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89 Cards in this Set

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what makes up the chordamesoderm field
notochord and paraxial mesoderm
what do notochord induce
neural plate (neuralectoderm)
what does neural plate give rise to
neural grooves and folds
the ______ unite to form the neural tube
neural folds
which closes first the rostral or caudal neural tube
what does the wall of the neural tube produce
neural and glial elements of CNS
what does the neural canal become
central canal and ventricular system
what is excluded from the neural tube
neural crest
what does the ______epithelium do in the neural tube prior to closure?
pseudostratified, expands
what does the pseudostratified epithelium of the neural tube do after tube closure
gives rise to blast cells
what zone produces blast cells
Ependymal (ventricular) zone
what does the ependymal (ventricular) zone line
neural canal
blast cells accumulate peripheral to ependymal zone to from _______ layer
what does the mantle layer give rise to
cellular elements of CNS- where blast cells differentiate
what to neuroblasts become
motor neurons (somatic and visceral), interneurons
what do gliablasts become
fibrous and protoplasmic astrocytes, oligodendroglia,
purpouse of astrocytes
purpose of olgiodendroglia
produce CNS myelin
what are microglia from and what do they invade
mesenchyme, invade with vessels
what are the fiber (axon) tracts in the marginal layer derived from
neuroblasts of mantle layer
what happens to ependymal zone after proliferation of blasts ceases
become adult ependyma- epithelium that lines ventriuclar system and ventricular canal
what does neural crest give rise to?
PNS-related derivitives (spinal ganglia, autonomic ganglia, Schwann cells etc.)
what myelinates in CNS
where does the spinal cord begin
cervical region
when does spinal cord get some sensory columns
mid-fetal life
when does spinal get motor columns
begin near term go to 1st postnatal year
when does brain develop
from mid-fetal life to adolescence
what lines the neural (central) canal
where is the roof plate in the SC
dorsal midline
where is the floor plate in the SC
ventral midline
the sulcus limitans it eh groove in the ______ wall of the _______ _____
lateral, neural canal
what happens to the alar plates in the mantle layer
become dorsal gray columns
what happens to the basal plates in the mantle layer
become ventral gray columns
what do the ventral gray columns include
somatic motor neurons, visceral motor neurons (preganglionic autonomics)
3 functional aspects of the dorsal gray columns
internuncials, commissurals, tract fibers
what is a neuron with an axon from alar to basal plate, in the simple reflex arch
where do the commissural neurons run
from alar to contralateral basal plate-across midline
where do tract fibers run
ascending/descending in marginal layer- normall ascends b/c sensory going to brain, goes in white matter b4 ascends
what are the 2 types of spinal nerve afferents that terminate on alar plate
somatic afferents (GSA) and visceral afferents (GVA)
what are the 2 types of spinal nerve efferents derived from basal plate
somatic efferents ((G)SE), Visceral efferents (GVE)-T1-L2, Sympathetic, S2-4 Parasympatethic
spinal nerves are composites of fibers assoc w/ up to how many nuclei
what are the 3 primary vesicles
procesncephalon, mesencephalon, rhombencephalon
what are the secondary vesicles from the procesncephalon
telenchephalon, diencephalon
what does the telencephalon become and what is its lumen
cerebrum, lateral ventricles
what is the ventricle of the diencephalon
3rd ventricle
what does the mesencephalon become and what is its lumen
cerebral aqueduct
what are the secondary vesicles of the rhombencephalon
metencephalon and myelencephalon
what does the metencephalon become and what is its lumen
pons/cerebellum, 4th ventricle
what does the myelencephalon become and what is its lumen
medulla, 4th ventricle
where is the mesencephalic flexure and what is it related to
ventral, mesencephalon
where is the cervical flexure and what is it related to
ventral, jxn between myelencephalon and cervical cord
where is the pontine flexure
dorsal, jxn between metencephalon and myelencephalon
what is the lamina terminalis
closure of the rostral neuropore
where does the sulcus limitans end
at mesencephalon
what forms sensory nuclei of cranial nerves
alar plate
what froms motor nuclei of cranial neres
basal plate
how are relay nuclei formed
migration of neurons
what are the 4 basic functional components of cranial nerves
GSA (general sensation-ectoderm), GVA (general sensation-endoderm), (G)SE (motor n to skeletal m), GVE (cranial part of parasympatethics
what are the special sense afferent components of the cranial nerves
SSA (sight & sound), SVA (olfaction and taste)
What is the cranial nerve components that is not one of the 4 basics oran afferent special sense
SVE- branchial arch musculature
what is formed from the alar plate in the myelencephalon
inferior olivery nucleus
what nuclei are formed in the myelencephalon and metencephalon
cranial n. nuclei
what is formed from the alar plate in the pons of the metencephalon
pontine nuclei
what does alar plate migration form in the cerebellum of the metencephalon
rhombic lips, deep cerebellar nuclei, cortex
what do rhombic lips give rise to
cerebellar plate
what does the alar plate form in the mesencephalon
tectal nuclei
what does the basal plate form in the mesencephal
red nucleu and substantia nigra
what contains the interventricular foramen, lamina terminalis and optic chiasm
what does the mantle layer give rise to in the diencephalon
epithalamus (habenula, pineal), thalamus, hypothalamus, mammillary bodies, infundibulum
Telencephalon contains ____- hemispheres, _____ ventricles, _____ lobes and _____ horns of lateral ventricles
cerebral, lateral,a temporal, inferior
mantle layer migration in telencephalon gives rise to what
mantle layer of telencephalon gives rise to what
corpus striatum (telencephalic nuclei)
corpus striatum growth parallels C-shape growth of ________
what do the fibers that divide the corpus striatum form
the internal capsule
what does the internal capsule unite and when
walls of telencephalon and diencephalon (midfetal life)
the lamina terminalis is related to what commissure
anterior commussure
the corpus callosum (related to lamina terminalis) has _____ fibers that parrallel what
commissural fibers, C-shape growth of telencephalon
what does the pachymeninx form
dura mater, dural venous sinuses
what do leptomeninges form
pia, arachnoid, subarachnoid space
where is the lumbar cistern
vertebral level at which spinal cord ends rises as vertebrae and meninges grow
the lumbar cistern is an area of _____ space related to lower nerve roots below the level of the cord
what is tela choroidea
vascular pia + ependyma
what does tela choroidea give rise to and what does that produce
choroid plexus, CSF
choroid plexus of 3rd ventricle is made from the roof plate of the_______
Telencephalon: the choroid plexus protrudes into the _______ of the ______ ventricles
choroid fissures of the lateral ventricles
where is the choroid plexus of the 4th ventricle
roof plate
what is purpose of foramina of Lushka and MAgendia
circulation CSF from within CNS to subarachnoid space
Arachnoid villi: arachnoid epithelium covered by ____ _____- projects into ____ _____ _____
sinus endothelium, dural venous sinuses