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42 Cards in this Set

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diarhhea causes
decreased fluid absorption(fluid reabsorption large intestine)
increased fluid secretion(abnormality in bowel)
motility disturbances(increase peristalsis)
clinical manifestations of diarhhrea
chronic- 2 weeks or more & reoccurs
should immodium be used
diarhhrea is defense wants to get bacteria out
non ifectious will get immodium
complications of diarhhea
electrolyte imbalance
signs of electrolyte imbalance
cramping, confusion, lightheadness, muscle spasm,twitches
diagnostic studies
ask- travel, diet, meds, previous surg,
family history-IBS, personal contacts
stool spec/culture
Ova & parasite
Endoscopy, Barium swallow(pill w/camera
CBC(HMG,HCT low could be bleed)(WBC-infection), iron/folate levels
may see falsely elevated HMG HCT
cause of decreased fluid absorption
laxative abuse
mucusoal damage: Crohns Disease. radiation, ulcerative colitis, ischemic bowel disease disease( decreased blood supply, infarction
cause increased fluid secretion
infectious bacterial endotoxins
antibiotics(disturbed normal flora) C-diff(isolation)
sorbitol(artificial sweetner)
hormonal-adenoma of pancreas
cause of motility disturbances
IBS. gasterectomy(dumping syndrome)
Nursing diagnosis for Diarhhrea
diarrhea related to acute infection process
deficient fluid volume related to excessive fluid loss
impaired skin integrity
fecal incontinence
motor : contraction of muscles, anus flaccid
sensory: dementia, stroke, spinal injuries, degenerative disease(Parkisons,MS,ALS
fecal impaction-liquid caused by increased fluid secretions to counteract
diagnose fecal incontinence
rectal exam, abdominal XRAY, sigmoidscopy
Management of fecal incontinence
anti-diarrheal(Immodium)only for non infectious
bowel/bladder training
high fiber diet/increased liquid
assess constipation
change in "normal frequency" hard stool
decrease frequency
abdominal pain, distension, bloating
headache, nausea, flatulence, palpable mass
causes of constipation
colonic disorders-IBS, Diverticular
drug induced:antacids-calcium,aluminum
antidepressants, anticholinergics(slows bowel)
barium sulfate(increase fluids), iron(use colase chaser)
endocrine- hypothyroidism, diabetes
collagen vascular( scleroderma)
Neurogenic-megacolon, MS, Parkinsons
complications of constipation
valsava manuever & syncope
obstipation secondary to constipation may cause bowel perforation
treatment for constipation
laxatives (use cautiously)
enemas-oil retention to loosen feces- avoid soap suds, hypotonic and phosphate
high fiber foods-insoluble(whole wheat, bran) soluble(oat bran, fruits, vege)
increase fluids to 3000ml
inflammation of the appendix, inferior part of cecum
what causes appendicitis
obstruction of lumen by feces, foreigne bodies(poppy seeds) tumors
perforation of appendix
sudden relief of pain with abdominal distension
complications of appendicitis
gangrene, perferation and peritonitis
how does appencitis present
persisitent, constant periumbical pain radiates to RLQ
pain localizes at McBirneys point halfway between umbilicus/right illiac crest
rebound tenderness& muscle guarding
right kneeflexion relieves pain coughing aggravates pain
Rovsings sign positive
rovsings sign
LLQ palpation result's in more pain than right side (considered sign of addencitis)
diagnosis of appendicitis
complete history and physical
CBC-look for elevated WBC 16000
urine analysis-check ureters
theraputic measures
NPO- IV fluids-antibiotics
ice bag lower right quardrant
Pain meds only after diagnosis
surgery for perforation
inflammatory process in peritonium that results in extracellular fluid shifts
causes of peritonitis
blood born infections(septicemia)
cirrhosis of the liver
perfs/rupt of bowel
peritoneal dialysis
abdominal surgery- temp taken check for infection
signs of peritonitis
abdominal pain, tenderness, distension, rigidity
high fever,tachycardia, tachypnea
101 fever or more
nausea, vomitting
alteration in bowel sounds
Diagnostic for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
CBC-iron def. anemia, folate levels(colon cancer), RBC decreased, WBC elevated
serum electrolytes
occult blood in stool & puss and mucous
stool culture(infection)
Sigmoidoscope/colonoscopy, biopsy
barium enema
ulcerative colitis
mucosa& submucosa or rectum, sigmoid colon and upper colon
multiple abssess/ulcerations, bleeding, & diarrhea
fluid& electrolyte imbalances, protein loss
pseudopolps & shortening of colon
assessment ulcerative colitis
bloody diarrhea & lower abdominal pain
fever, weight, loss, tchycardia, dehydration
toxic megacolon and possible perforation & peritonitis
treatment ulcerative colotis
antimicrobials-PO/enema, long term- sulfasazine(Azulfidine)mesalamine(Rowasa)
immunsuppresssives-Imuran(increase fluid intake/nephrotoxic)
cortocosteroids, anticholinergics,sedatives
antidiarrheal-lomotil(controlled sub)immodium, NO Kayopectate-not absorbed well
Imferon(iron)-Ztract vitamins, folic acid, b12, potassium if on steroids
nursing post op ulcerative colitis`
NPO w/NG tube
Stoma drainage -1500-2000/day
strict I & O
monitor for hemorrage, dehyd.
assess bowel sounds-SBO
asses drains, good skin/perianal care_nupracaine ointment, sitz
contact eneterostomal therapist
emotional support
nutritional mgmt ulcerative colitis
high calorie, high protein, high protein, low residue diet
foods to avoid with ulcerative colitis
whole grain breads, cereals, bran, nuts, cheeses, except cheddar
peas, beans, raw vege, all vege not strained, fruits with skin/seeds
crohns disease
affects anywhere in GI tract from colon, duodenum, stomach & esophagus
inflammation involves ALL layers
can have segments of normal bowel
cobblestone appearance, abscess/fistula forming with bladder, vagina & bowel
assessment crohns
non bloody diarrhea RLQ pain that is intermittent or constant
fever, fatigue, weight loss, malnutrition, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, anemia, increased peristalsis
extrainterstitial manisfestations- finger clubbing, arthritis
complications of crohns
scar tissue with narrowing & SBO
fistula between bowel & urinary tract
bowel perf. adn peritonitis
fat malabsorption causeing def A<D<E<K
Gluten intolerance
systemic similar to UC
cholelithiasis & nephrolilthiasis(oxalate absorp)
outpouching mucosal smooth muscle of the intestinal wall
inflammation of the diverticuli at any point in GI tract more common in sigmoid colon
pathophysiology of diverticulitis
5% population by age 40
50% by age 80