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625 Cards in this Set

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Ch. 1 - Prefertilization
Ploidy of primary oocyte?
46, 4N
All primary occytes formed by?
5 month
In what phase are they dormant?
When does the first polar body form?
Menstrual cycle, preovulation
What phase does ovulation occur?
When does second polar body form?
When does spermatogenesis begin?
Role of type A spermatogonia?
To provide continuous supply of stem cells
Role of type B spermatogonia?
To enter meiosis
Diploidy of primary spermatocyte?
46, 4N
Diploidy of secondary spermatocyte?
23, 2N
Spermatids are formed by the completion of?
Meiosis II
Process of postmeiotic morph changes is called
When do sperm undergo capacitation?
Female reproductive tract
Advanced maternal age is associated with? 1
Down syndrome
Advanced paternal age is associated with? 2
Achondroplasia, Marfan syndrome
Male fertility depends on: 2
# (20+ million) of sperm & motility
Anovulation is caused by
Inadequate secretion of FSH, LH
Mechanism of action of Tx?
Clomiphene bind estrogen-R in adenohypophysis -> prevent inh
When does oogenesis start?
Week 4 of embyrogenesis
Ch. 2 - Week 1
Fertilization occurs
In ampulla of uterin tube
Acrosome reaction triggered by
sperm binding zona pellucida
Purpose of cortical reaction
To make oocyte impermeable to other sperm
All mitochondrial DNA is of which origin
Maternal origin
Result of cleavage
Up to what stage is each blastomere totipotent?
8 cell stage
Morula is defined by how many cells?
Blastocyst formed when?
Fluid secreted inside morula make cavity
Inner cell mass becomes 2
embryo; embryoblast
Outer cell mass becomes 2
placenta; trophoblast
In order to implant, what must degenerate
zona pellucida
Blastocyst implants into which wall of uterus
Posterior superior
Which layer?
Functional layer of endometrium
Which portion of menstrual cycle?
Secretory phase
Trophoblast differentiates into 2
cytotrophoblast & syncytiotrophoblast
2 common areas for ectopic preg
Ampulla of uterine tube, rectouterin pouch
4 conditions predisposing to ectopic preg
Chronic salpingitis, endometriosis, PID, post-op adhesions
DDx for ETP? 3
Appendicitis, aborting uterine preg, bleeding corpus luteum
hCG levels would be
Low for preg but higher than norm
How many placentas, chorions, amniotic sacs in dizygotic twins?
2 placenta, 2 chorion, 2 amniotic sacs
How many placentas, chorions, amniotic sacs in monozygotic twins?
1 placenta, 1 chorion, 2 amniotic sacs
How many placentas, chorions, amniotic sacs in siamese twins?
1 placenta, 1 chorion, 1 amniotic sacs
Ch. 3 - Week 2
Embryoblast differentiates into dorsally
Embryoblast differentiates into ventrally
Bilaminar disk formed from
epiblast & hypoblast
Amniotic cavity formed from
Yolk sac differentiate from
Prochordal plate = fusion of?
epiblast & hypoblast
Prochordal plate eventually becomes
the mouth
Syncytio grows by?
Cytotrophoblast dividing mitotically and adding to sync
What produces hCG?
Primary chorionic villi are formed by?
Cytotroph protruding into sync
Mesoderm is derived from?
Role of somatopleuric mesoderm? 3
Line cytotroph, form connecting stalk, cover amnion
3 parts of chorion? (inside -> out)
somatopleuric mesoderm, cytotroph, sync
Role of splanchnopleuric mesoderm?
Cover yolk sac
hCG role?
Stimulate progesterone production in corpus luteum
How long does luteum maintain pregnancy?
Up to Week 8
What produces progesterone after?
At what day does maternal blood assay hCG?
Day 8
At what day does maternal urine assay hCG?
Day 10
DDx for high hCG? 3
Multiple pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
Hydatidiform mole always occur with?
2 sperms fertilizing ovum
Complete mole ploidy?
Partial mole ploidy?
How does syncytiotrophoblast grow?
Cytotrophoblast divides mitotically and adds to growth of sync (sync does not undergo mitosis)
Signs of molar preg? 3
Preeclampsia, elevated hCG, enlarged uterus withh bleeding
Moles progress to which type of CA?
Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
Ch. 4 - Weeks 3-8
Basic segmentation in cephalocaudal direction controlled by
Homeobox complex (hox genes)
Gastrulation form
trilaminar disk
Primitive streak formed from
2 neural derivatives of ectoderm
neuroectoderm, neural rest
3 differentiations of mesoderm
paraxial, intermediate, lateral
chordoma (CD) arises from
Found in? 2
intracranial, over sacral region
Commonly present in? 2
Men, late adult life (~50 yr)
First missed period corresponds to which week of life?
Week 3
Sacrococcygeal teratoma arise from
primitive streak pluripotent cells
Commonly present in? 2
F infants (malignancy must be removed by 6m)
caudal dysplasia arise from?
abnormal gastrulation & migration of mesoderm
vertebral defects, atreasia, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal deficits
vertebral defects, atreasia, CV defects, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal deficits, upper limb defects
Ch. 5 - placenta, amniontic fluid, umbilical cord
maternal portion of placenta is
decidua basalis, parietalis, capsular, cotyledons
decidua basalis is
endometrial derived; b/t blastocysts & myometrium
decidua parietalis is
portions of endometrium other than by implantation
decidua capsularis' role
covers blastocyst
capsularis degenerates by? Why
Week 22 b/c of reduced blood supply
Cotyledons are
cobblestones separated by decidua
Maternal surface color
dark red
2 types of chorion
smooth and villous
fetal surface color 4
smooth, shiny, light-blue or blue-pink
how many chorionic vessels should be present?
B/t 5 & 8
Velamentous placenta is
fetal blood vessels abnormally travel thru amniochorionic membrane before reaching placenta proper
vasa previa is
if fetal blood vessels cross internal os
Rupture of vasa previa is a complication of? 3
pregnancy, labor, delivery
Placenta previa is
if maternal blood vessels cover internal os
Rupture of placenta previa is a complication of?
Late preg; 3rd trimester
Clinical Sx of placenta previa? 2
Repeat episodes bright red vaginal bleeding; 3rd trimester bleeding
Tx? 1
placenta accreta is
placenta implanting on myometrium
placenta increta is
placenta implanting on deep myometrium
placenta percreta is
placenta implanting through wall of uterus
Complications of these 3? 3
Retained placenta, hemorrhage, uterine rupture
Risk factors? 4
Multiple curettages, previous C section, severe endometritis, closely spaced pregnancies
Preeclampsia defined as?
HTN + edema + proteinuria
Eclampsia defined as?
HTN + edema + proteinuria + convulsions
Patho of preeclampsia?
generalized arteriolar constriction
Tx? 3
Mg sulfate, hydralazine, delivery of fetus once pt stabilized
Risk factors? 6
Nulliparity, DM, HTN, renal dz, twin gestation, molar preg
Growth hormone of the fetus?
hPL (human placental lactogen)
Induce lipolysis to incr FFA in mother
3 estrogens produced by placenta?
estrone, estradiol, estriol
Which is the most potent?
Progesterone is used in the fetus for? 3
Synthesis for glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, testosterone
Name 2 immune cells found in placental membrane
Langerhans in cytotrophoblast, Hofbauer cells in CT
Late pregnancy placenta differs from early in that
Cytotrophoblast degenerates in late preg
Difference between category X and category D
X = abs contraindication; D = definite evidence of risk
Patho for kernicterus in HDNB?
Hemolysis -> incr bilirubin deposition in basal ganglia
Another complication of HDNB?
Hydrops fetalis
What is RhoGAM?
Human IgG to Rh factor
When is it given?
3rd trimester, 72 hr after birth to Rh neg mom
Amniontic fluid is derived from mother or baby?
Production is dependent on? 2
Mother's osmotic and hydrostatic forces; fetal urine
Reabsorption is dependent on?
Fetus swallowing, absorption in GI, xs passed to maternal blood
Oligohydramnios is associated with? 4
Renal agenesis, Potter's syndrome, hypoplastic lungs, premature breaking water
Polyhydramnios is associated with? 4
Anencephaly, tracheoesophageal fistual, esophageal atresia, maternal DM
aFP is produced by?
Fetal liver
When should it be assayed?
Weeks 14-18
Eleveated aFP is associated with? 4
neural tube defects, omphalocele, esophageal and duodenal atresia
Reduced aFP is associated with? 1
Down syndrome
Premature rupture of amniochorionic membrane is the most common cause of? 2
Premature labor, oligohydramnios
Patho of amniotic band syndrome?
Amniotic membrane constricted part of fetus
Complications? 2
Limb amputations; craniofacial anomalies
The primitive umbilical ring contains? 3
yolk sac (vitelline duct), connecting stalk, allantois
It develops in the fetus to?
Umbilical cord
What else does it contain at term?
R & L umbilical arteries, L umbilical veins, Wharton's jelly (CT)
It degenerates to?
Median umbilical ligament
Presence of one umbilical artery suggests?
CV abnormalities
Light gray sac on umbilicus suggests?
Meconium discharge suggests?
Vitelline fistula
Urine discharge suggests?
Urachal fistula
2 locations of de novo vasculogenesis?
Extraembryonic & intraembryonic mesoderm
Extraembryonic mesoderm in connecting stalk forms
umbilical vessels
Extraembryonic mesoderm in secondary villi forms
tertiary chorionic villi
Embryonic form of Hb during yolk sac period is
During liver period, form of Hb is
during bone marrow period, form of hb is
Relation to hydrops fetalis?
Sx? 4
severe pallor, generalized edema, massive HSM; intrauterine fetal death
Sx of Cooley anemia
Severe, transfusion-dependent anemia
Rx that incr fetal Hb?
Fetal circulation route? 2 circ
LUV -> DV -> IVC -> RA -> DA -> LA/LV -> Aorta -> Inf aorta -> LUA & RUA; RA -> RV -> PA -> Aorta
Adult remnant of LUV?
ligamentum teres
Adult remnant of LUA & RUA?
Medial umbilical ligaments
Adult remnant of DV?
Ligamentum venosum
Adult remnant of DA?
Ligamentum arteriosum
Adult remnant of foramen ovale?
Fossa ovale
2 changes that cause closure?
Dec RAP from placental circ occlusion; Incr LAP from incr PV return
Ch. 16 - Body cavities
intraembryonic coelom formed by
Spaces in lateral mesoder form horseshoe space on R & L
Remolded due to? 2
Craniocaudal folding; lateral folding
Provide needed room for organ growth
Paired pleuropericardial membrane arises from?
sheets of somatic mesoderm
Pericardial & pleural cavity
Develops into?
fibrous pericardium
4 sources of diaphragm?
Septum transversum; pleuropericardial membrane; dorsal mesentary of esophagus; body wall
Descent of diaphragm to?
Due to?
Growth of neural tube
What is carried with it?
Phrenic nerve - C3, 4, 5
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia patho?
Failure of pleuroperitoneal membrane to fuse
Commonly found where?
L posterolateral side
Pulm hypoplasia
Detected prenatally by?
Esophageal hiatal hernia patho?
Stomach herniates thru esophageal hiatus
Sphincter incompetent -> reflux
Projectile vomitting when laid on back or after feeding
Ch. 17 Pregnancy
Weeks 1-6, hCG incr by?
70% per 48 hrs
Formed by?
Detected in blood at?
Day 8
Detected in urine at?
Day 10
Elevated in? 3
Multiple preg, hydatidiform mole, gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
Reduced in? 2
Spont abortion, ectopic preg
hPL produced by?
Detected in blood at?
Week 6
3 sources of PRL
maternal pituitary, fetal pituitary, uterine decidua
Can be assayed from?
Blood, amniotic fluid
PG produced by? 2
Corpus luteum, placenta
2 uses in mother
Prep for implant; maintain endometrium
3 uses in child
corticoid synth, minerlo synth, testosterone synth
Steps in estrogen synth in mother? 2
liver: chol -> pregnenolone -> sulfate
Steps in estrogen synth in child? 2
Adrenal: Preg sulfate -> DHEA SO4; Liver: DHEA-SO4 -> 16a-OH DHEA SO4
Steps in estrogen synth in placenta? 3
DHEA SO4 -> estrone, estradiol; 16a-OH DHEA SO4 -> estriol
Which estrogen is most potent?
Which estrogen is best indicator of fetal-placental fxn?
Norm pregnacy is how long? 2
280 d (40 wk) from LMP
Naegele's rule for EDD?
EDD = LMP - 3 months + 1 yr + 7 d
Length of 1st trimester?
LMP -> week 12
Uterine fundus palpable at? Where?
Week 12; Pubic symphysis
Length of 2nd trimester?
Week 13-Week27
Amniocentesis performed?
Week 14-18
Week 16, uterine fundus palpable at?
B/t symphysis & umbilicus
Frist fetal movements occur?
Week 16-18 (mulitparity), 18-20 (nulliparity)
Sex determination at?
Week 18
Week 20, uterine fundus palpable at?
Respiration capable at?
Weeks 25-27
Length of 3rd trimester?
Week 28-40
Descent of fetal head to pelvic inlet is called?
Norm birth way
7-7.5 lb
Anechoic tissues include? 4
bladder, brain, cavities, amnioti fluid
Amniotic sample tests? 4
aFP assay, bili assay, L/S ratio, DNA analysis
Norm fetal HR
Norm fetal pH
APGAR mnemonic?
Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, resp effort
Taken at?
1, 5 min
Puerperium lasts?
Delivery -> 4-6 s/p
4 events during puerperium?
uterus involution, after pain, lochia, ovulation (2-4 nonlacting, 10 wk lactating)
Ch. 18 - teratology
All or nothing period?
Week 1
Max susceptiblity pd?
Weeks 3-8
Viruses reach fetus by? 3
amniotic fluid (vag inf), transplacental (maternal viremia), direct contact during birth
Rubella transmitted by?
Risk inf greatest during
1st month
Cardiac defects, cataracts, low BW
Fx on skin?
Blueberry muffin
Fx on bones?
Celery-stalk appearance on long bones
Fx on ears?
Sensori-neural deafness
Most common fetal inf?
Transmitted by?
Result of birth or breast milk transmission?
No apparent dz
Most common manifestation?
Sensori-neural deafness
Most serious manifestation?
Cytomegalic inclusion dz
Also causes?
Blueberry muffin, celery-stalk long bones
Most common fetal inf by birth?
At day 10-11, show fx on? 3
Skin, eye, mouth
At day 15-17, show fxn on?
Disseminated dz presents?
Day 9-11
Fetal varicella syndrome only develops
First trimester
classic sign
Dermatomal skin lesion
Most dangerous complications of toxoplasma?
Miscarriage, death
Most important determinant of risk to fetus is
Maternal stage of syphilis
Also causes?
Celery-stalk appearance on long bones
Fx on teeth?
What is Wimberger sign?
Proximal medial tibia erosions
Fx on skin?
Maculopapular rash on palm & sole; pink -> copper -> desquamate
Category X folate antagonists? 2
aminopterin, MTX
Fx on fetus?
small stature, cranial ossificatin, myelomeningocele
Category X alkylating agents? 3
busulfan, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide
Hydronephrosis, renal agenesis, absent toes
Category X antiepileptic?
Fetal hydantoin syndrome: growth retardation, MR, microcephaly, craniofacial defects, nail/digit hypoplasia
Category X hypnotics? 2
Triazolam, estazolam
Cleft lip/palate, esp 1st trimester
Category X anticoag? 1
Stipples epiphysis, MR, fetal hemorrhage
Category X acne Tx? 1
Vit A
Vit A embryopathy
Category X Estrogens 1
cervical hood, T-shaped uterus
Category X Progestens 3
Ethisterone, norethisterone, megestrol
Genital fx
Category X contraceptives 3
Ovcon, Levlen, norinyl
Cigarette smoke's category X compounds? 3
Nicotine, HCN, CO
low BW, fetal hypoxia, premature
Fx of ethanol?
Fetal alcohol syndrome: leading cause of MR
Category D Abx 2
tetracyclines, aminoglycosides
enamel hypoplasia & CN VIII toxicity, respectively
Category D sedatives 2
Phenobarbital, pentobarbital
Category D anti-epileptics? 5
Valproic acid, diazepam, chlordiazepoxida, alprazolam, lorazepam
Lithium is associate with?
CV defects
8 chemical agents to avoid?
Hg, pb, PCB, bisphenol A, vinyl, PFOA, -icides, PI
Recreational drugs not shown to be teratogenic? 4
LSD, marijuana, caffeine, heroin
Fetal defects from radiations require what levels?
> 25 rads
Cardiovascular system
How is the pericardial cavity formed?
Lateral plate mesoderm splitting into somatic and splanchnic layer
Heart-forming regions are derived from which layer?
What secretes VEGF, inducing the formation of endocardial tube (endocardium)?
Foregut endoderm
What is cardiac jelly?
ECM proteins secreted by myocardium
What makes up epicardium?
Mesoderm migrating from coelomic wall
Name the 5 dilations of the heart tube in cephalo-caudal direction
Truncus arteriosus (TA), Bulbus cordis (BC), Primitive ventricle (PV), Primitive atrium (PA), Sinus venosus (SV)
Which are part of the venous system?
Which are part of the arterial system?
What does the TA become?
Aorta, pulm trunk
What does the BC become?
Smooth part of RV, LV
What does the PV become?
Trabeculated part of RV, LV
What does the PA become?
Trabeculated part of RA, LA
What does the SV become?
Smooth part of RA, coronary sinus, oblique vein
What makes up the smooth part of the LA?
Parts of pulm vein
Migration of neural crest cells in AP septum formation? 3
Hindbrain -> pharyngeal arches 3, 4, 6 -> truncal & bulbar ridges
What does this encourage?
Spiral twisting
If migration is abnormal, what develops?
TA persistance
What is the pathophysio result?
One vessel receives blood from both ventricles; R-L shunting
What often accompanies it?
How does it present?
Marked cyanosis, RV hypertrophy
What if there is no spiraling?
Transposition of great arteries
What 2 circulations become completely separate?
Pulmonary and systemic
What defect is needed for viability? 3
VSD, patent foramen ovale, OR PDA
How does it present?
Marked cyanosis, RV hypertrophy
What if there is skewed migration?
Tetralogy of Fallot
What does PROV stand for?
Pulm stenosis, RV hypertrophy, Overriding aorta, VSD
How does it present?
Marked cyanosis, RV hypertrophy
5 steps in the formation of atrial septum?
septum primum grows down -> foramen primum (down) -> foramen secundum to the R -> septum secundum grows down -> foramen ovale in septum secundum
Purpose of foramen ovale?
Shunt blood RA -> LA
What closes the foramen ovale during birth? 2
Dec RAP (placental occulation); Incr LAP (incr pulm venous return)
Do these septums fuse at birth?
No, later in life
Auscultation of ASD 2
Loud S1; fixes, split S2
What shunt develops?
L -> R
2 causes of ASD
Foramen secundum defect; common atrium
What's the difference?
Defect is by excessive resorption; Common by complete failure of septums to develop
Which is better tolerated?
Foramen secundum defect
Signs of premature closure of foramen ovale?
R side hypertrophy; L side hypotrophy
AV septum formed by?
Dorsal & ventral AV cushions approach and fuse
What does this form? 2
R AV canal & L AV canal
If there isn't complete fusion, what results
Persistant common AV canal; hole in center of heart
Which 2 valves are now represented as 1 valve?
Tricuspid & mitral
2 hemodynamic fx?
L->R shunting; MV regurg
Which chambers are hypertrophied?
What is Ebstein's anomaly?
TV leaflets attach too inferiorly (deep into RV)
What does this form? 2
An "atrialized" upper portion of RV and functioning smaller lower portion
What is it usually associated with?
How does it present?
RA hypertrophy
If the AV septum does not fuse with septum primum, what persists?
Foramen primum
How does it present?
MV defect of ant leaflet
What is tricuspid atresia?
Lack of AV cushion causes agenesis of TV
How does it present? 5
Marked cyanosis, RV HYPOtrophy, LV HYPERtrophy, patent foramen ovale, IVSD
Sign on radiograph?
Convex L contour
Which direction does the IV septum grow?
From midline floor of RV to AV cushions
What 3 contributions are made to close the IV septum?
R bulbar ridge, L bulbar ridge, AV cushions
If these doen't fuse, what forms?
Membranous VSD
3 signs?
L->R shunting; incr pulm blood flow (large PA), pulm HTN
Main complaint of L->R shunting?
Xs fatigue on exertion
What is Eisenmenger syndrome?
Uncorrected VSD, ASD, or PDA causes L->R shunting to switch to R->L shunting
A muscular VSD is a defect in?
Muscular IV septum
Common ventricle forms when
Muscular & membranous IV septum do not form
Head & Neck arterial pattern develop from?
6 aortic arches (in the pharyngeal arches)
Which arch forms the carotid arteries?
3rd arch
A defect in the aortic arch and R subclavian implicates which arch?
4th arch
Which arch forms the pulm arteries?
5th arch
Rest of body arterial pattern develop from
R & L dorsal aortae
Postductal coarctation is found? 2
Distal to L subclavian; inferior to DA
3 signs?
High BP in upper ext; lack of femoral pulse; rib notching
What syndrome is associated with a PREductal coarctation?
Turner syndrome
What infection should be considered with PDA?
Ch. 11 Resp system
Resp diverticulum appear in ventral foregut at what week
week 4
distal endof diverticulum enlarges to form
lung bud
resp diverticulum separated from foregut by
tracheoesophageal folds (mesoderm)
tracheoesophageal folds fuse midline to form
tracheoesophageal septum
Improper division of tracheoesophageal septum results in 2
esophageal atresia, polyhydramnios
Gagging and cyanosis after swallowing milk
esophageal atresia
2 clinical signs of esophageal atresia
inability to pass cath into stomach; air in stomach on radiograph
bronchi begin to form at week
week 5
patho of congenital lobar emphysema
bronchial cartilage fail to form -> collapsed bronchi -> overdistention of lobe
patho of congenital bronchogenic cysts
fluid-filled cysts in bronchi can become infected or air-filled
pseudoglandular pd
week 7-16
canalicular pd
week 16-24
terminal sac pd
week 24-birth
alveolar pd
birth - 8 yrs
capillary network begins to form
canalicular pd
ducts have simple columnar epithelium
pseudoglandular pd
ducts have simple cuboidal epithelium
canalicular pd
inc lung size due to inc # resp bronchioles
alveolar pd
lung development up to respiratory bronchioles
canalicular pd
lung development up to terminal bronchioles
pseudoglandular pd
terminal sacs separated by primary septae
terminal sac pd
terminal sacs separated by secondary septae
alveolar pd
type 1 & 2 pneumocytes are present
terminal sac pd
is unilateral pulmonary agenesis compatible with life
Lung liquid eliminated at birth by 2
reduction in liq secretion by type 2 pneumocyte; resorption by pulm cap & lymphatics
3 associations with pulm hypoplasia
congenital heart defects, diaphragmatic hernia, b/l renal agenesis
RDS is prevalent in which population of infants 4
premature, DM mother, fetal asphyxia, multiple birth
patho of germinal matrix hemorrhage
premature infant can't autoregulate cerebral BP -> hemorrhage -> palsy, MR, seizures
Ch. 7 - digestive sys
primitive gut tube derived from
incorporation of yolk sac during folding
foregut consists of
esophagus-upper duodenum, liver, GB, panc
midgut consists of
lower duo-prox 2/3 transverse colon
hindgut consists of
distal 1/3 transverse colon-upper anal canal
esophageal atresia when tracheoesophageal septum deviates too far
achalasia is due to loss of
ganglion cells in myenteric plexus
primitive stomach rotates
90o clockwise
Result of gastric rotation on mesentary
dorsal mesentary carried L -> greater omentum;
result of gastric rotation on L vagus
innervates ventral stomach
result of gastric rotation on R vagus
innervates dorsal stomach
projectile nonbilious vomit after feeding w/ small palpable mass
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
hepatic sinusoids are formed by
hepatic cords (endoderm) arranging around septum transversum (mesoderm)
liver bulging into abdominal cavity forms
ventral mesentery (falciform ligament, lesser omentum)
ligamentum teres is a remnant of
L umbilical vein
hepatoduodenal ligament contains
portal triad: bile duct, portal vein, hepatic artery
GB grows out of
bile duct
intrahepatic GB occurs when
GB goes beyond hepatic diverticulum -> buried in liver
floating GB occurs when
GB lags behind hepatic diverticulum -> suspended from liver by mesentery
floating GB is at risk for
biliary atresia is the obliteration of
extrahepatic and/or intrahepatic ducts
prognosis of biliary atresia
12-19m; 100% mortality
Signs of biliary atresia 3
neonatal jaundice, white/clay-colored stool, dark urine
both panc buds are outgrowths of
foregut directly
endodermal tubules surrounded by mesoderm branch repeatedly to form
exocrine panc
endodermal clumps accumulating in the mesoderm form
endocrine panc
fusion of panc buds is due to
90o clockwise rotation of duodenum
ventral bud forms
head of panc
dorsal bud forms
head, body, tail
pancreas divisum is when
dorsal and ventral panc duct fail to anastomase
complication assoc w/ divisum
more prone to pancreatitis
double bubble sign
annular panc causes dilatino of stomach and dudodenum
midgut loop rotates how
270o counterclockwise
cranial limb of midgut loop forms
jejunum-upper ileum
caudal limb of midgut loop forms
lower ileum-transverse colon
omphacele occurs when
abdominal conents thru umbilical ring remain outside body
gastrochisis occur when
defect in ventral abdominal wall -> intestines exposed to amniotic fluid
Meckel diverticulum is a remnant of
vitelline duct
nonrotation of midgut rotates how much
90o counterclockwise
malrotation of midgut rotates how much
reverse rotation rotates how much
270o clockwise
where is the cecum in nonrotation?
where is the cecum in malrotation?
subpyloric or subhepatic
complication assoc w/ malrotation
where is the colon in reverse rotation?
posterior to duodenum
complication of intrauterine ischemic event
intestinal atresia/stenosis
intussusception is
invagination of segment of bowel into adj segment -> obstruction/ischemia
3 sites of appendix
medial to cecum, retrocecal, retrocolic
cloaca partitioned by? To form?
Urorectal septum; rectum/upepr anal canal & urogenital sinus
failure of internal anal sphincter to relax following rectal distention
Hirschsprung's dz
meconium in urine suggests 2
rectovesical or rectourethral fistula
meconium in the vagina suggests
rectovaginal fistula
lower anal canal develops from
proctoderm (surface ectoderm invagination)
imperforate anus occurs when
anal membrane not perforate; layer of tissue separates anal canal from exterior
anal agenesis occurs when
anal canal ends as blind sac below puborectalis muscle; usu w/ fistula
anorectal agenesis occurs when
rectum ends as blind sac above puborectalis muscle; usu w/ fistula
most common type of anorectal malformation
anorectal agenesis
rectal atresia occur when
rectum & anal canal are present but unconnected
Ch. 8 - urinary sys
urinary sys arise from which mesoderm
intermediate mesoderm
pronephros forms 2
pronephric tubules, pronephric duct
most cranial nephritic structure
pronephros regress completely by
week 5
mesonephros forms 2
mesonephric tubukles, Wolffian duct
is mesonephros function
for only short period
metanephros made from 2
ureteric bud from mesonephric duct + metanephric mesoderm
most caudal nephritic structure
metanephros begins to form at which week
week 5
repeated branching of ureteric bud forms 5
ureters, renal pelvis, major & minor calcyces, collecting ducts
what induces nephron development
collecting duct induces metanephric mesoderm
metaphrenic vesicles form
S-shaped renal tubules
S-shaped renal tubules differeniate into 5
connecting tubule, DCT, loop of Henle, PCT, Bowman's capsule
fetal metanephros starts & ends?
starts S1-S2; ends T12-L3
change in location of metanephros b/c
disproportionate growth of embryo caudally
kidney rorate how?
90o (hilum ventral->medial)
blood supply to kidneys vary how?
progresses higher until L2
arteries persisting that formed during kidney ascent
supernumerary arteries
damage to supernumerary arteries results in
kidney parenchyma necrosis b/c end arteries
bladder form from
upper part of urogenital sinus (ctn w/ allantois)
allantois becomes
fibrous urachus
in adult allantois becomes
median umbilial ligament
trigone of bladder formed by
lower ends of mesonephric ducts
u/l renal agenesis more common in
M > F
b/l renal agenesis result in
Potter's syndrome; oligohydramnios w/ fetal compression
renal ectopia patho
one/both kidney fail to ascend -> remain in pelvis
pancake kidney is
fusion of 2 pelvic kidney
horseshoe kidney get caught behind which artery
inf mesenteric
hilum in horseshoe kidney face
complications of horseshoe kidney 3
impinged ureters -> obstruction, recurrent UTI, pyelonephritis
most common congenital obstruction of urinary tract
ureteropelvic jxn
UPJ is
obstruction to urine flwo from renal pelvis to prox ureter
congenital multidysplastic kidney
multiple cysts are actually dilated calyces
ARPKD genetics?
auto R; chr p6
ARPKD assoc w/ cysts also where 3
liver, panc, lungs
most common renal malig of childhood
Wilm's tumor
wilm's tumor genetics
usu deletion of WT1 gene on chr 11 (tumor suppressor)
wilm's tumor histo phases 3
stromal, blastemal area of tightly packed embryonic cells, tubular area
WAGR complex
Wilm's tumor, aniridia, genitourinary malformation, mental retardation
ureteropelvic duplication occur when
ureteric bud prematurely divides before penetrating metanephric blastema
duplex kidney is
2 ureters draining one kidney
abnormal ureter in duplex kidney usu open where
ectopic opening in bladder
urine drainage from umbilicus
urachal fistula b/t bladder and umbilicus
Ch. 9 - Female repro sys
when phenotypic sex differentiation begin?
week 7
external genitalia recognized by
week 12
phenotypic sex differentiation complete by
week 20
Sry gene codes for
testes-determining factor
what other 2 factors needed for male differentiation?
testosterone (Leydig), Mullerian inh factor (Sertoli)
primary sex cords form from
gonadal ridge (urogenital ridge)
primary sex cords become
rete ovarii (degenerate)
secondary sex cords incorporate
primordial germ cells (migrate from yolk sac)
secondary sex cords break apart to form
primordial follicules (contain primary oocyte)
relative descent of ovaries due to
disproportionate growth of embryo caudally
gubernaculm is
band of fibrous tissue along post wall
gubernaculm residual structure 2
round ligament, ovarian ligament
uterine tubes form from
cranial portions of paramesonephric duct
broad ligament formed by
midline fusion of caudal paramesonephric duct
uterovaginal primordium devleop into 3
uterus, cervix, sup 1/3 vagina
inf 2/3 vagina formed by
paramesonephric induce dorsal wall of cloaca to form sinovaginal bulb -> vaginal plate -> canalization
vestigial remnants of paramesophric duct are
hydatid of Morgagni
mesonephric ducts in female destination
vestigial remnants of mesophric duct are 2
appendix vesiculosa, Gartner's duct
vestigial remnants of mesonephric tubules are 2
epoophoron and paroophoron
ectodermal rising stim by
proliferating mesoderm around cloacal membrane
3 ectodermal risings
phallus, urogenital folds, labioscrotal swellings
phallus forms 3
glans clitoris, corpora cavernosa, vestibular bulbs
urogenital folds form 1
labia minora
labioscrotal swellings form 2
labia majora, mons pubis
class 1 uterine anomaly caused by
mullerian hypoplasia or agenesis
4 complications mullerian hypoplasia/agenesis
lower vagina agenesis, cervix agenesis, uterus & cervix hypoplasia, uterine tube agenesis
class 2 uterine anomaly caused by
mesonephric duct hypoplasia/agenesis
4 complications mesonephric hypoplasia/agenesis
unicornuate uterus w/ communicating horn, unicornuate uterus w/ noncommunicating horn, unicornuate uterus w/ horn of no cavity, unicornuate uterus
class 3 uterine anomaly caused by
complete lack of fusion of paramesonephric ducts
2 complications of class 3 uterine anomaly
didelphys w/ norm or septated vagina
class 4 uterine anomaly caused by
partial fusion of paramesonephric ducts
2 complications of class 4 uterine anomaly
bicornuate uterus w/ complete or partial division
class 5 uterine anomaly caused by
failed resorbtion of caudal paramesonephric duct
2 complications of class 5 uterine anomaly
septate uterus w/ complete or partial septum
DES-assoc uterin anomaly
T-shaped uterus
Ch. 10 - male reproductive sys
primary sex cords in male become
seminiferous cords, tubuli recti, rete tetes
seminiferous cords contain
primordial germ cells, Sertoli cells
mesoderm b/t seminiferous cords give rise to
Leydig cells
seminiferous cords obtain lumen when?
relative descent of testes due to
disproportionate growth of embryo caudally
gubernaculm in male serves to
anchor testes w/in scrotum
peritoneal evagination around gubernculum forms
process vaginalis -> tunica vaginalis
MIF causes regression of
paramesonephric ducts & uterovaginal primordium
mesonephric ducts in male become 4
epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct
phallus forms 3
glans penis, corpora cavernosa, corpus spongiosum
urogenital folds form 1
ventral penis (raphe)
labioscrotal swellings form 1
hypospadius occur when
urethral folds don’t fuse complete
hypospadius penis curves
epispadias occurs when
external urethrial orifice opens onto dorsal penis
epispadias assoc w/
exstrophy of bladder
large patency of processus vaginalis causes
congenital inguinal hernia
true intersexuality characteristics 3
ovotestes, ambiguous gentitalia, XX
congenital adrenal hyperplasia caused by which def 2
21-hydroxylase or 11b-hydroxylase
patho of CAH
virtually no synth cortisol & aldosterone -> shunt to androgens
male pseudointersexuality caused by which def 3
5a reductase or 17 b HSD def
Ch. 12 - Head & neck
4 parts of pharyngeal apparatus
arches, pouches, grooves, membranes
pharyngeal arches made of 3
mesoderm & neural crest cells; cranial nerve
mesoderm in pharyngeal arch differentiate into 2
muscles, arteries
neural crest cells in pharyngeal arches differentiate into 2
bone, CT
pharyngeal pouches made of
pharyngeal pouches become
lines foregut
pharyngeal grooves made of
pharyngeal grooves located
b/t pharyngeal pouches
what forms thyroid diverticulum
endodermal linign of foregut
thyroid diverticulum migration 3
caudal; pass ventral to hyoid; ventral to laryngeal cartilages
thyroid remains connected to tongue by
thyroglossal duct
adult remnant of thyroglossal duct
foramen cecum
oral tongue (ant 2/3) formed by2
pharyngeal arch 1: median & distal tongue buds
sensation of tongue mucosa by
lingual branch of CN 5
taste of tongue carred by
chorda tympani branch of CN 7
post tongue formed by 2
pharyngeal arches 2-4: copula & hypobranchial eminence
what prevents arch 2 from contributing to tongue
hypobranchial eminence overgrows copula
fusion of oral & pharyngeal parts of tongue indicated by
terminal suclcus
sensation & taste of post tongue mucosa by
CN 9
majority of motor innervation of tongue by
CN 12
tongue muscle not innervated by CN 12
palatoglossus (CN 10)
3 swellings that make face
frontonasal, maxillary, mandibular prominence
CN nerve assoc w/ arch 1
CN 5
CN nerve assoc w/ arch 2
CN 7
CN nerve assoc w/ arch 3
CN 9
CN nerve assoc w/ arch 4
CN 10 (sup laryngeal)
CN nerve assoc w/ arch 6
CN 10 (recurrent laryngeal)
which pouch forms thymus
pouch 3
which pouch forms inf parathyroid
pouch 3
which pouch forms sup parathyroid
pouch 4
tympanic membrane made from
1st pharyngeal membrane
Treacher Collins syndrome 4
underdeveloped zygomatic bones, mandibular hypoplasia, lower eyelid colobomas, malformed ears
treacher Collins syndrome patho
pharyngeal arch 1 migration
persistant pharyngeal pouch 2 found on
ant border SCM
persistant pharyngeal grooves 2-4 form cyst at
angle of mandible
thyroglossal duct persistance found at
midline hyoid, bast of tongue
cleft lip formed by
maxillary prominence does not fuse w/ medial nasal prominence
ant cleft palate formed when
palatine shelves don't fuse w/ primary palate
post cleft palate formed when
palatine shelves don't fuse w/ each other & nasal septum
DiGeorge syndrome occur w/ failed differentiation of
3rd & 4th pharyngeal pouches
Ch. 13 - Nervous system
neural plate formed by
notochord induces overlying ectoderm to differentiate
neural plate folds become
neural tube
failure of ant neuropore to fuse causes
failure of post neuropore to fuse causes
spina bifida
neural crest cells are located
along both sides of neural tube
rostral neural tube becomes
caudal neural tube becomes
lumen of neural tube becomes
ventricular sys, central canal
NF-1 patho
chr 17q11 code neurofibromin -> downreg p21 ras -> multiple neurofibromas
CHARGE is problem with
neural crest distribution
CHARGE stands for
coloboma, heart defecs, atresia choane, retarded growth, genital abnormailities, ear abnormalities
Waardenburg genetics
auto dom; PAX3 mutation on chr 2
primary brain vesicles
prosencephalon, mesencephalon, rhombencephalon
prosecephalon becomes 2
telecephalon, diencephalon
rhombencephalon becomes 2
metencephalon, mylencephalon
mylencephalon becomes
metencephalon becomes 2
pons, cerebellum
mesencephalon becomes
pit ant lobe develop from
Rathke's pouch
pit post lobe develop from
disparate growth of SC & vertebral column form
cauda equina
myelination of corticospinal tracts completed at
2 y/o
dorsal horn of SC derived from
alar plate
ventral horn of SC derived from
basal plate
multiple dimples on back of infant w/ tufts of hair
spina bifida occulta
defect in spina bifida occulta
spinous processes end higher
spinal meningocele patho
meninges thru vertebral defect; SC intact
meningomyelocele patho
meninges & SC thru vertebral defect
form of spina bifida causing paralysis caudal to defect
spinal bifida w/ rachischisis
meningoencephalocele patho
meninges & brain thru skull defect; poor prog
meningohydroencephalocele patho
meninges, brain,ventricle thru skull defect
arnold-chiari malformation patho
caudal vermis, cerebellar tonsils, medulla oblongata herniate thru foramen magnjum
Ch. 14 - ear
lower slanted ears assoc w/
trisomies: 13, 18, 21
atreisa of external auditory meatus present as 2
bony plate in tympanic membrane; soft tissue plug
EAM atreasia assoc w/ defect in which groove
pharyngeal groove 1
congenital cholesteatoma
middle ear benign tumor -> conduction deafness
congenital deafness assoc w/ which infection
middle ear formed by
pharyngeal arch 1, 2; pouch 1, membrane 1
Ch. 15 - eye
iris cleft
coloboma iridis
causes of congenital cataracts 5
rubella, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, Down's, galactosemia
cyclopia patho
failure of median cerebral structures to develop
retinitis pigmentosa Sx 3
rod degeneration, night blindness, gun barrel vision