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15 Cards in this Set

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the act of communicating to our fellow human beings that we understand something wabout their world
focuses on your feelings rather than the other persons
burdens the other person with your feelings and your judgements aout their feelings and their situation
Being self aware,confident and non judgemental, be assertive, being a good listener, not being prejiduced, preoccupied with self, being able to recognize other;s humanity and personhood regardless of ilness, its circumstance,or stigma
empathy means....
involves listening carefull and putting ourselfs in the slients place
self transposition(1)
emotional shift from 1)feeling to 2)thinking (applying meaning)
crossing over(2)
standing side by side with the other in heartfelt understanding about the experience shared
gettin self back
nurses shift from their own world,into the clients world, andthen process what they know to form a plan of action to help the client
preverbal aspects
relecting to clients you understanding of their feelings and the reasons for their emotional reactions
-verbal reactions must be accurate and specific
verbal aspects
another person is showing their thoughts and feelings toward you what will you do
show empathy
using statements, questions, alternative points of view, explanations, invitations for more information
how empathy is conveyed
increases the feeling of being connected, emptahy dissolves alienation, increases self-esteem, builds trust with clients, reduces defensiveness, helps others grow, enhances healing and well being
benefits of empathy
personal satisfaction, assis with gathering accurate assessment information in order to carry out and evaluate your plan of care, also valuable for team building
benefits to nurse
those hospitalized more than 3mo, physical defect, psychiatric diagnosis, personality factors
most common characteristics triggers for unpopular clients
they may interrupt routines, make extra work vs good patients who are cooperative and miinimize the trouble they cause staff
unpopular clients