosis
difference between primary and secondary osteoporosis:
primary ~~ aging,

secondary ~~ direct cause, like Vit. D deficiency
endo causes of secondary osteoporosis:

1. hyperPTH

2. Cushing’s syndrome

3. hyperthy

4. hypogonadism (=> dec. EST)

5. hyperprolactinemia (=> dec. EST)
4 malignant causes of secondary osteoporosis:
1. Myeloma

2. Leukemia

3. Lymphoma

4. Mastocytosis
when evaluating osteopenia/osteoporosis, definitely get bone mineral density scans of:
hip and spine
7 routine laboratory tests when evaluating osteopenia/osteo
1. serum Ca2+

2. P

3. AP

4. BUN

5. TSH

6. CBC

7. 25-OH

(rule out secondary disease.)
5 indications for BMD measurement:
1. postmenopausal women < 65 yrs with one or more risk factors in addition to menopause

2. ALL women > 65 yrs (and men > 70 yrs)

3. postmenopausal women presenting with fractures

4. women considering therapy for osteoporosis if BMD testing would facilitate the decision

5. women who have been on postmenopausal HRT for long periods
BMD testing should not be done unless:
it will influence a treatment decision
2 indications for treatment with anti-osteoporotic drugs:
1. postmenopausal women and men >50 with a prior vertebral or hip fracture

2. postmenopausal women and men >50 with T-score of -2.5 or lower at the hip or spine
Estrogen replacement keeps BMD elevated, but:
it has significant risk for BC
SERM's =
selective estrogen receptor modifiers
best SERM =

- EST-antagonist in the breast, EST agonist for bone

=> anti-osteoporosis without exacerbating breast cancer
bisphosphonates =
long-term inhibitors of bone resorption

- bind hydroxyapatite, inhibit osteoclast activity
4 bisphosphonates approved for osteoporosis:
1. Alendronate

2. Risedronate

3. Ibandronate

4. Zoledronic acid
2 inhibitors of RANK ligand:
1. Osteoprotegerin
(decoy r' for RANKL - takes it out of circulation)

2. Denosumab
- FDA-approved
**what does preventing binding of RANK ligand do?**
prevents osteoclast activation
Teriparatide =
AA fragment of PTH that activates **osteoblasts**

=> new bone formation
calcitonin =
direct inhibitor of osteoclasts
which anti-osteoporotic meds are best for reducing fractures?

1. bisphosphonates

2. Denosumab

3. Teriparatide
GnRH pulse frequency increases at:

1. night

2. puberty

3. mid-menstrual cycle

4. after menopause
GnRH pulse frequency decreases with:

1. starvation

2. illness

3. sex steroid feedback
function of LH at the gonads:
secretion of sex steroids
function of FSH at the gonads:
development of gametes
3 gonadal peptides:
1. Anti-Mullerian protein

2. Inhibin A

3. Inhibin B
what does Anti-Mullerian peptide do?
causes regression of Mullerian ducts in male fetus

(Mullerian ducts become fallopian tubes' male genitalia ~~ Wolfiann ducts)
what do Inhibins A and B do?
inhibit FSH production at the pituitary

- no role for Inhibin A in men
gonadal steroids = Test and EST; 98% bound to:
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
TEST is metabolized to EST by:
TEST is metabolized to DHT by:
5-alpha reductase
**role of EST in bones:**
maintains bone density
hypogonadism =

1. loss of sex hormone secretion or function

2. loss of gametes
(mature germ cells)
physiologic causes of hypogonadism:

1. menopause

2. energy restriction (loss)
- dieting, starving, anorexia nervosa

3. severe illness

4. ?aging
menopause =
exhaustion of egg supply

=> cessation of menstruation
hormones in menopause:

1. low EST

2. low Progesterone

3. high FSH
pulsatile infusion of GnRH is used to:

induce puberty or treat central hypogonadism

- **continuous GnRH will suppress puberty**
presentation of *congenital* hypogonadism =
abnl development of sexual organs
presentation of childhood hypogonadism =
simply fewer sex hormones

presentation of hypogonadism during puberty =
lack of secondary sex characteristics

(hair, growth, genital enlargement)
presentation of hypogonadism in adults =
dec. libido, infertility, dec. energy

- amenorrhea, osteoporosis in women
female genitalia does NOT depend on:
gonadal hormones

- a hypogonadal female will have nl internal and external genitalia
Kallman’s syndrome =
congenitally-absent GnRH

- olfactory nerve fails to migrate through cribiform plate, GnRH neurons don’t migrate to hypothalamus, causing **failure to initiate puberty** and anosmia
**physical sign of hypogonadism in males in puberty:**
long arms/legs, short trunk
5 risks of EST replacement:
1. VTE

2. stroke

3. heart dz

4. Breast cancer

5. endometrial cancer (dec'd with concurrent progesterone)

- risks are mostly dose-related
2 ABSOLUTE contraindications for EST:
1. EST-dependent cancer (breast, endometrial)

2. history of thrombotic disease
what form of TEST supplementation/medication is NOT recommended?
***sex hormone levels are susceptible to:***
MANY transient systemic effects (nutrition, illness, meds)
what kind of hormone is insulin?
a PEPTIDE hormone

- starts as pre-pro-insulin

- works through ER, then Golgi, then secretory vesicles (where C-peptide is cleaved)

- stored in insulin granules
apart from sugar, these 3 things also stimulate insulin release:
1. arginine and leucine

2. parasymp. release of ACH

3. incretins (GI-derived hormones)
mechanism of glucose releasing insulin:

1. glucose enters Beta cells via GLUT2

2. generates ATP via glycolysis

3. ATP-sensitive K+ channels close

4. membrane depolarizes

5. voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open

6. Ca2+ enters cell

7. insulin granules fuse with memb. to release insulin into the blood
imp. feature of GLUT2's:
LOW affinity

=> don't need a lot of glucose to cause insulin release
3 key features of an insulin r':
1. 2 alpha chains, 2 penetrating Beta chains, linked by disulfide bonds

2. = tyrosine kinase
- transfers P from ATP to tyrosine residues on intracellular proteins

3. binding alpha subunits cause Beta subunits to autophophorylate
=> phos. of intracellular proteins
insulin acts mainly on:

1. liver

2. muscle

3. adipose cells

- called insulin-DEPENDENT organs
insulin at the liver decreases:

1. glycogenolysis

2. GNG
insulin at the liver increases:

1. glucose P'n

2. glycolysis

3. glycogen synthesis

4. FA synthesis
insulin at the muscle:

1. inhibits glycogenolysis

2. increases glucose uptake into muscle
(via GLUT4 translocation to memb.)

3. increases glycogen synthesis

4. inc. prot. synthesis
insulin at adipose tissue:

1. inc. glucose uptake
(via GLUT4)

2. inc. glycolysis

3. dec. release of FFA's

4. inc. FA conversion into TG's
(by increasing LPL activity)
3 effects of insulin:
1. increase glycogenesis in the liver

2. increase glycogenesis, protein synthesis in the muscle

3. inc. FFA conversion into TG's at adipose tissue
effects of glucagon:

1. decreased glucose uptake into cells

2. increased protein breakdown

3. increased lipolysis
=> inc. FFA's
(=> ketogenesis in absence of glucose)
exocrine ~~

- whereas endocrine secretes directly into blood
functional unit of the endocrine pancreas =
islets of Langerhans
**histo feature of islets:**
salt and pepper nucleus

- salt = light nucleus
- pepper = dark chromatin

- also seen in tumors of islet cell proliferation
glucagon is released from the:
alpha cells

at the periphery
somatostatin is synthesized in:
D cells,

sparsely scattered throughout islet
breakdown of incidence of DM1 vs DM2:
DM1 = 10%,

DM2 = 90%
features of DM1:

1. onset <20 y.o.

2. **abrupt onset**

3. **often presents with DKA already**

4. AI

5. markedly-decreased Beta-cell mass

6. markedly reduced circulating insulin level

7. insulinitis/lymphocytes

8. fibrosis if late

9. genetics = AR

10 ~~ HLA-DR3, DR4

11. GAD-positive

12. WIDELY-fluctuating glucose levels on the same day

13. acetone fruity breath

14. AMS

15. environment has no bearing
**body can compensate for Beta-cell destruction incredibly well; won't see DM1 effects until:
90% of the Beta-cells are gone
9 features of DM2:
1. onset >20

2. **gradual, often asymptomatic**

3. **~~obesity, HTN, CV dz**

4. stronger genetic correlation than DM1

5. increased insulin until pancreas becomes exhausted

6. circulating insulin level can be normal or even elevated

7. **amyloid deposition**

8. can also see fibrosis

9. **GRADUAL increase in blood glucose, over years**
where does amyloid deposition of DM2 come from?
amylin, a peptide hormone secreted with insulin

- note: you can see amyloid deposition in elderly, but it's not necessarily DM2
pancreatic endocrine tumors can be:
functioning or nonfunctioning
2 syndromes with which pancreatic endocrine tumors are associated:
1. MEN1

2. VHL dz
cytologic atypia is not reliable for:
distinguishing between benign and malignant tumors

- seen in both
a dx of malignancy requires:

1. direct invasion into peripancreatic tissues


2. the presence of mets
features of Insulinoma:

1. m.c.

2. benign

3. *functioning*

4. can induce *severe hypoglycemia**
(secretion NOT influenced by blood glucose level)

5. small (<3 cm)

6. tx of choice = surgery
(can be hard to localize though)
features of gastrinoma:

1. next m.c.

2. G-cells are not endemic to islets

3. cause ZE Syndrome

4. ~malignant
ZE Syndrome:
gastrinoma (made up of G cells) releases excess gastrin

=> severe peptic ulcers of duodenum and jejunum
features of glucagonoma:

1. rare

2. mostly malignant

3. **large, invade surrounding structures**

4. ~~ mild diabetes, necrolytic migratory erythema, anemia, venous thrombosis, and severe inf's
features of somatostatinoma:

rare, malignant

associated with mild diabetes, gallstones, steatorrhea, hypochlorhydria
features of VIPoma:

1. rare

2. explosive watery diarrhea

3. hypokalemia

4. hypochlorhydria

5. usually large

6 usually malignant
acinar pattern ~~
ductal pancreatic tumors are far more common than endocrine pancreatic tumors, but:
endocrine ones are far more aggressive
"functioning" endocrine pancreatic tumor depends on:
whether it can secrete the product
main feature of microadenomas of the endocrine pancreas (<0.5 cm):
3 meds for Insulinoma:
1. Diazoxide
(inhibits insulin secretion)

2. Octreotide

3. small frequent meals
remember that endocrine pancreatic tumors can occur with:

+ pituitary tumor, +PT gland hyperplasia/adenoma
both DM1 and DM2 can present with:

due to diuretic effect of glucose leaving kidneys