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86 Cards in this Set

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1. You are ventilating an apneic 50-yr old woman with a bvm. Your partner is applying posterior pressure to the cricoid cartilage. After squeezing the bag and observing for visible chest rise, you should?
Ensure that the patient completely exhales.
2. You receive a call for a 49 yr old woman who passed out. The patient's husband tells you that they were watching TV when the incident occurred. No trauma was involved. The pt is semiconcious and has cyanosis to her lips. After opening her airway with the head tilt-chin lift manuever, you should ?
Insert a nasopharyngeal airway
3. A young female experienced massive facial trauma and is unresponsive. After several attempts, you are unable to adequately open her airway with the jaw-thrust manuever. you should?
Carefully tilt her head back and lift up on her chin.
4. You are administering oxygen to a woman with asthma who took two puffs of her prescribed inhaler without relief prior to your arrival. Your next action should be to?
Contact medical control for further advice
5. All of the following would cause an increased level of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood, except?
Deep rapid breathing
6. You are assessing a middle aged male who is experiencing respiratory distress. The pt has a hx of emphysema and HTN. He appears sleepy, has weak retractions, and has shallow, labored breathing, your MOST immediate action for this pt should be to?
Assist his ventilations with a bag mask device.
7. Occasional gasping breaths that be be observed shortly following cardiac arrest are called ______ respirations.
8. During your initial attempt to ventilate an apneic pt, you meet resistance and do not see the pt's chest rise. Your next action should be to?
Reposition the head and reattempt to ventilate.
9. When suctioning copious secretions from a semi-conscious adult's airway, you should?
Avoid touching the back of the airway with the suction catheter.
10. What should your first action be when treating a 40yr old man with rapid respirations?
Assess the regularity and quality of breathing
11. You are ventilating an unresponsive apneic 25yr old man. Everytime you squeeze the bag mask device, you hear gurgling in the upper airway. Your MOST immediate action should be to?
Quickly turn the pt onto his side so secretions can drain.
12. Which of the following devices should NOT be used in an unresponsive apneic pt with blunt chest trauma?
Oxygen powered ventilator
13. Which of the following yields the lowest minute volume?
Respiratory rate of 14 breaths/min; tidal volume of 300ml
14. Which of the following pt's obviously needs positive pressure ventilation assistance?
Responsive to pain only, respiratory rate of 8 breaths per min and shallow
15. A 22yr male crashed his motorcycle into a tree. He is found 20 ft away from his bike and is unresponsive. He is not wearing a helmet. You are unable to effectively open his airway with the jaw-thrust maneuver. What should you do?
Carefully tilt his head back and lift up on his chin
16. Assessing the tidal volume of an unresponsive pt is MOST effectively performed by?
Observing for chest rise during inhalation
17. The respiratory system functions by?
Bringing oxygen into the lungs and eliminating carbon dioxide.
18. Pulmonary surfactant serves which of the following functions?
It lubricates alveolar walls and allows them to expand and recoil.
19. Hypoxia is MOST accurately defined as?
Inadequate oxygen to the body's cells and tissues
20. A properly placed oropharyngeal airway ?
Keeps the tongue off of the posterior pharynx.
21. As you are ventilating an apneic pt using the one person bag valve mask technique, you note minimal rise of the chest each time you squeeze the bag. You should?
Evaluatethe mask to face seal and the position of the pt's head.
22. Prior to applying a non-rebreathing mask on a pt with difficulty breathing, you should ?
Prefill the resevoir bag to ensure delivery of 100% oxygen
23. Signs of inadequate breathing in an unconscious pt include?
A rapid respiratory rate
24. Which of the following represents the MOST correct technique for providing rescue breathing to an apneic adult?
Deliver each breath over 1 second at a rate of 10 to 12 breaths per min.
25. In which position should you place an uninjured semiconscious pt with a respiratory rate of 14 breaths per min and adequate tidal volume?
Lateral recumbent
26. You are called to treat a male pt who overdosed on heroin and is unconscious with shallow breathing and cyanosis to the face. The pt suddenly begins to vomit. What should you do first?
Turn the pt onto his side
27. You are dispatched to a residence for an elderly female who has possibly suffered a stroke. You find her lying supine in her bed. She is semiconscious; has vomited; and has slow, irregular breathing. You should?
Manually open her airway and suction her oropharynx.
28. You are assessing a 66 yr old male who has emphysema and complains of worsened shortness of breath. He is confused, has a heartrate of 120 breaths per min, and an oxygen saturation of 90%. Which of the following assessment findings should concern you the MOST?
29. A pt has severe facial injuries, inadequate breathing, and copious secretions coming from the mouth. How should this situation be managed?
Alternate suctioning for 15 seconds and ventilations for 2 minutes
30. A pt with a mild foreign body airway obstruction?
is typically not cyanotic
31. Which of the following processes occurs during cellular/capillary gas exchange?
The capillaries give up oxygen to the cells.
32. Shallow respirations will result in?
Decreased tidal volume
33. Which of the following injuries or conditions should be managed first?
Bleeding from the oral cavity
34. You are assessing an elderly man with respiratory distress. he is coughing up bloody sputum and has an oxygen saturation of 85%. You auscultate his breath sounds and hear loud crackles in all lung fields. This patient MOST likely has?
Congestive heart failure
35. A reduced tidal volume would most likely occur from?
Unequal chest expansion
36. A nonrebreathing mask is MOST appropriate to use on pt's who?
Have an adequate rate and depth of breathing
37. The MOST appropriate airway mgmt for a semiconscious pt with slow, shallow respirations includes?
A nasopharyngeal airway and assisted ventilation with a bag mask device.
38. You are administering oxygen at 15 L/min via a nonrebreathing mask to a pt with respiratory distress. If you are using a D cylinder (cylinder constant, 0.16) which reads 1500 psi, how long will it take before you need to replace the oxygen cylinder?
14 minutes
39. Which of the following statements regarding artificial ventilation of an apneic pt who has dentures is MOST correct?
Tight-fitting dentures should be left in place because they facilitate the delivery of adequate tidal volume.
40. The most effective method for determining whether you are providing adequate artificial ventilation is?
Assessing the chest for adequate rise
41. In an unresponsive pt who has not sustained trauma, how are respirations of 16 breaths/min with good chest expansion most appropriately managed?
An airway adjunct and oxygen via nonrebreathing mask
42. An unresponsive apneic pt's chest fails to rise after two ventilation attempts. you should?
Immediately proceed to chest compressions
43. A 33yr old female complains of acute respiratory distress. She is conscious but anxious,l and tells you that she has a hx of asthma. She took two puffs of her albuterol rescue inhaler prior to your arrival, but states that it did not help. Her oxygen saturation reads 90% and you hear scattered wheezing while auscultating her lungs. You should?
Administer high flow oxygen, contact medical control to request permission to assist her with another albuterol treatment, and prepare to transport.
44. Which of the following describes the most correct method for inserting a nasopharyngeal airway?
Insert the device with the bevel facing the septum.
45. Which of the following processes occurs during inhalation?
The intercostal muscles and diaphragm both contract.
46. The method by which you administer supplemental oxygen to a hypoxic pt depends MOSTLY on the ?
Severity of hypoxia and adequacy of breathing
47. During the inhalation phase of breathing?
Pressure within the thorax decreases and air is drawn into the lungs.
48. Prescribed inhalers, such as albuterol (Ventolin), relieve respiratory distress by ?
Relaxing the smooth muscle of the bronchioles.
49. Tidal volume is best defined as the ?
Volume of air inhaled in a single breath.
50. Oxygen that is administered through a nasal cannula would be of LEAST benefit to the pt who?
Breathes through her mouth
51. The lower airway begins at the ?
52. In which of the following situations should the jaw-thrust maneuver be used?
When the mechanism of injury is unclear.
53. An elderly woman with COPD presents with a decreased level of consciousness, cyanosis to her face and neck, and labored respirations. Her pulse is rapid and weak and her oxygen saturation is 78%. You should?
Assist her ventilations with a bag mask device and high flow oxygen.
54. If a 29 yr old male presents with a respiratory rate of 26 breaths per min, you should?
Evaluate his mental status and the depth of his respirations.
55. After an adult cardiac arrest pt has been intubated by a paramedic, you are providing ventilations as your partner performs chest compressions. When ventilating the pt, you should?
Deliver each breath over 1 second at a rate of 8 to 10 breaths per min.
56. Which of the following statements regarding the head tilt-chin lift maneuver is most correct?
It can only be used temporarilyand must be replaced by an airway adjunct.
57.You and your partner are ventilating an apneic adult female with a bag mask device and 100% oxygen. her pulse rate is 130 beats per min and she has cyanosis to her face and chest. The MOST reliable indicator of adequately performed ventilations in this pt is ?
A decrease in her heart rate to 100 beaths per min.
58. While managing a pt with acute shortness of breath, you prepare and apply a nonrebreathng mask set at 12L/min. The pt pulls the mask away from his face, stating that it is smothering him. You should next?
Reassure the pt and apply a nasal cannula instead.
59. A 56 yr old man has labored, shallow breathing at a rate of 28 breaths per min. He is conscious, but extremely restless. Airway mgmt should consist of?
Positive pressure ventilation
60. When ventilating an apneic adult pt with a bag valve mask device, you must make sure that ?
An airway adjunct has been inserted.
61. Which of the following listings of techniques and devices represents the correct order of preference for providing artificial ventilation?
Pocket mask, two person BVM, flow-restricted oxygen powered ventilation device, one person BVM
62. Ventilation is MOST accurately defined as the ?
Exchange of air between the lungs and the environment.
63. Which of the following is the MOST reliable indicator that you are delivering adequate tidal volume when ventilating an apneic pt with a bag mask device?
The chest visibly rises with each breath.
64. Agonal respirations are not adequate because they are ?
Infrequent, gasping respiratory efforts.
65. Which of the following ventilation techniques will enable you to provide the greatest tidal volume and allow you to effectively assess lung compliance?
One rescuer mouth to mask ventilation.
66. Which of the following clinical findings is MOST consistent with a long history of a respiratory disease?
A barrel shaped chest
67. At the peak of the inspiratory phase, the alveoli in the lungs contain?
More oxygen than carbon dioxide
68. As you begin your assessment of an unresponsive man who fell approximately 20 feet from a roof, you should first?
Manually stabilze the patient's head and perform a jaw-thrust maneuver.
69. A 60 yr old female presents with acute respiratory distress. She is alert and oriented, but restless. Her respiratory rate is 26 breaths per min with adequate chest expansion and clear breath sounds. What is the most appropriate method of airway management for this patient?
Supplemental oxygen with a non rebreathing mask
70. Which of the following statements regarding artificial ventilation of an apneic patient who has dentures is MOST correct?
Tight fitting dentures should be left in place because they facilitate the delivery of adequate tidal volume.
71. The method by which you administer supplemental oxygen to a hypoxic patient depends MOSTLY on the ?
Severity of hypoxia and adequacy of breathing.
72. When ventilating an apneic patient, you note decreased ventilatory compliance. This means that?
The lungs are difficult to ventilate.
73. Which of the following processes occurs during inhalation?
The intercostal muscles and diaphragm both contract.
74. During the initial assessment of a trauma patient, you note massive facial injuries, weak radial pulses, and clammy skin. What should be your immediate concern?
Potential obstruction of the airway.
75. Patients with hypoxic drive are?
Stimulated to breathe by low oxygen levels in the blood.
76. The respiratory functions by?
Bringing oxygen into the lungs and eliminating carbon dioxide.
77. If the level of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood increases?
The respiratory rate and depth increase.
78. Which of the following signs or symptoms is MOST indicative of cerebral hypoxia?
Decreased level of consciousness
79. You are dispatched to a residence for an elderly female who has possibly suffered a stroke. You find her lying supine in her bed. She is semiconscious; has vomited; and has slow, irregular breathing. You should?
Manually open her airway and suction her oropharynx.
80. A 60 yr old female is found unresponsive. She is cyanotic, is making a snoring sound while she breathes, and has a slow respiratory rate. You should?
Manually open her airway.
81. Shallow respirations will result in?
Decreased tidal volume.
82. You are performing abdominal thrusts on a 19yr old mae with a severe airway obstruction when he becomes unresponsive. After lowering him to the ground and placing him in a supine position, you should?
Open his airway and look in his mouth.
83. You receive a call for a 49 yr old female who passed out. The patient's husband tells you that they were watching TV when the incident occurred. No trauma was involved. The patient is semiconscious and has cyanosis to her lips. After opening her airway with the head tilt chin lift maneuver, you should?
Insert a nasopharyngeal airway.
84. A young female experienced massive facial trauma and is unresponsive. After several attempts, you are unable to adequately open her airway with the jaw-thrust maneuver. You should?
Carefully tilt her head back and ift up on her chin.
85. A patient has severe facial injuries, inadequatre breathing, and copious secretions coming from the mouth. How should this situation be managed?
Alternate suctioning for 15 seconds and ventilations for 2 minutes.
11. An unresponsive pt's respirations are 26 breaths per min and shallow. The most appropriate management includes?
Assisted ventilations with 100% oxygen.