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94 Cards in this Set

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What is mudslinging?

name calling and personal attacks

Give an example of "mudslinging" in the Election of 1800?

there was a great deal of "mudslinging" between the Jefferson's and Adams campaigns

Who were the 4 candidates that received Electoral College votes in the Election of 1800?

- Jefferson

- Adams

- C.C. Pinckney

- Burr

Where were the electoral college results of the Election of 1800?

- Jefferson 73

- Adams 65

- Burr 73

- C.C. Pinckney 64

Who were two real presidential candidates for President in the Election of 1800?

- Jefferson

- Adams

Why did Burr and Pinckney receive so many electoral college votes in the Election of 1800?

Because they were the "running mates" of Jefferson (Burr) and Adams (Pickney). Some Electoral College voters voted for them as vice presidential candidates but did not specify what their votes were for so they were counted just like all of the other votes.

According to the Constitution, who had as much right to the presidency as Jefferson after the Election of 1800?

Burr, because he received as many Electoral College votes as Jefferson.

How was it decided who won the Election of 1800?

The top 3 candidates (Jefferson, Adams and Burr) went to the House of Representatives who then decided who won the election.

Explain what happened when the House of Representatives decided who won the Election of 1800.

- the House remained deadlocked for 6 days (through 38 votes)

- Jefferson was finally declared the winner

Who from the House of Representatives finally changed their vote to end the deadlock and name Jefferson the winner of the Election of 1800?

Alexander Hamilton

What change was made to the election process based on the Election of 1800?

12th Amendment

What does the 12th Amendment say?

The Twelfth Amendment, ratified in 1804, was added to the United States Constitution, stipulating that electors make a unique choice between their selections for president and vice-president.

What year was Thomas Jefferson born?


What year did Thomas Jefferson die?


List 5 characteristics of Thomas Jefferson?

- Architect

- Inventor

- Founded University of Virginia

- Poor public speaker

- Very informal

Give two examples of Jefferson's architectural accomplishments.

- Monticello (35 rooms) - his home

- Virginia Statehouse

Give five examples of Jefferson's inventions.

- swivel chair

- Lazy Susan

- Dumb Waiter

- Music Stand

- Improvements to the plow

Give two characteristics of Jefferson being a poor speaker.

- weak voice

- never felt comfortable speaking in front of people

How did being a poor public speaker affect Jefferson's State of the Union addresses when he was President?

He sent them to the Capitol to be read to Congress by a messenger

Give four examples that showed how "informal" Jefferson was.

- shook hands with people

- only 2 people on White House staff (cook and butler)

- did not make Cabinet stand when he entered

- wore carpet slippers to Cabinet Meetings

Did Jefferson come from a poor or wealthy family?

Very wealthy family from Virginia

What did Jefferson inherit at age 14?

2,500 acres of land

What College did Jefferson graduate from?

William and Mary

Was Jefferson married while he was president?

No, His wife died in 1782 after 10 years of marriage.

How many sons and daughters did Jefferson have?

2 daughters

Give six important aspects of Jefferson's political background?

- Wrote Declaration of Independence

- Governor of Virginia

- Ambassador to France

- served as Secretary of State (under Washington)

- served as Vice President (under Adams)

- Founded the Dem.-Rep party

What political party did Jefferson found?

Dem.-Rep party

What important document did Thomas Jefferson write in 1776?

Declaration of Independence

What state was Jefferson Governor of?

Governor of Virginia

What position did Jefferson hold under George Washington?

served as Secretary of State

What position did Jefferson hold under John Adams?

served as Vice President

What country was Jefferson the U.S. Ambassador to?


How many terms was Jefferson President for?


Why did Jefferson not seek a 3rd Presidential term?

He was losing popularity and made the decision not to run for a 3rd term

Who was Secretary of State under Jefferson?

James Madison

What is the role of the Secretary of State?

Presidents top assistant.

Which group of people did Jefferson pardon during his first term of presidency?

Alien and Sedation Act Violators

Which President appointed the "Midnight Judges"?

John Adams - he did this right before his term ended

What were "Midnight Judges"?

Adams created 67 new Federal (District) Court judges and appointed Federalists to all 67 positions.

What political party was Jefferson a member of?


What is the criteria for which "Midnight Judges" are appointed?

Good behavior

How did the "Midnight Judges" impact the Judicial Branch of the government.

The Federalists had a huge influence on the Judicial Branch for many years

What allowed Adams to create the 67 new Federal courts?

Judiciary Act of 1789

Explain reason for the Marbury vs Madison case of 1803

- Adams created the 67 new courts and named Federalist judges to all courts

- Adams forgot to send on contract to the Senate for Approval (Marbury)

- Jefferson found the contract and gave the position to Madison

- Marbury filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court

Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for the Marbury vs Madison case of 1803?

John Marshall

What dilemma did John Marshall face in his decision?

- He felt Marbury was wrong (BUT)

- He did not like Jefferson

What did John Marshall rule in the Marbury vs Madison case of 1803?

He ruled that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional

What were the three main results of John Marshall's ruling in the Marbury vs Madison case of 1803 that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional?

- Marbury and the 66 others did not become judges

- ruled that the President cannot create new courts

- Supreme Court gains the power of JUDICIAL REVIEW

What is "Judicial Review"?

power of the Supreme Court to rule something unconstitutional

Why did the Tripolitan War happen?

- between 1799 and 1801 the US paid Tripoli $2 million for protection from North Arfican pirates

- Tripoli raise the rates in 1801 and US refused to pay

- the leader of Tripoli was upset and cut down the American flag at the US embassy

- US attacked Tripoli

What were the short term results of the Tripolitan War?

- Tripoli dropped the pay increase as did other North African countries as lons as the US Navy was in the region (1807)

What where the long term impacts for the US of the Tripolitan War?

It prepared us for the War of 1812 as it forced us to build up our Navy

Explain the reason for the "Chase Trial"

- Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase criticized Democratic-Republican's in a speech

- The House of Representatives impeached Chase (with Jefferson's urging) saying that he broke the Sedition act

- The Senate acquitted Chase (not guilty)

What did the Chase Trial demonstrate about Jefferson's view of the Judicial branch?

It showed his frustration with the Judicial Branch

When did the Louisiana Purchase occur?


Who did we buy the Louisiana Territory from?

France - Napoleon

How did Napoleon obtain the Louisiana Territory?

Political agreement with King of Spain

- Napoleon gets Louisiana Territory

- The King's nephew got control of Tuscany in Italy with Napoleon's help

Why did Napoleon want the Louisiana Territory?

Hoped to start a new empire in North America

How many square miles is the Louisiana Territory?

900,000 square miles

Why did Napoleon decide to get rid of the Louisiana Territory?

Frances long ongoing war with England

What was Jefferson's original offer to to France leading up to the Louisiana Purchase?

Jefferson sent Robert Livingston (US Ambassador) to offer France $10 million for New Orleans

Why was Jefferson interested in obtaining New Orleans?

He wanted to control the Mississippi River

What did Napoleon offer to the U.S. rather than just selling us New Orleans for $10 million

He offered the entire Louisiana Territory for $15 million.

What value did the entire Louisiana Territory offer the U.S.?

- doubled the size of the U.S.

- total control of the Mississippi River

- offered protection against a Western neighbor

Why did Jefferson have a difficult time saying yes right away to Napoleon's offer? Why was waiting an issue?

- The President does not have authority to buy land and Congress was not in session.

- Ambassador Livingston was not sure how long France would keep their offer open

How did Jefferson get around his dilemma and move forward with the Louisiana Purchase?

He used the "Elastic Clause" of the Constitution.

What is the "Elastic Clause" of the Constitution?

In this clause our founding fathers state that congress may pass all laws necessary and proper. This then allows for a loose interpretation of the constitution and allows constitutional flexibility which is what Jefferson used to move forward with the Louisiana Purchase.

What was the Senate's response to the Louisiana Purchase?

They ratified the treaty despite heavy protests from the Federalists

Who did Jefferson run against for his second term?

C.C. Pinckney

Jefferson (162 votes)

C.C. Pinckney (14 votes)

Who was vice president during Jefferson's second term?

George Clinton

What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expeditions?

Jefferson instructed them to:

- find the source of the Missouri River

- find the easiest way to get through the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean

- record/map routes and information on the climate, soil, minerals and Indian tribes

What are 7 key things that happened during Jefferson's first term as President?

- Election of 1800 ---- Aaron Burr - Vice President & James Madison - Secretary of State

- pardoned Alien and Sedation Act violators

- "midnight judges"

- Marbury vs Madison

- Tripolitan War

- Chase Trial

- Louisiana Purchase (1803)

What did Lewis and Clark do prior to their Expedition?

They were Army officers

How many people traveled with Lewis and Clark?

29 men plus Lewis and Clark (31 total)

When and where did the Lewis and Clark Expedition start?

St. Louis, Missouri (1804)

What was Zebulon Pike known for?

- unsuccessful expedition to find source of Mississippi River (1805)

- led expedition into the Rockies and named Pike's peak

- arrested by Spanish as a possible spy but was later released

What famous event happened in New Jersey in 1804 involving Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton?

Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel and shot and killed Hamilton?

Why did Burr challenge Hamilton to a duel?

- they ran against each other for Governor of New York

- Hamilton said in a newspaper that Burr was not unfit to hold public office

- Burr thought this was the reason he lost the election and challenged him to duel

What did Burr do after he killed Hamilton and why?

- he fled New Jersey (where dueling was legal) because he was afraid he would be arrested for murder because Hamilton had fired his weapon in the air and not at Burr

Where did Burr go after he killed Hamilton?

- He fled down the Ohio and Mississippi River (staying with Blennerhasset on his island in the Ohio River)

- He was trying to get to the Southwestern part of the U.S. and possible try to start his own country

What happened to Burr?

- Jefferson found out about his plan (from an army officer named Wilkinson) he had Burr arrested for treason

- He was found innocent by the Supreme Court. Marshall said that since there was only one witness that Burr could not be charged

After Burr was found innocent of treason, what did he do?

- went to England for 4 years

- returned to New York to practice law

How was the Napoleonic Wars between England and France affecting US Trade around 1805?

Both countries were intercepting some of our trade ships because neither country wanted us to trade with the other even though we were a neutral 3rd party.

- enough ships were still making it through that our shipping industry (merchant marine) was still prospering

What did England do to U.S Sailors as troubles worsened between France and England?

The increased the practice of impressment of American sailors (around 9,000 men)

What does "impressment of U.S. sailors" mean?

halting American ships on the high seas to reclaim deserters (or other English-speaking sailors) and forcing them to become British soldiers

What are Neutral Rights on the Seas?

U.S. as a neutral part is allowed to maintain trade with the warring parties. The warring parties are not allowed to deny our right of trade as long as we are not providing war related materials.

When did the attack of the Chesapeake occur?



Describe the events that happened during the Attack on the Chesapeake?

- the Chesapeake was ordered to stop by the Leopold (a British warship)

- the U.S. captain refused to stop and be boarded

- the Leopold fired its cannons and killed 3 Americans

- the British then boarded the Chesapeake and took (impressed) 4 Americans claiming they were runaways from the British Navy

What does "impressed" mean when you say that the British Navy "impressed" 4 Americans from the Chesapeake?

taking men into a navy by force (in this case they said that the Americans were runaways from England)

What did the Embargo Act state?

- said that no American ship could set sail for any European port

When was the Embargo Act enacted by Congress?


Whose idea was the Embargo Act?


What impact did the Embargo Act have on the U.S.?

- it hurt the US for than Europe because it stopped almost all of our trade

- it put many people out of work and many goods went to waste

What are 7 key things that happened during Jefferson's second term as President?

- Election of 1804 ---- George Clinton - Vice President & James Madison - Secretary of State

- Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804 - 1806)

- Zebulon Pike (1805)

- Aaron Burr against Alexander Hamilton (1804)

- Neutral Rights on the Seas (1805)

- The Attack of the Chesapeake (1807)

- Congress Passed the Embargo Act (1807)