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125 Cards in this Set

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What are the first steps for acute management of a trauma patient presenting to the ED?







Why should the airway of a trauma patient be visualized?

To check for obstructions

What maneuver can lift the tongue off the posterior oropharanx in a patient that potentially may have neck trauma?

Jaw thrust maneuver

What Glasgow Coma Scale threshold value requires immediate intubation?

<= 8

If a patient cannot be intubated and is suffocating, what should be done?


What part of the spine must be immobilized in a trauma patient?

Cervical spine

What are some thoracic causes of immediate death? (7)

- Tension pneumothorax

- Open pneumothorax

- Flail chest

- Pulmonary contusion

- Massive hemothorax

- Cardiac tamponade

- Airway obstruction

How is tension pneumothorax identified on exam? (5)

- Absent breath sounds on affected side
- Hypotension

- Distended neck veins

- Hypoxemia
- Tracheal deviation

What is the Tx for pneumothorax?

Immediate needle decompression

What defines hemothorax?

1500cc of blood from chest tube placement

How is hemothorax Txed? (2)

Volume resuscitation and chest decompression

What gauge IV needle is needed for antecubital vein access?

16 gauge

How many liters of isotonic fluid must be given for every 1 Liter of blood lost?

3 liters

What is the triad of signs that suggest cardiac tamponade?


- Hypotension

- Muffled heart sounds

How is disability measured?

Glasgow Coma Scale

What is a FAST scan?

Focused Abdominal Sonography for Trauma

(US of the abdomen)

What Dx test can confirm whether the urethra is intact?

Retrograde urethrogram

What are indications of CXR?

Head CT? (2)

C-spine CT? (4)

CXR: any trauma to the chest

Head CT: LOC or depressed mental status

C-spine: neck pain, tenderness, neurological findings, or depressed mental status

What device allows monitoring urine output?

Foley catheter

When is surgical exploration mandatory for penetrating neck wounds?

When a patient is in shock and has an active hemorrhage from neck wounds

What muscle defines true penetrating neck wounds?


What is required for any patient with a penetrating thoracic injury?


Why should foreign objects impaled into the chest be left inside until the patient is in the OR?

To prevent tamponade

If a previously stable chest trauma patient suddenly dies, what should be suspected?

Air embolism

Does the absence of pain rule out an abdominal injury?


Below what intercostal should GSWs be explored with laparotomy?


If a patient with an abdominal stab is hemodynamically stable, what should be done?

CT followed by inpatient observation

What should be checked for MSK penetrating wounds? (3)

- Pulses

- Motor function

- Sensory function

If a nerve is injured in an MSK penetrating wound, what must be done?

Surgical repair

What are the most important steps to Tx contaminated wounds? (2)

What follows? (2)

Early wound irrigation and tissue debridement

Then, antibiotics and tetanus prophylaxis

What are signs of elevated intracranial pressure from blunt force trauma to the head? (6)

- Bradycardia

- Hypertension

- Respiratory distress
- Fixed and dilated pupils

- Vomiting

- Papilledema

How is elevated ICP Txed? (3)

- Head elevation

- Hyperventilation

- IV mannitol

What kind of injury has a site at the bleed and on the opposite side across the impact?

Coup-countrecoup injury

What does blurring and punctate hemorrhaging along the gray-white matter junction suggest?

Diffuse axonal injury from rapid-deceleration head injury

What kind of hematoma is lenticular in shape on Head CT?

Epidural Hematoma

What is bleeding in an epidural hematoma?

Middle meningeal artery

What boundaries can epidural hematomas not cross?

Suture lines

What blood vessels are damaged with subdural hematomas?

Bridging veins

Which kind of cranial hematoma starts with LOC, then has a lucid period, and then is followed by coma?

Epidural hematomas

What eye finding may suggest epidural hematoma?

Ipsilateral blown pupil

What surgery is needed if a patient has an epidural hematoma with worsening neurological findings?

Emergent craniotomy

What causes most tracheobronchial disruption?

Deceleration shearing forces

What are physical findings of tracheobronchial disruption? (4)

- Respiratory distress

- Hemoptysis

- Sternal tenderness

- Subcutaneous emphysema

How can myocardial contusion present? (3)

- Bundle branch block

- Dysrhythmia

- Hypotension

What sign suggests pulmonary contusion?


What is the classic cause of aortic disruption?

Rapid-deceleration injury

Where is laceration of the aorta most common?

Proximal to the ligamentum arteriosum

Besides a ripping sensation in the chest, what are clinical manifestations of aortic disruption? (2)

- Upper extremity hypertension

- Hoarse or quiet voice

What are signs of aortic disruption on CXR? (3)

- Widened mediastinum (>8cm)

- Loss of aortic knob

- Pleural cap

What is the gold standard for evaluation of a possible aortic disruption?


What is flail chest?

3 or more ribs fractured at 2 points leaving that part of the rib cage hanging by muscle

What are signs of flail chest? (2)

- Crepitus

- Abnormal chest wall movement

How is flail chest Dxed? (2)


- Oxygen saturation

What are Tx for flail chest? (4)

- Oxygen

- Narcotic analgesia

- Respiratory support (intubation, PAP)

- Surgery to fix chest wall

What are complications of flail chest?

Respiratory compromise

What are the most commonly injured organs in the abdomen due to blunt force trauma? (2)

- Liver and spleen

What makes the duodenum susceptible to compression injury?

Its position in front of the spine

What are Sx of liver or spleen injury? (3)

(Sx of blood loss)

- Tachycardia
- Hypotension

- Peritonitis

What would be seen on AXR if the duodenum is injured?

Retroperitoneal air

What organ is likely to be injured if a patient's epigastric region hits the handlebars or steering wheel?


What is Kehr's sign?

Referred shoulder pain due to diaphragmatic irritation

What is the most commonly injured GU organ?


How does work-up for hemodynamically stable patient with abdominal blunt force trauma differ from that of a hemodynamically unstable patient?

If hemodynamically stable: use imaging, if unstable, use exploratory laparotomy

How are pelvic fractures diagnosed? (2)

- Unstable pelvis upon manipulation

- X-Ray or CT confirms fracture

What risk do pelvic fractures have?

- Hemorrhage

How can a fractured pelvis be splinted?

external pelvic binder

What are 2 Tx necessary when addressing a pelvic fracture?

- Fixation

- Angiography to see which bleeding vessels need embolization

What test must be used to rule out damage to the urethral meatus after pelvic fracture?

Retrograde urethrogram

What is pulseless electrical activity?

Heart has electrical activity on EKG but is not producing a pulse

What are 10 causes of PEA?

5 H's and 5 T's

- Hypovolemia

- Hypoxia

- Hydrogen ion (acidosis)

- Hyper/hypokalemia

- Hyperglycemia

- Tablets (Drug OD)
- Tamponade

- Tension pneumothorax
- Thrombosis of the heart
- Thrombosis of the lungs

What is the Tx for ventricular fibrillation? (7 steps)

- Defibrillation x2

- Epinephrine

- Defibrilate

- Amiodarone

- Defibrilate

- Epinephrine

What is Tx for unstable supraventricular tachycardia?


What is Tx for stable supraventricular tachycardia? (2)

- Control rate with valsava, carotid sinus massage, or cold stimulus

- Give adenosine followed by CCB or beta blocker if those maneuvers don't work

How is stable A-fib/flutter Txed?

- Use diltiazem or beta-blocker and anticoagulate if A-fib has been present for >48 hours

In what case should A-fib/flutter not be treated with nodal blockers?

What Tx should be used instead?

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

Use procainamide

What drug should be given for symptomatic bradycardia?

If that is ineffective, then what? (3)


Transcutaneous pacing, dopamine, or epinephrine

How is unstable abdominal aortic dissection Txed? (2)

- Immediate laparotomy or endovascular repair

If a female patient has abdominal pain with cervical motion tenderness, what dz should be considered?

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

What abdominal etiology leads to sudden onset diffuse, severe pain and abdominal rigidity on exam?


What abdominal etiology has sudden onset of severe, radiating, colicky pain?


If a female patient has shock and positive UPT, what is the likely etiology of her abdominal pain?

Ectopic pregnancy

If a patient has abdominal pain with peritoneal signs in the presence of shock, what Tx is necessary?

Exploratory laparotomy

What kind of patient presenting with abdominal pain must have emergent surgical management?

Hemodynamically unstable patients

What test must be administered as a precaution for all hemodynamically unstable patients with abdominal pain?

Type and cross

Where is McBruney's point and what is its significance?

1/3 distance from right anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus

Location of the appendix

What is Hamburger's sign and what does it mean?

It is RLQ pain in a patient that "wants" to eat.

Probably not appendicitis

What is Psoas sign?

Passive extension of hip leads to RLQ pain

What is obturator sign?

Passive internal rotation of the flexed hip leads to RLQ pain

What is Rovsing's sign?

Deep palpation of the LLQ leads to RLQ pain

What signs and symptoms may present with appendicitis? (4)

- RLQ pain

- Fever

- Leukocytosis with left shift

- RBCs & WBCs on UA

What scans can help Dx appendicitis? (2)

- CT scan with PO and IV contrast

- US

What are the immediate Tx for appendicitis? (5)

- NPO status

- IV hydration

- Analgesia

- Antimetic

- Antibiotics with G- coverage

What is the definitive Tx for appendicitis?

Open or laparoscopic appendectomy

How does perforation of the appendix change the management of appendicitis?


Treat perforation with antibiotics and delayed primary closure

Treat abscess with broad-spectrum antibiotics and percutaneous drainage

What is the second leading cause of death in children?


How deep is a first degree burn?

Only the epidermis is involved

(no blisters)

How deep is a second degree burn?

Through the epidermis and part of the dermis

(painful with blisters)

How deep is a third degree burn?

The whole extent of the dermis and sometimes deeper.

(painless, white, charred)

What poisoning can be associated with burns?

Carbon monoxide poisoning

What poisoning is associated with burned textiles or carpets?

Cyanide poisoning

What is the Parkland formula?

What does it tell us?

IVF for first 24 hours post burn = 4 x weight in kg x percent body surface area burned

Tells us how much fluids need to be replaced

(50% in first 8 hrs, 50% in remaining 16 hours)

What are supportive measures for patients with burns? (3)

- Tetanus prophylaxis

- Stress ulcer prophylaxis

- IV narcotic analgesia

What are complications of severe burns? (3)

- Shock

- Compartment syndrome

- Superinfection

What bacteria are most likely causes of superinfection in burn patients? (2)

- Pseudomonas aeruginosa

- Gram+ cocci

What are criteria for transferring patients to burn centers? (5)

- > 10% BSA in pts <10yo or >50yo

- > 20% BSA in pts from 11-49yo

- Any burns over critical areas: face, hands, feet, genitals, perineum, major joints

- Chemical, electrical, or inhalation burns

- Special needs

What are the 6 causes of postoperative fever?

- Wind (atelectasis, pneumonia)

- Water (UTI)

- Wounds (infection)

- Walking (DVT)

- Wonder drugs

- Womb (endometritis)

What can decrease the risk of postoperative fever? (5)

- Incentive spirometry

- Pre- and postoperative antibiotics

- Short-term Foley catheter

- Early ambulation

- DVT prophylaxis

What is shock?

- Inadequate tissue-level oxygenation to maintain vital organ function

What is the first vital sign to change with hemorrhagic shock?

Heart rate

What drug type should be avoided in patients with hypovolemic shock?


How is malignant hyperthermia Txed?


What defines hypothermia?

Body temp < 35^C (< 95^F)

What should be monitored on EKG for a patient who has hypothermia?



Why is the pulse oximeter inaccurate when a patient has carbon monoxide poisoning?

The pulse-ox recognizes carboxyhemoglobin as saturated hemoglobin and suggests that SpO2 is higher than it actually is.

What temp defines hyperthermia?

Body temp over 40^C (104^F)

How should hyperthermia be treated?

Cool the patient with cold water, wet blankets, and ice.

In a hyperthermic patient, what will prevent shivering?


What are Sx of acute carbon monoxide poisoning? (3)

(AKA hypoxemic poisoning syndrome)

- Cherry-red skin

- Confusion

- HA

What are Sx of chronic carbon monoxide poisoning? (4)

- Flulike Sx

- Myalgias

- Nausea

- HA

What Dx tests should be performed for a patient with suspected carbon monoxide poisoning? (2)

- ABGs

- Serum carboxyhemoglobin

What is the Tx for carbon monoxide poisoning?

- 100% oxygen (hyperbaric O2 if pregnant)

What should be done for patients with airway burns or smoke inhalation?


Do rodents carry rabies?


If a patient is bitten by an animal with signs of rabies, what Tx should be administered?

1 dose of human rabies Ig and 4 doses of rabies vaccine over 14 days

What can be used to Tx PO OD of <2 hours old for substances that can adsorb to it?

Activated charcoal