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55 Cards in this Set

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network of nerve cells in the brain stem that constantly transmit envir. and sensory stimuli to and from the cerebrum
reticular activating system
when a patient loses some or all ability to speak, feel, or move
neurological deficit
stroke that develops from a clot formed at the site of occlusion
thrombotic stroke
stroke caused by a clot that travels from an area away from the occluded site
ischemic stroke
stroke caused by bleeding in the arteries at the brain
hemorrhagic stroke
plaque develops in the arteries and causes them to narrow
formation of plaque in the arteries
occlusion caused by clots (ischemic stroke)
temporary condition with same symptoms as a stroke,typically lasts 10-15 minutes
TIA Transient Ischemic Stroke
Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale includes...
Facial Droop, Arm Drift, Abnormal speech
Low blood glucose level is suspected with a reading less than
60 mg/dL
LA Stroke Scale Screen
45yrs +, history of seizures, duration of symptoms, wheelchair/bedridden, glucose level, smile, grip, arm strength
headache caused by vasodilation or inflammation in the cranium, (migraines)
headache characterized by pain on one side of the head, excessive tearing, runny nose
cluster headache
headache caused by contraction of the muscles of the neck and scalp
tension headache
headaches caused by tumors, infection, stroke, or inflammatory disorders
organic, traction, or inflammatory
sudden temporary alteration of brain function caused by massive, continuing electrical discharges in a group of nerve cells
brief trancelike stages of inattention or unresponsive and jerky muscle contraction
chronic brain disorder characterized by reccurent seizures
seizure involving both hemispheres of the brain and the reticular activating system
generalized seizure
seizure related to abnormal activity in one hemisphere of the brain
partial seizure
generalized motor seizure that last more than 5 minutes. requires aggressive airway management
status epilepticus
"Grand Mal" is also known as
generalized tonic clonic seizure
sensory perception of the patient that the seizure is a bout to happen
muscle tense up, contract, rigid with arching back
tonic phase
extreme rigidity with hyperextension of the back
hypertonic phase
muscle spasms alternate with relaxation, nproducing a jerky activity
clonic phase
recovery phase of a seizure
postictal state
focal motor seizure, one hemisphere, affects one area of the body, arm, leg, etc. uncontrollable but alert/awake
simple partial seizure
psychomotor/temporal lobe seizure, last 1-2 min., awake but unaware of surroundings, blank stare, followed by random activivty-chewing, lip smacking...
complex partial seizure
seizures that occur in children 6mo - 6yrs of age, from a sudden spike in fever
febrile seizure
seizure characterized by blank stare for a few seconds, beginning and ending abruptly
Absence(petit mal) seizure
fainting caused by a short term lack of blood flow to the brain. (possibly short period of jerky muscle movement)
disease that frequently causes changes in the patients mental status resulting from blood glucose levels
diabetes mellitus
simple sugars in the blood are (3)
glucose, galactose, and fructose
two hormones primarily responsible for controlling the levels of glucose are
insulin and glucagon, both secreted by the pancreas
three functions of insulin are
movement of glucose out of blood in to the cells, causes liver to take glucose from blood and convert it to glycogen, regulates/decreases glucose levels by these actions
glucagons three functions are
converting glycogen stored in the liver back to glucose, converts other noncarbohydrates into glucose, regulated/increases blood glucose level by these actions
normal blood glucose level
70/80-120 mg/dL
three major food sources for the bodys cells are
carbs(primary), protein and fats
three major sources of carbs are
sucrose, lactose, and starches
complex sugars are broken down in the digestive tract into simple sugars called
glucose, galactose, and fructose
some cels are able to use fats and proteins, however the brain cels are only able to use
the two hormones responsible for controlling glucose levels are
insulin and glucagon
normal blood glucose level is
hypoglycemia is a BGL less than
It is possible to get an inaccurate BGL reading from
improper use of the glucometer, expired test strips, or a poorly calibrated device
three P's, polydipsia, polyuria and polyphagia
frequent thirst, frequent urination, and frequent hunger
insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is Type __
Type 1
non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is Type __
Type 2
the peak age for the onset of Type 1 diabetes is age __-__
the most common cause of coma in the diabetic patient is
hypoglycemia is commonly referred to as "_____ _____"
insulin shock
the function of epinepherine is to shut off the production of ____, increase the production of ____, which converts the stored ____ into ____
insulin, glucagon, glycogen, glucose
Oral glucose may be administered only if the patient meets these three criteria:
has an altered mental status, history of diabetes controlled by meds OR a BGL of less than 60mg/dL, and has the ability to swallow