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40 Cards in this Set

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40 years old female

Hyperpigmentation of skin

After hx of bilateral Adrenalectomy

Nelson's Syndrome

( Removal of physiological feedback inhibition of ACTH production => ^^ACTH =>^^ Pigmentaion )

* ^= increased

21 y female:

Amenorrhea, vaginal dryness, galactorrhea

Examination: Bilateral Hemianopia


MX: Transphenoidal resection

PS: Anti-dopaminergic drugs may cause Hyperplocatemaemia

26 years old female,

Weight gain, menustrual irregular, Hirsuitism

Proximal muscle weakness

BP 150/100

Cushing's Syndrome

( ^ glucocortisol due to ^^ ACTH secondary to Pituitary tumor )

Moon-shaped face

Buffalo lump at neck

Centripetal Obestiy ( Trunkal Obesity )

Thin Skin

Bruises easily

Purple Straia

Cushing 's Disease

( Extra Sx )

Cushing's Investigation :

& Managment

Plasma ACTH

( If low - Adrenal Tumor )

If detectable , then do , High dose Dexamethasone

( differentiate b/n Ectopic ACTH & Pituitary origin)


Coritison Suppresion

( Good with pituitary origin , poor with ectopic ACTH)

28 years old female, chest tightness & Anxiety Attack

Hx of HTN , ECG : suggest Left ventricular Hypertrophy


( Sympathic Nervous System Tumor occurs in Adrenals in 90% - & 10 % Malignant )

Possible Extra Sx: Palpitaion , Paraxysmal high BP

Phaechromocytoma Investigation / Diagnosis


Urine test:

VMA : (Vanillylmandellic Acid)

HVA: (Homovanillalic Acid)

CT / MRI ( b/c its a tumor) of Abd

Mx: Before Surgical excision ( treatment of chip ice ) Stabelise HTN w/ alpha blocker ( Phenoxybenzamine )

40 years old female,

changing appearance , Deepening of Voice

Examination :

Coarse oily skin, Enlarged Tongue

Proximal Muscle weakness

Parasethia in both hands


( Over secretion of Growth Hormone, from a pituitary gland)

Extra Sx: Marcroglossia , spade like hands, headache , visual field defect

Assx with DM, Cardiomyopathy

Acromegaly Inv & Mx:

Oral Glucose, ^ Growth Factor ' paradoxical '

Increased Somatsomedin- C ( a.k.a. Insulin Like Growth factor / IGF-1 )


Give glucose 70 g Per Oral wait 90 min , then test GH ( Normal person GH will be suppressed ) in Acromegaly = GH ^increased


GH Suppresion : Somatostain

Transsphenoidal surgical excision

30 y woman with poor diet complains of bleeding gums

Deficiency of :

Vitamin C

It is involved in hydroxylation of proline to hydroxyproline, which is necessary for normal formation of collagen.

In this case Vit C deficicy lead to SCURVY

A 55 y with alcohol problems presents with

Nystagmus + Opthalmoplegia + ataxia , triad =

Deficiencies of


Dx: Wernicke's Encephalopathy

MX: urgent thiamin required to prevent progression to Korsakoff's Syndrome ( an irreversible condition characterized by anterograde and retrograde amnesia => resulting in 'Confabulation' (which means: fabricating imaginary experience to compensate for memory loss )

A 35 y pt recently diagnosed with coeliac disease complains of prolonged bleeding after a small cut. The prothrombin time is increased

Deficiency of :

Vitamin K

Coeliac disease results in malabsorpotion of Fat soluble (ADEK) . And there are multiple Vit k dependent clotting factors ( 1972 -II, VII,IX,X)

A 25 y African man presents with symmetrical dermatitis on sun-exposed skin, diarrhea and depression.

He has recently been on anti -TB Treatment

Deficiency of :

Nicotonic acid ( B6)

Dx: Pellagra

Causes : Isoniazid therapy (TB med)

Mechanism: ther is a predisposition to Pellagra in pt with carcinoid syndrome b/c TRYPTOPHAN (an aminoacid )metabolism is diverted away from nicotinamide produciton to produce amines

A 12 y boy presents with night-blindness

Deficiency of :

Vitamin A

Also can cause Xerophthamlmia ( dryness of conjunctiva and cornea of eye)

Signs: Bitot Spots ( white areas of keartinized epithelial cells seen in the conjunctiva of young children with Vit A Deficiency)

40 y woman treated with Spironolactone and Lisinopril for Heart Failure presents with BRADYCARDIA .

ECG: Tall tended T waves


Spironolactone( Aldosterone antagonist ) +Lisiinopril ( ACE Inhibitor =Risk of Hyperkalemia

But it is combined anyways due to improve survival

30 y woman presents with

tetany , perioral paraesthesia, Carpopedal spasm

After thyroid surgery


Due to inadvertent removal of Parathyroid gland

30 y man treated for systemic fungal infection presents with

muscle weakness, arrhythmia s, tetany

ECG: prolonged P-R interval, prominent U waves


S/E of Amphotericin (antifungal) mx secondary to increased renal loss.

Other ECG signs: Flattened T waves

50 y woman on TPN presents with

Red crusted lesions around the nostrils and corner of mouth

Zinc Deficiency

Due to TPN for long period

45 year old woman presents with

Thirst , abdominal pain, History of renal stones


Causes: malignancy , 1ry hyper-parathyroidism, sarcoidosis, thyrotoxicosis

Initial Mx: aggressive rehydration w/ IV fluids. Further therapy through treating underlying cause.

Biphophonates are useful if the cause was malignancy . The inhibit osteoclasts resorption of bone hence lower serum calcium levels.

55 y smoker presents with

wt loss, haemoptysis , Confusion

Urine osmolaltiy : 520 mosmol/kg, Serum sodium : 112 mold/l

SIADH : Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion

Is assx with malignancy, esp SCC of lung.

Or tumors of CNS, prostate, pancreas , thymus , lymphomas.

Other causes: Head injury, CNS disorders : i.e. meningioencephalitis, Metabolic disease: i.e. Porphyria

To Dx: pt need to be euvolmic, normal thyroid and adrenal function, low plasma osmolality , inappropriate high Urine osmolality.

Drugs that can cause it: Carbamepine( Anticonvulsant /analgesic ), Chloropromiode (mx DMII), Cyclophosphamide ( mx. Leukemia / lymphoma immune suppressing )

30 y man presents with Sx:

Polyuria, polydipsea.

Plasma sodium: 165 moll/l, plasma osmolality 310mosmol/kg, urine osmolality 190 mosmol/kg

Diabetes Insipidu

( Impaired water resorption by kidney as a result of lack of ADH secretion by Post Pituitary -' Cranial DI' or reduced sensitivity of kidneys to the action of ADH - 'Nephrogenic DI' )

High plasma osmolality + low Urine usmolality

Sx of each

(Feel thirty & need to replace ) + ( produciton of large amounts of very dilute urine )

45 y man with DM II presents with

Drowsiness and Dehydration .

Plasma sodium is 158 mmol/l

Glucose : 40 mmol/l

Hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma ( HONK)

A complication of DM II. Hx of uncontrolled DM / undiagnosed before presentation.

No acidosis.

Mx: IV fluid replacement with 0.9 % saline.

Insulin used with care. If glucose fall too rapid => rapid change in osmolality => cerebral oedema

Anticoagulant , due to risk of thrombosis

50 y with DM 1 , and hyperlipediam :

Mild hyponatremia . Plasma sodium : 125 mmol/l


False low plasma Na concentration due to hyperlipidaemia/ hyperprotenaemia

HypoNa assx with heavy proteinuria in a 55 y woman on long term Pencillamine treatment for Rheumatoid arthritis

Nephrotic Syndrome

=> hyperVolaemia with clinical evidence of Oedema i.e. Pedal edema .

Immuno complex glomerulonephritis is common with penicillamine and causes mild proteinuria .

Mx: drug must be stopped but can be resumed at a lower dose once problem is resolved

IF HeaVy proteinuria then its more serious and PERMANT withdrawal of treatment is needed

Disorder of sodium balance Investigations:

Normal range

Serum Sodium :

Plasma Osmolality :

Urine Osmolality :

Glucose :

S. Na: 135-145 mmol/l

P.Osm: 275-295 mosm/kg


-24-hr : 500-800 mosm/kg

-Random: 300-900 mosm/kg

-12 hr after fluid restriction : Above 850 mosm/kg

G: 70-100 mg/dL

80 y woman presents with

Wt loss, Back Pain

Inv: elevated ESR, marked excretion of immunoglobulin chains in the urine

Cause of hypercalcaemia ?


(Bone marrow tumor)

More than 1 g light chain excreted in the urine per day is a MAJOR criterion for Dx of myeloma.

Red flags: Wt loss, Elevated ESR

Mx: Biphosphonates may be used to treat the hyeprCa assx with Myeoloma.

Radiotherapy for bone pain relieve

35 y man presents with dry cough and SOB

CXR Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy

Cause of hypercalcaemia ?


The hx is usually the initial presentation in up to 50% of sarcoidosis pt.

Other cause of CXR finding : TB, malignancy, silicosis, , extrenisic allergic alviolitis

Higher incidence of sarcoidosis in Afreican -Carribbeans

35 y woman with Breast cancer complains of

Pain and tenderness over the upper lumbar region

Alkaline phosphatase 400 U/I

Cause of hypercalcaemia ?

Bone metastasis

Mx: NSAIDs i.e. Ibuprofen are good mx for pain of bone metastasis

55y smoker has recently been Dx with squamous cell lung cancer .

Bone scan unremarkable

Cause of hypercalcaemia ?

(Ectopic ) PTH-like hormone secretion

By Sq CC is relativiley rare cause of hypercalcaemia

Hypercalcaemia in a 45 y man after renal transplantation

Cause of hypercalcaemia ?

Tertiary hyperparathyroidism

Involves the development of autonomous parathyroid hyperplasia that occurs after long-standing secondary hyperparathyroidism.

Both plasma PH & Ca are raised

2ry hyperparathyroidism is physiological hypertrophy of parathyroid glands in response to hypOCa

Vit D def & choric Renal Failure are cause of 2ry hyperparathyroidism

DM: 50 y man with diabetes complains of impotence


DM: 65 y man presents with loss of sensation in a stocking distribution

Peripheral Neuropathy

Starts dismally thus = 'glove and stocking' distribution term

45 y woman with DM presents with Shiny areas on her skin with yelllowish color and overlying Tenalgiectasia

Necrobiosis Lipoidica

most common over the shins

PS: Pyoderma gangrenous is not a diabetic Complicaiton and involves the presence of nodulopustular ulcers. Assx with inflammatory bowel disease

50 y with DM presents with

Swollen joint with abnormal painless movement

'Charcot's joint'

It is a severe neuropathic arthropathy.

Also seen in Syringomelia ( Cervical spine have longitudinal cavities) and Tabes Dorsalis ( degenearation of neural tract n the dorsal column , syphilitic infection )

85 y old person with DM :

Painful wasting of quadriceps muscles of the right leg with absent knee reflex. Area is very tender

Diabetic Amyotrophy

Due to untreated diabetes in elderly pt

Sx: painful proximal motor neuropathy of lower limbs , then weakness and wasting of thigh muscles.

Improve on glycaemic control

A 45 y man with DM II presents with hyperglycaemic, hyperosmolar, non-Ketotic Coma.

Blood glucose: 40 mmol/l


0.9 % saline + Insulin + Heparin

Initial mx involves treating the severe hyperglycaemia & dehydration that has occured.

Assx wth high risk of thrombosis and hence Heparin

First-line Mx of a 19 y with diabetes and metabolic ketoacidosis

0.9%saline + IV insulin + Metformin

Medical emergency : Fluid replacement ( 0.9 % saline)

IV infusion Insulin ( for hyperglycaemia )

Continued until ketones are absent from urine .

IF bl. Gl fall below 12 mmol => 10% glucose solution

Regular K supplements due to rapid fall of K as soon as Insulin therapy stopped.

A 25 y athlete with type 1 diabetes is brought to A & E. he is unconscious with blood glucose level of 1.0n mmol/I


IV 50 % glucose

Immediate glucose. Oral is difficult due to risk of aspiration , if outside of hospital substitute IV with Glucagon SC/IM

A 21 y man with type 1 diabetes presents with dizziness. On ex: alert and no abnormalities are detected

Glucose 1 mmol/l


Oral glucose

( cause he is conscious )

50 y man with sx of tiredness. Fasting glucose 6.8 mmol/l which rises to 10.7 after oral glucose tolerance test



Impaired glucose tolerance rather than frank diabetes.

Lifestyle measure is important witherways