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102 Cards in this Set

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universal life

flexibility in premium AND death benefit

transparency: you can see all the charges

universal death benefit options

Option A: level death benefit

Option B: death benefit can increase with cash value

VARIABLE universal life

flexibility with premium and death benefit

DIFFERENCE: the policy owner makes investment choice and decision from a menu of funds

Guaranteed death benefit, but no guaranteed cash value

more likely than death during working years; and more devastating financially than breadwinner's death

disability risk

ratio of people being permanently disabled before 65

1 in 10

2 problems associated with disability risk

adverse selection and moral hazard

sick leave plans

pays full income starting from first day of sickness/disability

paid time-off programs


paid vacation days


personal days

probationary period for sick days

1-3 months

sick-leave general

- generally limited to full time employees

- employees can earn a certain amount of sick leave every so often up to some maximum

- if you leave before claiming you get dollar value of time away.

types of disability plans

short term

long term

short term disability coverage

- usually less than 6 months

- insured or self-insured

long- term coverage

waiting period

payout period can be rest of life (or 65)

insured or self-insured

disability insurance

moral hazard concern

waiting period

less than full wage replacement

eligibility requirement- short term less stringent than long term

common exclusions for both long term and short term disability insurance (4)

- self-inflicted wounds

- not under physician's care

- injury prior to being covered

- employee making money at another job

common exclusions for LTDI (5)

- preexisting medical conditions

- alcoholism or drug addiction (limited benefit period)

- mental disease

- participation in assault or felony

- war

short term insurance definition

- the ability to perform each and every duty of regular occupation

long term insurance definition

dual definition:-

- first, like short-term definition: 2 years

provide partial (+ work) disability benefits

why are disability benefits never full salary

- moral hazard

- favorable tax increment

- expenses may be less

there is a weekly or monthly dollar maximum

elimination period

time deductible: usually 1-7 days

purpose is to reduce costs and discourage unwarranted absences

applies to each disability

LTDI benefit period

elimination period is 3-6 months (corresponds to STDI coverage period)

duration can vary from 2 years til a lifetime

benefit duration may vary by age: shorter period for older workers (ok under ADEA)

coordination with other benefits

most group disability plans are integrated with:

coverage for short term insurance

- most cover just non-occupational injuries and use worker's compensation for the other

short term and long term coverage is based on

training, education, and experience

payout for long term disability

percentage of income with a maximum limit

why do you not get full percentage of salary? (3)

- prevent moral hazard

- favorable tax increment

- expenses may be less

elimination period for STDI

1-7 days

purposes for the elimination period of STDI

- reduce costs

- discourage unwarranted absences

Elimination Period for LTDI

3-6 months

Duration of a LTDI

2 years to a lifetime

can a benefit duration variation by age? Is it ADEA compliant?

YES and YES! it is shorter for older workers and it is ok under the Age Discrimination Employment Act

disability plans are integrated with (3)

- worker's compensation

- social Security

- Pension Plan

can you coordinate disability plans with individual plans?

NO! its illegal!

Federal Taxation of Disability of the employER's contributions

are deductible

Federal Taxation of Disability for the employEE are used with pre or post tax dollars?

AFTER-tax dollars (post)

are employers contributions taxable income to the employee?

they are NOT taxable

Disability Income benefits and taxes: Portion based on employER contributions


Disability income benefits and taxes: portion based on employEE contributions

NOT taxable

Retirement plans minimum service requirement

no minimum per say; however the longest you can make them wait is ONE YEAR

caveat for minimum service requirement for retirement

TWO YEARS if there is immediate vesting

minimum age requirement for participation in retirement plans

no minimum age; however 21 is the highest age it can be

retirement plans must pass two types of tests:




types of Coverage tests (2)

Ratio Test and percentage test

formula for the ratio percentage test

lowly paid % covered DIVIDED BY

highly paid covered

>= 70%

Participation Tests

- at least 50 employees covered (eligible and choose to participate)

- at least 40% of eligible employees

who may be excluded from coverage tests? (4)

- employees not meeting age

- employees not meeting service

- employees included in a collective bargaining agreement

- employees who are non-resident aliens

when are you considered a highly compensated employee?

when you are one of two types of people:

- at least 5% owner

- receive compensation greater than 120,000

defined BENEFIT plans vesting

5 year cliff


3 to 7 year vesting

most common vesting for defined BENEFIT plans

5 year cliff

why are benefits reduced if you retire early? (4)

- benefit accrual period is shorter

- forgone interest earnings

- longer expectancy at retirement as oppose to someone who didn't

- no chance of death before retirement

benefits of late retirement

benefits will continue to accrue until they are maxed out

are there more defined contriubtion plans or more defined benefit plans currently?

defined contribution plans

what is the ratio of defined benefit plans to contribution plans

1 to 10

NOTE: same ratio of people that will be permanently disabled before 65

why are DB plans so unpopular? (7)

- DB plans are more expensive

- harder to administer

- put more risk on the employer

- increases cost pressure/competition

- employees switch jobs more often

- decline in collective bargaining/unions

- more part-time leased employees

does the benefit have to be related to the compensation level? by how much?

No, there does not need to be related to the compensation level

defined benefits are insured by whom?

PBGC- pension benefit guarantee corportation

defined benefit plan favors which type of employee

those that enter in at a later age

reasonable income replacement ratio


two defined benefit formulas

- flat benefit formulas

- unit benefit formula

flat benefit formulas (2)

flat amount

flat percentage

what is the actual flat amount per year during retirement?

10,000 per year during retirement

what is the actual flat percentage

50% of final salary

unit benefit is based on what criteria

length of service

can unit benefit vary with compensation?

trick question; it may or may not

past service yearly benefit formula:

yearly benefit = (2%)(years of service)(final salary)

definition of an accrued benefit for defined benefit plans

plans in which the employee is entitled to a benefit but not full benefits because they terminated before they retire (or if the employer terminated the plan)

rules for accrued benefit (3)

- 3% rule

- 133.33 % rule

- fractional rule

formula for 3% rule

(3%)(years of service)($ amount of benefit)

133.33% rule

growth rate of accrual cannot exceed 133.33% of prior year

exempted from the three rules (3%,133.3%, and fractional) if: (2)

- accrued benefit is not less than surrender cash value


- insurance is paid up, no loans are outstanding, and there is not security interest

formula for fractional rule

= (retirement rate if continued to normal retirement age) x (years of actual participation DIVIDED BY years participated)

NOTES regarding accrual benefit

if it mentions a minimum time necessary to work at a company==> FRACTIONAL RULE

vesting for a defined CONTRIBUTION plan (2)

3 year cliff


2 to 6 year graded vesting

**NOTE: it's 5 year cliff and 3 to 7 year graded for defined BENEFIT

percentage of america that is currently uninsured


individual mandate for ACA

required to maintain coverage or pay a penalty

til what age are you covered under your parents

stops on the child's 26th birthday

where can you purchase insurance

through employer or through insurance exchange


are private, non-profit, state-licensed health insurance carriers

how many co-ops are there


how many co-ops lost money in 2014


how many co-ops have folded


obamacare penalty

percentage of household income


dollar amount fee; whichever is higher

most popular plan under obamacare

70% covered under the silver medal tier

NOTE: the four tiers are bronze, silver, gold, platinum

when must businesses offer full time coverages

when a company contains at least 50 equivalent employees

(2 part time EQUALS 1 full time)

cadillac tax

additional healthcare tax on some healthcare plans; going into effect in 2018

fund ACA

40% excise tax on healthcare coverage above $27,500

self- funding

- employer self insures benefit costs

- employer administers the plan and bears the risk that benefit payments will exceed those expected

group insurance

- employees and possibly their dependents insured under a single policy issued to the employer

- insurer administers bears risk that the benefit payments exceed payouts

voluntary benefit plans

- group or individual insurance provided via employer

- employees pay 100% of the premium

group contract/master contract

- issued to someone other than the employee (like the employer)

- provides benefits to persons with specific relationship to employer/policyowner

experience rating

- claims experience of group is used to adjust and set future rates

group underwriting

- focuses on group risk characteristics

- evidence of insurability typically not required when first eligible for coverage

probationary period

- time that must pass before employee is eligible for coverage under a group benefit plan

open enrollement

time period when coverage under group benefit plan may be obtained with less or no evidence of insurability (sometimes offered annually)


employER pays 100% of cost/premium

partly contributory

employer and employee each pay part of cost/premium

fully contributory

employEE pays 100% of cost/premium


- applies to private sector and government employees

- no requirement that benefits be provided to retired employees

- protection for those 40 or older

insurer may terminate group coverage (3)

- non- payment of premium

- required group size not maintained

- required participation rate not maintained

employee coverage termination (4)

- employment ends

- master contract terminated

- employee ceases to be eligible

- employee fails to make contribution

group life insurance and taxation for the employer

tax- deductible expense


- overall compensation is unreasonable

- employer named as beneficary

group life insurance taxation for the employer is

after-tax income (not deductible)

payment for premiums by employer- code 79

Code 79 benefits

- premium paid by employer for first $50,000 is NOT TAXABLE INCOME to the employee

- premium paid by employer for coverage above $50,000