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53 Cards in this Set

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What embryonic structure is skeletal muscle derived from?
paraxial mesoderm (myotome portion of somite and somitomeres)
What embryonic tissue is smooth muscle derived from?
mesenchymal cells anywhere in body
What embryonic tissue is cardiac muscle derived from?
mesenchymal cells in cardiogenic area
In muscle histonogenesis, when does the neuromuscular junction develop?
Myotube stage
Cuboidal myoblasts will become type of muscle?
skeletal muscle
Fusiform myoblasts will become type of muscle?
Smooth muscle
What shape are the myoblasts that develop from the cardiogenic mesoderm?
somewhat cuboidal, will become cardiac muscle
Myotomes split in to what two portions?
The hypomere gives rise to what muscles
the hypaxial muscles
What are some examples of hypaxial muscles
limb muscles
The epimere gives rise to what muscles?
the epaxial muscles
What are some examples of epaxial muscles?
erector spinae
What innervates the epimere
Dorsal ramus
what innervates the hypomere
ventral ramus
What are the fates of myotomes?
1. remain segmental
2. fuse
3. Split longitudinally
4. Split tangentially
5. Migrate from level of origin
Give examples of a segmental myotome
intercostals, levators, rotators, deep back
Give examples of a fused myotome
Abdominal obliques, erector spinae
Give examples of a longitudinally split myotome
Erector spinae muscles
Give examples of a tangentially split myotome
Abdominal obliques, intercostals
Give examples of a migrated myotome
Serratus anterior and diaphragm
What does it mean if a muscle is innervated by several spinal levels
it is derived from several myotomes
limb buds develop from what cells
myotomal cells of hypomere that migrate into limb buds
Where are the upper limb myotomes from
Where are the lower limb myotomes from?
Limb bud myotomal cells divide into what muscles masses?
posterior (dorsal) premuscle mass
anterior (ventral) premuscle mass
In the upper limb, what does the posterior premuscle mass develop into?
extensor and supinator muscles
In the upper limb, what does the anterior premuscle mass develop into?
flexor and pronator muscles
In the lower limb, what does the posterior premuscle mass develop into?
extensor and abductor muscles
n the lower limb, what does the anterior premuscle mass develop into?
flexor and adductor muscles
At 6th week of development where do the thumb, big toe, elbows, and knees face?
Thumb and big toe- up
elbows and knees- laterally
Upper and lower limb rotate to which direction?
Upper limb- 90 degrees laterally
Lower limb- 90 degrees medially
What limb structures are derived from ectoderm?
Neural tube cells – motor neurons
Neural crest – sensory neurons, pigment cells
What limb structures are derived from mesoderm?
Myotome -- skeletal muscle
Dermatome -- dermis
Lateral mesoderm -- bone, cartilage, blood vessels, CT
What structures constitute the beginning and ending of the inguinal canal?
Begins at deep (internal) inguinal ring (transversalis fascia)
and ends at superficial (external) inguinal ring (external oblique)
What spinal level is the ilioinguinal nerve?
what does the inguinal canal contain:
In males?
In females?
males- spermatic cord and ilioinguinal nerve
females- round ligament and ilioinguinal nerve
What innervates the cremaster muscle?
The genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve (L1-L2)
What is in the spermatic cord?
Ductus deferens
Testicular artery
Pampiniform plexus (venous)
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve (L1,2)
What is the significance of the pampiniform venous plexus
temperature regulation, cooling arterial blood via countercurrent exchange
Where do the testes develop?
Posterior abdominal wall, T10-L1
Between transversalis fascia and peritoneum
what abdominal layers are involved in the descent of the testes?
External oblique
internal oblique
transversalis fascia
what is the processus vaginalis?
a potential space within the elongation of peritoneum
what is the gubernaculum?
The "rope" that pulls the testes down. (folds in peritoneum that aid in the descent of testes)
What is the fate of the processus vaginalis?
Upper portion of processus vaginalis is obliterated
Persists at level of testes
Forms the Parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis (serous membrane)
What are the treatments for cryptorchidism?
Hormone therapy:
hCG- stimulates ledig cells to produce testosterone
What covers the spermatic cord and where do the layers originate?
External spermatic fascia = external oblique
Cremasteric muscle and fascia = internal oblique
Internal spermatic fascia= transversalis fascia
what is the fate of the gubernaculum in females?
Ovarian ligament -- ovary to junction of uterus and uterine tube
Round ligament -- junction of uterus and uterine tube to labia majora
What is a direct inguinal hernia?
All are acquired
Do not course through inguinal canal
Pass through Hesselbach’s or inguinal triangle; medial to inferior epigastric vessels
What is an indirect inguinal hernia?
Most frequent one in both males and females
Can be congenital or acquired
Course through inguinal canal; pass lateral to inferior epigastric vessels
What defines Hasselbach's triangle?
Base – inguinal ligament
Lateral border – inferior epigastric vessels
Medial border – rectus abdominis muscle
What covers the peritoneal sac in an direct inguinal hernia?
transversalis fascia and external oblique
What covers the peritoneal sac in an indirect inguinal hernia?
transversalis fascia, internal oblique and external oblique layers
Which hernia is due to a persistence of processus vaginalis?
indirect inguinal hernia