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5 Cards in this Set

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Acetylsalicylic Acid


Trade Name: Apririn (ASA)

Class: Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor

MOA: Delays clotting action by inhibiting platelet activation to slow or prevent further growth of clots

Indications: Ischemic chest pain

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, bleeding disorder, unconsciousness, GI bleed

Precautions: Impaired renal and hepatic function, bronchoconstriction, pregnancy, influenza and chickenpox

Adverse Effects: N&V, heartburn, bronchospasm, bleeding, urticaria

Dosage: 160-325mg po, must chew before swallowing



Trade Name: Adrenaline

Class: Sympathommetic, Adrenergic

MOA: Stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors in SNS, bronchodilation (beta2), produces postive chronotropic and inotropic effects (beta1), vasodilation (beta2) and vasoconstriction (alpha)

Indications: Anaphylaxis

Precautions: Use w/ caution in Pt's w/ pre-existing cardiac problem

Adverse Effects: Palpitations, angina, dysrythmia, N&V, headache, nervousness

Dosage: Adult - 0.3mg IM, Peds - 0.01mg/kg IM

Glucose (Oral)


Trade Name: Glucola, Insta-glucose

Class: Hyperglycemic Agent

MOA: Provides a quickly absorbed form of glucose to increase BGL

Indications: Conscious Pt with hypoglycemia, intact gag reflex

Contraindications: Decreased LOC, hyperglycemia

Precautions: N&V

Adverse Effects: N&V

Dosage: Adult/Pediatric - 25g administered



Trade Name: Ventolin

Class: Bronchodilator

MOI: stimulates beta receptors of lungs, uterus, vascular smooth muscle

Indications: Bronchospasm, respiratory distress

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity

Precautions: Use w/ caution in tachycardia, shouldn't be used in Pt's w/ acute heart failure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, hypokalemia

Adverse Effects: Tachycardia, palpitations, dizziness, headache, angina, anxiety

Dosage: Adult - 2.5-5.0mg, MDI min 6 puffs max 20. Ped - 0.15mg/kg diluted to 2.5ml saline via nebulizer, MDI min 2 puffs max 10

Ipratropium Bromide


Trade Name: Atrovent

Class: Anticholinergic, Bronchodilator

MOI: Decreased concentrations of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cyclic GMP) which produces local bronchodilation

Indications: Bronchospasm

Contraindications: Atropine, Pt w/ soy and peanut allergy

Precautions: Use w/ caution in Pt's w/ narrow angle glaucoma, prostatic hypotrophy, urinary retention, hypersensitivity to soy/nuts, avoid eyes

Adverse Effects: Dry mouth, vomiting, palpitations, headache, tremor, cough, flushing, dizziness

Dosage: Adult - 250-500mcg via nebulizer, Peds (5-11) - 25-250mcg