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38 Cards in this Set

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The respiratory includes...
Upper airways, lungs, lower airways, alveolar air sacs
What is the respiratory systems main function?
Aid the body in meeting its need for oxygenation and tissue perfusion.
Where is the apex of the lungs located?
Above the clavicle.
The upper airways consist of these structures.
Nose, sinuses, the pharynx, and the larynx.
The lungs are located in the _------- cavity?
The base of each lung lies where?
Just above the diaphragm.
The lower airways consist of these structures.
Trachea; two mainstem bronchi; lobar, segmental, and sybsegmental bronchi; bronchioles; alveolar ducts; and alveoli.
Describe the physical characteristics of the lungs.
Sponge-like, elastic, and cone-shaped.
Describe how breathing occurs.
Through the contraction and relaxation of specific chest muscles and the diaphragm which causes changes in the size and pressure of the chest cavity. Accessory muscles aid in this process.
Name the 2 purposes of breathing.
1) To provide oxygen for tissue perfusion so the cells have enough oxygen to take part in metabolism. 2) To remove carbon dioxide (the major waste product of metabolism).
What factors can affect pulmonary function?
Age, gender, and race.
Which allergies could affect a patients lung function?
Drugs, foods, dust, molds, pollen, bee stings, trees, grass, animal dander, and saliva.
Other than allergies, what other factors can affect lung function, especially in an older individual?
Home environment (living with a smoker), community, and workplace environmental factors.
Who has larger airways and a greater bronchial hyperreactivity? Men or Women
Smoking history includes the use of which products?
Cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, marijuana, and other controlled substances.
What factors can affect a lower oxygen reading?
Dark skin color, hx of smoking or other lung trauma, positioning and placement/ loose pulse oximeter.
Do men or women have a risk for more rapid decline in lung function and why?
Women; due to their larger airways and greater bronchial hyperreactivity.
Name the acceptible locations for placement of a pulse oximeter.
Fingertip, toe, nose, or earlobe.
Define "orthopnea".
Shortness of breath that occurs while lying down but is releaved by sitting up.
Define "paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea".
Intermittent dyspnea during sleep.
What patient information should you have the patient describe about specific allergies?
Specific allergic reactions to individual stimuli such as wheezing, trouble breathing, coughing, sneezing, or rhinitis.
Which respiratory disorders have genetic manifestations?
Cystic fibrosis, some lung cancers, and alpha-antitrypsin deficiency.
What are some questions that you can ask the patient about daily events that can help you with thier treatment?
Allergies, recent travel,
Name 4 common symptoms of pneumonia.
1) Fever with chills
2) Productive cough
3) Tachypnea
4) Bronchial breath sounds
State 4 nursing interventions for assisting your client to cough productively.
1) Encourage deep breathing
2) Increase fluid intake 3 L/day
3) Use humidity to loosen secretions
4) Suction airway to stimulate cough
What symptoms of pneumonia would you expect with an older client?
- anorexia
- confusion
- letherage
- rapid respiratory rate
What should the O2 flow rate be set at for a COPD patient?
Between 1-2 L by NC
Too much O2 may eliminate the COPD patient's drive to breath spontaneously. COPD patient's have a hypoxic drive to breathe.
How does a nurse prevent hypoxia during suctioning?
Hyperoxygenate with 100% before and after endotracheal suctioning.
During mechanical ventilation, what are 3 major nursing interventions?
1) Monitor respiratory rate and secure connections
2) Establish a communication mechanism with the client
3) Keep airway clear by coughing and suctioning
When examining a client with emphysema, what physical findings is the nurse likely to see?
Barrel chest, dry or productive cough, decreased breath sounds, dyspnea, crackles in lung field.
What is the most common risk factor associated with lung cancer?
Describe the preoperative nursing care for a client undergoing a laryngectomy.
Involve family and client in manipulation of tracheostomy equipment before surgery; plan acceptable communication methods; refer to speech pathologist; discuss rehabilitation program.
List 5 nursing interventions after chest tube insertion.
- Maintain a dry occlusive dressing on chest tube.
- Keep all tubing connections tight and taped.
- Monitor client's clinical status
- Encourage the client to breath deeply periodically.
- Monitor the fluid drainage and mark the time of measurement and the fluid level.
What immediate action should the nurse take whena chest tube becomes disconnected from a bottle or suction apparatus?
Place the end of the tube in a sterile water container at a 2cm level.
What should the nurse do if a chest tube is accidentally removed fromt he client?
Apply and occlusive dressing and notify health care provider stat.
What instructions should be given to a client following radiation therapy?
Do NOT wash off lines; wear soft cotton garmets; avoid use of powders and creams on radiation site.
What precautions are required for clients with TB when placed on respiratory isolation?
A mask for anyone entering room; private room; client must wear mas if leaving room.
List 4 components of teaching for the client with tuberculosis.
1) Coughi nto tissues and dispose immediately into special bags.
2) Long-term need for daily medication.
3) Good handwashing technique.
4) Report symptoms of deterioration (bloody sputum).