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127 Cards in this Set

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Normal fluid volume for a adult male is __, female is __, infant is __
The fluid within cells, also known as cytosol
intracellular fluid
the fluid found outside of cells
extracellular fluid
the fluid surrounding cells
interistial fluid
the fluid component of blood
There are __ liters of body water in the normal adult male
Intracellular fluid accounts for __ of total body weight
40% or 2/3
Extracellular fluid accounts for __ of total body weight
20% or 1/3
Functions of body fluids is to ___ healthy living condition for body cells.
Function of body fluid helps ___ cellular waste
Body fluids are used to ___ enzymes and hormones, ___ red blood cells throughout body and ___ WBC to attack bacteria
transports, carries, carries
To maintain homeostasis in the body, there is ___ mEq of both ___ and ____
154, cations and anions
Gastric secretions contain high concentrations of _ ions because of its acidity
Pancreatic secretions are highly ___ because of high concentrations of bicarbonate
Bile, gasatric and pancreatic secretions all contain high concentrations of ____
Electrolytes ____ neuromuscular irritability. ____ body fluid osmolality. ____ acid base balance and ____ distribution of body fluids amond the body fluid compartments
promote, maintain, regulates, regulates
Movement of fluid and soultes requiring energy. An example of this would be what/
active transport. Sodium potassium pump
The transportation of of fluid and solutes requiring no energy
Passive transport
This inovlves the movement of water across a membrane from an area of low solutes to a concentration of high solutes
This is a passive proces by which molecules of solute move through a cellmembrane from an area of high concentration to lower concentration
The movement of both water and pariticles from an area of high pressure to low pressure
The concentration of solutes in body fluid
The standard unit of osmotic pressure
substance that is idssolved in a solution
Substance that dissolves the solute
In isotonic conditions. everything is ____
A hypertonic solution means there is a ____concentration of solutes in the ___ and this will ___ cells.
high, ECF, shrink
A hypotonic solution means there is a ____ concentration of solutes in the ECF and this will cause movement of water from the ecf to the ___ and will cause the cell to ___
low , ICF, explode
What 3 things affect the rate of diffusion?
size of molecule, concentration of solution and the temperature
The movement of a substance from an area of High concentration to a lower one by using carrier molecules for help
faciliated diffusion
The force created by fluid within a closed system. Blood flows from higher pressure arterial system to lower pressure capillaries and veins
hydrostatic pressure
the pressure exerted by molecules that retain water and helps keep vluid in the intravascular space
the movement of molecules form low concentration to high concentration
active transport
Normal fluid intake and losses in adults should = ___ mL/day
Fluid losses that can be measured?
fluid losses that cannot be measured
Fluid loss can ____ and cause mulitple problems
Populations at risk for dehydrations include?
a. infants b. adolescents c. patients with congestive heart failure
Checking for ortostatic hypotension allows the nurse to detect early signs of:
a. hypovolemia b. low serum osmolality c. high serum osmolality
Signs of hypervolemia include: a. rapid, bounding pulse b. clear, watery sputum c. sever hypertension
rapid bounding pulse
Water intoxication can be caused by: a. admistering too much hypertonic fluid, b. admistering too much hypotonic fluid c. sever hypertension
What organ is the principle regulator of fluid and electrolyte balance
Pressure sensors in the vascular system stimulate or inhibit the release of ___ from the pituitary gland
____ causes the kidneys to retain fluid
If fluid volume within the vascular system is low, the pituitary gland releases ____ ADH to retain fluid
if fluid volume is too high the Pituitary gland ___ releasing ADH causing the kidney to elminate fluid
The adrenal cortex releases the hormone called ____ to Hold on to H2O and sodium and excrete ___
Aldosterone, and potassium
The thyroid hormone increases cardiac regulation. So the more thryoid hormone relased the increase in cardiac output increasing glomerular filtration and the output of ___ and ___
sodium and water
The major cation of the ECF
normal serum level of sodium is __-__mEq/l
The functions of this electrolyte is to: regulate fluid volume, help maintains blood volume, interacts with calcium to maintain muscle contractions, stimulates conduction of nerve impulses
The major cation in the ICF is____ and the normal serum level is _-__ mEq/l
potassium 3.5-5
This electrolyte maintains the ICF osmolality, regulates conduction of cardiac rhythm, transmits electrical impulses in mulitplebody systems and assists with acid-base balances
____ is responstible for bone health and neuromuscular and and cardiac function
This electrolyte promotes transmision of nerve impulses, retulages muscle contractions, catalysts for many cellular activites
The normal serum level of calcium is __-___
This electrolytes normal serum level is 1.3-2.1
Changes of volume in the ECF is classified as ___, ____ or ___ fluid losses
isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic
The accumulation of fluid in the compartment other than ICF or ECF
3rd spacing
isotonic fluid volume deficit is also known as ____
The first symptom of hypovolemia is?
As fluid volume decreases, the heart pumps ___ , has a ___ pulse and __ BP
faster, weak, low
What are these symptoms.
weight loss, decrease skin turgor, non-moist oral cavity, decrease in urinary output, High pulse, low Bp
isotonic fluid volume deficit
Isotonic fluid volume excess is the abnormal retention of both ___ and ___ and causes ___
salt, water, edema
ANother name for fluid volume excess
IN hypervolemia the BP is ___, pulse is ____ an respirations are ___ and ___. Neck veins become ____
elevated, bouding, shallow and weak. Distended
What doe these characteristics define:
weight gain over a short period of time, perpheral edema, Distended neck and veins, moist rales in lungs, Decreased BUN
Isotonic fluid volume excess
in terms of edema
6mm remains several seconds after pressing
1+ 2+ 3+ 4+
This type of diretic pulls out potassium, sodium and water
Typical american diet contains 3 to 5 grams of salt a day we need only 1200 mG of salt
This type of fluid deficit is caused by loss of water in excess of sodium and other electrolytes
hypertonic fluid deficit
Hypertonic fluid deficit causes what?
cellular dehydration
These are characteristics of what? Weight loss, weak pulse, hypotension, tachycardia, thirst, changes of mental status. Lab work includes Serum NA levels > 145, > specific gravity
Hypertonic fluid deficit
T or false. Dehydration causes Temperature to raise?
Excess fluid moves from extracellular space to the intracellular space and is knonw as water intoxication
Hypotonic fluid excess
What are these diagnosis of?rapid pulse and respirations, mucus membranes dry, fontanel sunken, eyes sunken, poor skin turgor, tearing and salavation absent, Irritable, lethargic, comatose, convulsions
This electrolyte maintains fluid balance
This electrolyte contributes to acid-base balance
This is the result from loss of sodium containing fluids or excess of water
na< 135 s/s is anorexia, nausea, vomiting, weakness, muscle twitching, seizures
Sodium > 145 excessive sodium intake, increased water loss through sweating
Dilutional is the most common cause of this. Exessive fluid intake, causes confusion and edema, Treatment is to decrease fluid intake
most common cause is fluid loss without the loss of sodium. Dry tissues low, urine output, tachycardia, neurological changes
signs and symptoms of hypernatremia
Skin flushed
Low grade fever
normal levels of potassium in the blood stream
Potassium = muscle tone and nerve transmission
this electrolyte imbalance is caused by increased loss of potassium or increased fluid
The symptom of this electrolyte imbalance is muscle flaccidity
Treatment for this is potassium supplements
Causes of this electrolyte embalance is: cell wall destruction, increased intake, renal failure
Symptoms of this electrolyte imbalance is irritable muscles
Regulates muscle contraction/relaxation. Nerve impluse transmission, necessary for coagulation
normal levels of calcium is?
8.5 to 10.5
This electrolyte imbalance is caued by decreased calcium intake, increased phosphate levels, renal disease, acute pancreatitis, hypoparathyroidism
Symptoms of this electrolyte imbalance are hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, neurological changes, parethesia, and arrythmia
this is the sign is a contraction of a facial muscle in response to a tap over the facial nerve in front of the ear and occurs in these electrolyte disorders
Chvostek sign
hypocalcemia and hypomagnesia
this refers to carpal spasms induced by inflating a blood pressure cuff on the arm and occursin in these electrolyte disorders
Trosseaus sign
hypocalcemia and hypomagnesia
Tingle twitch and tetany is
hypocalcemia and hypomagnesia
the causes of this are increased intake of calcium, hyperparathyroidism, immobilization
Magnesium is a _____, it helps with _____ transport of NA and K, neuromuscular tone, and cellular metabolism
sedative, cellular
causes of this electrolyte imbalance is excessive dietary intake of Ca or Vitamin D, GI fluid losses, diuretics, malnutrition, pancreatitis, alcoholism
Symptons of this are increased muscle cell irritability and contractility, low BP, arrythmias
memmory jogger for hypomagnesemia
seizures, tetany, anorexia, rapid heart rate, vmoiting, emotional liability, deep tendon reflexes increased
these cause what electrolyte embalance. Renal failure, excessive use off magnesium containing products, diabetic keto acidosis
Memory jogger for hypermagnesemia
Reflexes decreased, ECG changes, Nausea and vomiting, appearnce flused, lethargic
Water pushing pressure
hydrostatic pressure
the movement of electrolytes into and out of a cell
the movement of water only through a selectively permeable membrane
the unit of measure in a liter of solution that reflects the concentration of solutes
the movement of fluid through a membrane usually occurs from capillaries to the interstitial space
Populations at risk for dehydration include:
a. infants
b. adolescents
c. patients with congestive heart failure
Checking for orthostatic hypotension allows the nurse to detect early signs of:
a. hypovolemia
b. low serum osmolality
c. high serum osmolality
Signs of hypervolemia include:
a. rapid bounding pulse
b. clear, watery sputum
c. sever hypertension
Water intoxication can be caused by:
a. administering too much hypertonic fluid. B. administering to much hypotonic fluid. C. sever hypertension
Besides its responsibility for fluid balance, sodium is also responsible for:
a. Good eyesite
b. bone structure
c. impulse transmission
symptoms of hyponatremia inlcude:
a. headache, anxiety, and edema
b. rapid breathing, thirst, and high energy level
c. chest pain, fever, pericardial rub
increased serum sodium causes thirst and the relase of:
a. potassium into the cells
b. fluid into the interstitium
c. ADH into the blood stream
Correction of hypernatremia must be done slowly in order to avoid:
a. cellular swelling and possible brain damage
b. in a rebound effect of hyponatremia
c. inaccurate lab results caused by rapid change
Potassium is responsible for;
A building muscle mass
b. building bone structure and strength. c. maintaining the hearbeat
Stewert has a potassium level of 5.5mEq/L which intervention is appropriate?
a. increase dietary intake of bananas, oragnes and tomatoes
b. low dose oral potassium supplements.
c. kayexalate ingestion
neromuscular signs and symptoms of hypokalemia include:
a. Confusion and irritability
b. Diminished deep tendon reflexes
c. parkinsonian type tremors
In addition to calcium's regulatin of muscle contractions/relaxation, it also:
a. is necessary for blood coagulation
bl regulates cellular balance along with potassium
c. maintains an acid-base balance
A condition of hypocalcemia results in the following:
a. positive homan's sign
b. positive chvosteks sign
c. negative trousseaus sign
Hyper calcemia may cause lethargy confusion, weakness and :
a. kidney stones
b. tooth growth
c. bone fractures
Magnesium is an important electrolye because it:
a. helps control urine volume
b. promotes the production of growth hormone
c. facilitates neuromucular transmission
your patient has crohn's disease develops tremors while receiving total parenteral nutrition. Suspecting that she might have hypomagnesemia, you assess her neuromuscular system. you would expect to see:
a. homan's sign
b. chvostek's sign
c. hypoactive deep tendon reflexes
when teaching your patient with hypomagnesemia about a proper diet, you should recommend that he consume plenty of.
a. Seafood
bl fruits
c. corn products