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45 Cards in this Set

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What does adrenal cortex secrete?
cortisol, aldosterone and other mineralocorticoids, and weak androgens.
ACTH as a trophic factor
Deficiency results in atrophy of the zona fasciculata and reticularis.
Synthesis of ACTH
In corticotroph cells of ant pit as part of proopiomelanocortin.

Cleavage gives rise to ACTH, endorphins, melanocyte stimulating hormone.
What stimulates ACTH release?
CRF and vasopressin.
Best time to test for adrenal insuff and adrenal hyperfun
insuff - 8AM (when levels should be high)

hyperfunction - midnight (when levels shoul dbe low)
Cortisol and mineralocorticoid receptor
Has high affinity, but 11-OHSD enzyme converts cortisol to cortisone which is inactive.

So 11-OHSD protects mineralocort receptor from being overwhelmed by the much higher [] of cortisol compared to aldosterone.

But in case of chronic cortisol excess, you get mineralocorticoid effects (sodium retention and HTN)
Aldosterone and glucocrticoid receptors
Has high affinity, but the [] is very very low.

Usually don't ever get the [] high enough to get glucocort effects (even in pathological states).
pure, potent glucocorticoid (high affin for receptor). Has lower affin to transcortin so more of it is free. And has long half-life.

Prednisone is the inactive form of this.
Metab of cortison
Measure metabolism with [] of 17-hydroxysteroids.
Mechanism of endogenous glucocorticoids - why we have them
the prevent body's normal reactions to stress from becoming overactive and harmful.

anti-inflamm, suppress ADH, suppress PGs, bradykinin, cytokines, prevent hypoglycemia (less uptake of glucose, less insulin secretion, stimulates glucagon secretion), suppression of neuropeptides.
Sx of chronic adrenal insuff
This is Addison's disease

Fatigue, loss of app, weight loss, abdon complaints, lightheadednes.
Acute adrenal insuff sx
fever, CV collapse refractory to pressor support.
Waterhouse-Friderichsen's syndrome
Rapid damage to adrenal glands (e.g. hemorrhagic destruc) in pts with severe bacterial sepsis or coagulopathies.
Mineralocorticoid deficiency in prim (adrenal) or secondary (pit/hypo) adrenal insuff?
Only in primary.

With secondary, AII can still stimulate aldosterone.
Androgen def sx seen in men or women with adrenal insuff?

with men, the testes still function and compensate.
Manifestations of aldosterone deficiency
Hypovolemia (can't conserve sodium) --> postural hypotension, weight loss, inc ADH, hyponatremia, increased renin.

Impaired renal sec of potassium and H+ --> hyperkalemia and mild metabolic acidosis.
Sx of primary vs. secodnary adrenal insuff
With secondary, you will not have hyperpigmentation (less ACTH), will have hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, GH def, and also sx related to mass lesion (HA, visual dist, diabetes insip, CN palsies).
3 factors leading to impaired renal water handling in pt with adrenal insuff
1. hypotension bc poor vasc tone.

2. mineralocorticoid def impairs kidney's abil to form free water in distal nephron (only with primary adrenal insuff). This also gives hyperkalemia.

3. inc ADH to reliev hypotension which leads to hyponatremia.

So hyperkal + hyponat = primary.
only hyponat = secondary.
Cosyntropin test
For adrenal insuff.

Reponse of adrenal glands to exogenous ACTH.

If primary adrenal insuff is there, exog ACTH will not stimulate cortisol secretion. This test will also be abnormal if secondary adrenal insuff was there for so long that adrenal glands atrophied.

Hypoglycemic challenge
For adrenal insuff.

Hypoglycemia stimulates release of CRF, ACTH and cortisol.

But if there is no response of cortisol (check GH too...) and adrenal glands are normal, the issue is with pit or hypothal.

This is risky to do with a pt who has primary adrenal insuff (life-threatening adrenal crisis)
tx of primary adrenal insuff
glucocort and/or mineralocort admin

Can't monitor cortisol or ACTH levels (short half-life). Need to monitor based on sx.

Should rx minimal dose to avoid SEs.

With stress, need to increase dose.

wear medic-alert bracelet.
Sx of best PPV with glucocort excess
proximal muscle weakness/atrophy, osteoporosis in males or premeno women, spont bruising, hypokalemia (will have this if pt is on diuretics).
What does aldosterone do?
Retains Na+ and H2O. Secretes K+
Mild Cushing's syndrome present similarly to...
PCOS, metabolic syndrome or obesity with diabetes.
Hallmark of Cushing's syndrom
lack of normal diurnal variation of cortisol levels.
Can an abnormal overnight dexamethasone suppression test establish dx of Cushing's Syndrome?
No - relatively low specificty.

Note - using dexameth because it won't be read as cortisol in the assay the next morning. But prednisone or prednisolone would.
21-hr urinary free cortisol
for cushing's

need to measure creatinine too. to make sure collection was complete.

good to confirm the dx (high specificity).
paradigm to confirm dx of cushings
obrain midnight salivary cortisol or do dexameth supp first, then if either of these is abnormal, do 24-hour UFC.
Gold-standard to dx Cushing's
low dose dexamethasone suppression test.

cumbersome - many consec days of 24-hr urine collection.

pt with Cushing's will not suppress cortisol in response to dexamethasone.
Things that give false + in dexameth overnight test
failure to take the dex at the right time
also rx phenytoin (induces metab of dexamethasone)
estrogen, pregnancy or obesity raise transcortin and make the cortisol appear higher than it actually is.
Cushing's DISEASE
Cushing's syndrome resulting from abnormalities of pituitary or rarely the hypothal.

Thsi si the most cmomon cause of cortisol excess.
Nelson's syndrome
When Cushing's DISAESE is tx with bilateral adrenectomy and there is an increase in size of pituitary gland because of the lack of feedback inhibition.

Note - treating by removing adrenals is way off. Problem was at the pituitary.
Ectopic ACTH prod
Small cell CA of the lung and bronchial carcinoids are most common agents.

Sx suggested by occurence of Cushing's in older male, sx of brief duration, hyperpigmentation, hypokalemia and alkalosis, minimal Cushingoid features (because of short duration of the disease)
Do ACTH secreting pituitary tumors respond to CRF?

But ectopic ACTH producers do not.
Exception with bronchial carcinoid tumors
Pts with this tumor will often suppress cortisol production in response to ectopic ACTH.

But usually, ectopic
How to differentiate pituitary from ectopic Cushing's syndrome
Gold standard for diagnosis - petrosal sinus sampling.

Venous drainage from pituitary is in these sinus and lateralization remains.

CRF injected. with pituit, ACTH will increase. With ectopic, it will not.

Gradient in ACTH of 3-fold btwn petrosal sinus and periph vein is indicative of pituitary issue.

This can also lateralize the tumor.
Tx of Cushing's
Surgical removal of the pituit tumor, adrenal tumor, or ectopic source of ACTH.

If not possible, then do drug therapy that blocks adrenal hormone synthesis.
Conn's syndrome
Adrenal tumor secreting mineralocorticoids (results in HTN and hypokalemia).
Where do pheochromocytomas arise from?
adrenal medulla (not cortex).
Effects of prescribed glucocorticoids
Stim gluconeogenesis, inhib protein/FA synth, impairs Ca++ abs from intestine and inhibits osteoblast activity, anti-inflammatory.
How to minimize SEs of glucocorticoids
Caloric restriction, supplemental Vit D, calcium and bisphosphonate therapy to counter the adverse effects on bones.
Last page of notes has a chart of drugs
do we have to know it?
Which zones for which end-products?
Reticularis - sex steroids

Fasiculata - cortisol

Glomerulosa - aldosterone.
Stain very characteristic for pheochromocytoma lesion
synaptophysin immunoreactivity
What to do when you find an adrenal mass in a healthy person?
Urinary collection of manyllmandelic acid (VMA) and metanephrines to rule out occult pheochromocytoma.