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28 Cards in this Set

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What properties do metals have?

Strong, can conduct, shiny

Name some metals

Iron Fe, Zinc Zn, Copper Cu, Lead Pb

Name some Non-Metals

Oxygen O, Nitrogen N, Neon Ne, Helium He

How many metal elements exist?


What is the most common metal in the earth's crust?

Aluminum Al

Name a reactive Metal

Rubidium Rb

Name an un-reactive metal


Are there any metals that float on water?


What metals are found in a two pound coin?

Copper, Nickel, zinc

What is the periodic table?

Periodic table is a list of all known elements in the universe

Why do some of the chemical symbols seem a lot different to their name?

Used Greek or Latin names

What is the most reactive metal in group 1 metal?

Francium Fr

What is the least reactive metal In group 1 metals?

Lithium but still very reactive

Is there a Pattern in the periodic table?

Yes, the further down the group, the more reactive the alkali metal is.

What's the experiment to find out what gas Alkali metals produce?

A test tube was filled with water and calcium granules added. After 1 minute, the gas from the test tube was tested with a lighted splint. The lighted splint popped, producing Hydrogen.

What gas do alkali metals produce?


How do you know that the alkali metals produced Hydrogen?

•lighted splint popped •Universal indicator turns blue

What is the word equation for when an alkali is produced along with the gas Hydrogen?

Sodium+water ⇒ sodium hydroxide+hydrogen

What is group 7 called on the periodic table?

The Halogen

Write a word equation of one of the reaction of Halogens.

Aluminum + iodine + water ⇒ aluminum iodide

Describe a reaction of halogen

Powered aluminum and iodine crystal were ground together in a pestle. The mixture was then placed on a heat mat and water added. The mixture then became very hot and gave off thick purple smoke after the reaction white ash was left.

Are Halogens reactive or non-reactive?

Very reactive

What do we use halogens for?

•kills bacteria •bleaching agents •forms salt when react with a metal

What is group 0 called on the periodic table?

The Noble Gases

Are the noble gases reactive or unreactive?


Describe some uses of the Noble gases

•used in balloons and airship •used in advertising signs •in light bulbs •in lasers

What are elements?

Elements contain only one type of atom

What are compounds?

Compounds contain 2 or more different elements joined together