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49 Cards in this Set

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Which teeth are candidates for endodontic treatment? (4)
1. teeth with pulpal pathology
2. teeth with periradicular pathology
3. prior to crown fabrication which will lead to pulp involvement
4. extraction contraindicated due to medical reasons
When may extractions be contraindicated due to medical reasons?
IV bisphosphenate therapy (affect ability of bone to heal)
H&N radiation therapy
What are some contraindications against endodontic therapy? (4)
- non restorable teeth
- inadequate peridontal support
- non strategic teeth when there is no future indication for retaining these teeth
- vertical root fracture
Major steps in non-surgical endodontic therapy
1. access preparation
2. working length determination
3. debridement
4. cleaning and shaping (MAF)
5. master cone
6. obtruation
7. cleaning pulp chamber
8. temp filling
9. final resoration (coronal seal)
How many radiographs are indicated for a RCT?
6 total
1. pretreatment 2 x PA
2. Trial file for PWL
3. MAF
4. MAC
5. Post treatment
What should be included in an endo tray set up for access preparation?
- mirror
- periodontal probe (to check for root fracture)
- cotton pliers
- DG 16 explorer
- spoon excavator
- rulers
Which items should you make sure are in your endo bur block for access preparation?
- FG carbide fissure (regular and surgical)
- FG #4 round carbide fissure
- FG safe-ended tapered tungsten carbide
- latch #4 and #6 round carbide (surgical low speed)
which burs are recommened for intial access?
- FG carbide fissure (regular and surgical)
- FG #4 round carbide fissure
Which burs are recommended to prepared canal walls?
- FG safe-ended tapered tungsten carbide
Which burs are recommened for refining and shaping of the access prep floors and walls?
- latch #4 and #6 round carbide (surgical low speed)
Features of a completed accesss prep
- expose full extend of pulp chamber incl pulp horns
- allow for locating the canal orifice
- provide straight line access into the canal
- provide access for cleaning and shaping
- provide access for obtruation
- never result in unnecessary sacrifice of dentin
How to access anterior teeth?
1. direct bur 90º to the clinical crown in the middle 1/3
2. once bur has entered pulp chamber you should feel a drop
3. redirect bur to the long access of the root
4. using DG16 confirm pulp chamber has been entered, check for catches, help verify straight line access
T/F: the DG16 explorer is the same on both ends
false. the two ends have differing angulations
What are the rules for outline form?
1. determined by the pulp chamber anatomy
2. refers to shape of external opening only
3. goverened by the need for straight line access to apical 1/3
4. varies for individual teeth
Outline form for max central, lateral and canine?
central: triangular
lateral: triangular or ovoid
canine: ovoid
Outline form for mand central, lateral and canine?
What is the Radiographic Length (RL)?
distance from referance point to apex
What is the provisional working length?
Radiographic length -1mm
If upon WL determination using trial file radiograph, the WL is 1mm short of apex, how much would this affect your actual WL?
it wouldn't affect it at all.
PWL = WL in this case
If upon WL determination using trial file radiograph, the WL is 1.5 mm short of apex, how much would this affect your actual WL? Would you need another radiograph
adjust PWL by 0.5mm

PWL +0.5 = WL

NO NEED for another radiograph
If upon WL determination using trial file radiograph, the WL is 2.1 mm short of apex or 0.1mm past apex, how much would this affect your actual WL?
Need to adjust trial file accordingly and TAKE ANOTHER RADIOGRAPH.

PWL -1.1 = WL
PWL +1.1 = WL
Where is:
apical constriction
anatomcal apex
radiographic apex
- apical constriction located at opening of root canal to orifice (aka minor foramen)
- anatomical apex is the last point before exiting canal apically (aka major foramen)
- radiographic apex = longest point of tooth
Why is WL set at 1mm short of RL?
anatomically, the apical constriction (aka minor foramen) can locate anywhere from 0.5 to 2mm short of the radiographic apex
- based on average distance, the consitrciotn is considered to be 1mm coronal to the radiographic apex
What are the consequences of intrumenting the canal short of or beyond the apical contriction?
beyond: performation of PA area
short: distal void could lead to root canal failure (?)
What is the cutting length of all files?
What is the DO and D16 for a size 6 file?
0.06mm DO
0.38mm D16 (DO + (0.6*16mm))
Which files type can be used in a filing motion
K files
Which files can be used in a balancing form motion
Which files can be used in a reaming motion?
reamers only
Which files have a square symbol associated? triangle? circle?
square K files
circle hedstroem
triangle reamers
What types of files in the ubc endo kit come as 06-10, 60-140?
Stainless steal K files
What types of files in the ubc endo kit come as size 15-25?
Flex stainless steel K files
What type of files in the ubc endo kit come as size 20-50?
Flexible niti K files
What does it mean to recaptiulate?
return to WL with small file (#10 or #15) and take progressively larger files to full WL

- used to remove canal debris in the apical third that would other wise block instrumentation to full WL
Gate gliden at ________ cutting burs.
side cutting burs
FIrst file to bind at WL is size 15, what is the MAF?
Coronal and apical preparation in step back?
coronal flaring using GG burs and circumferential filing

apical prep using step back instrumentation (increase 5 files up and reduce file length each time by 0.5mm)
Benefits to using sodium hypochlorite for irrigation
- antimicrobial
- dissolves vital and necrotic pulp tissue
- dissolves organic component of dentin
- lubricant
- bleaching effect
3 ways to instrument curved canals
- filing motion with hand SS instruments (08-20)
- balancing force with hand nickel titanium files (25-50)
- rotary niti files : crowndown intrumentation
How ofter and how much irrigation?
after every file
0.2-0.5cc of irrigant
How to use gate glidden burs
- for coronal enlargment
- side cutting only
- go to resistance point approx mid-root level and withdraw the bur while it is rotating
Desired properties of filling material
- seal the canal apically and laterally
- bactericidal or not allow bacterial growth
- not irritate periapical tissues
- be sterile or easily disinfected
- easy to place in the canal
- radiopaque
- not staining
- does not shrink after placement
- easily removable
Types of root canal sealers
1. zn-oxide based : ROTH
2. resin based : AH plus
When to obtruate?
- after instrumentation complete
- healing of sinus tract
Techniques for obtruation
- lateral compaction
- vertical compaction
- thermoplasticized injection
- gutta percha carrier systems (ex gutta core)
Steps in obtruation (11)
1. irrigatio (NaOCl finse, EDTA rinse for 3 min OR Qmix as final irrigant)
2. Dry canal with paper points
3. Fit and form master cone
4. Add sealer to canal ( use file size one smaller than MAF, coat 1/3 of file w sealer)
5. Add sealer to master cone and insert
6. insert spreader to apical root third (D11T spreader to 1-2 mm from WL)
7. Remove spreader and add accessory cone(smaller than spreader, coat with sealer)
8. take trial cone film
9 burn off GP from orifice and condense
10. complete obtruation with spreader and accessory cones
11. restore access cavity with cavit, IRM, permanent restoration or post/core buildup
When if MAF film taken?
after ALL instrumentation is completed
What is a master cone?
A gutta percha cone that conforms to the apical preparation
What is a trial cone film?
a radiograph of a tooth with a master cone and one accessory cone in the canals