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54 Cards in this Set

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Study of the growth and differentiation undergone by an organism from single fertilized cell into highly complex and independent living-being like its parents
prenatal period
period of development before birth
postnatal period
period of development after birth
preembryonic period
period of development of the gametes their fusion, cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation and up to implantation
"before implantation"
Embryonic period
The period of implantation to the origin of the primordia of organs and the formation of the basic body
Fetal period
The period of growth and maturation of the organ system to become competent to assume their specialized functions
The developing offspring during the embryonic period
The developing offspring during the fetal period
embryo/fetus and its membrane
_____ gave the foundation of the knowledge of the germ layers
Van Baer
The chromatin content of the nucleus becomes concentrated and forms the bulk of the ______
Head of the sperm
The Golgi apparatus becomes concentrated and reorganized to form the _________
Acromsomal cap over the head
THe centriole moves away from the anterior end taking on the shape of the ring to encircle the _______
The mitochondria become concentrated around the proximal part of the flagellum which form the ______
middle piece of the spermatozoa
Transport of sperm is achieved by:
1. Contraction of cervix and uterus
2. motility of sperm
Spermatozoa upon arrival in the genital tract are not capable of fertilizing the oocyte must undergo...
process of capacitation and acrosomal rxn
further entry of sperm into oocyte (many sperm entering)
most common in pigs
impregnation by successive acts of coitus; two or more ovum are liberated at about the same time by two or more different males-DOG and CAT
a pregnant female ovulates, conceive and produce a second younger fetus
Gestation period of a mare
335-345 days
Gestation period of a cow
279-282 days
Gestation period of a Ewe
148-150 days
Gestation period of a Sow
114-120 days
Gestation period of a Bitch
60-65 days (58-79 depending on breed)
Gestation period of a Queen
60 days
Each somite differentiates into
Myotomes, Dermatome and Sclerotome
Somites- sclorotome =
verterbral column
connective tissue
Surface ectoderm
Epidermis, including cutaneous glands, hair, and lens of eyes; Epithelium of sense organs, nasal cavity, sinuses; mouth including oral glands, enamel, anal canal
Neural ectoderm
nervous tissue including hypophysis, adrenal medulla, and retina of eye
Paraxial Mesoderm
vertebral column and its associated muscles and connective tissue
Intermediate mesoderm
Kidneys, adrenal cortex, gonads and genital ducts
lateral mesoderm
cardiovascular and lymphatic system, pleura and peritoneum, spleen, muscles and connective tissues
Derivatives of endoderm
Epithelium of:
pharynx including root of tongue, auditory tube, larynx, trachea and lungs
Digestive tube including glands
Bladder, urethra and associated glands
nutrients and oxygen from maternal blood diffuse
from the uterine artery into the umbilical vein
excretory products from the embryo diffuse from the
umbilical artery into uterine vein
Functions of placenta
nutrition, respiration through gaseous exchange, excretion, barrier(impermeable to bacteria), synthesis of hormones
placenta hormone production
estrogen, progesterone, and gonadotrophins
nutrients and oxygen from maternal blood diffuse
from the uterine artery into the umbilical vein
Diffuse placenta
mare and sow
excretory products from the embryo diffuse from the
umbilical artery into uterine vein
Functions of placenta
nutrition, respiration through gaseous exchange, excretion, barrier(impermeable to bacteria), synthesis of hormones
placenta hormone production
estrogen, progesterone, and gonadotrophins
Diffuse placenta
mare and sow
Cotyledonary placenta
zonary placenta
discoidal placenta
primate, rodents, bats
3 layers of fetal side
chronic epithelium, fetal connective tissue, and endothelium of the allantoic blood vessels
3 layers of the maternal side
uterine epithelium, uterine connective tissue, and endothelium of blood vessels of uterus
Epitheliochorial has chronic epithelium in contact with_______. ___ layers are present. Present in these animals:
uterine epithelium, 6, sow and mare
Syndesmochorial has chronic epithelium in contact with_____. __ layers are present. Present in these animals:
uterine connective tissue, 5, ruminants
Endotheliochorial has chronic epitheilum in contact with_____. __ layers are present. Present in ______ animals
uterine blood vessels, 4, carnivores
Hemochorial has chronic epithelium in contact with _______. __ layers present. Present in these animals:
Uterine blood, 3, primates