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154 Cards in this Set

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Idioventricular rhythm follow ____ protocols and use temporary ____ to inc rate and perfusion.

Acls, pacemaker

Idioventricular rhythm call a --- and call the ---

Code, physician

Idioventricular rhythm has no ---- rate, ventricular rate is less than --- and has a wide qrs greater than 0.12.

Atrial, 40

Second degree av block type 2 do temporary cardiac ---, and givea---.

Pacing, atropine.

Second degree av block type 2 rhythm is ----, ventricular rate is --- than atrial.

Regular, less

Second degree av block type 2 pr interval may be normal, or ----, it is constant until one --- wave is not conducted.

Prolonged, P

All ventricular rhythms are ---


Ventricular tachycardia has no --- waves, only qrs. Rate is greater than ---.

P, 100.

For V Tach If Pulse Present Give a---, And l-----. Do synchronized -----

Amiodarone, lidocaine, cardioversion.

V tach treat underlying cause with medications, if ----, or cardiovert if ---.

Stable, unstable

V tach if pulse absent treat as V ----


Sinus pause rhythm is --- except for missing beats, rate is s--, entire ---- may be missing.

Regular, slow, pqrst

Sinus pause/arrest measure from beginning --- before pause, to the beginning of -- after pause.

P, p

Sinus pause/arrest treat underlying cause, give ---, hold d---, give a---, and place temp/permanent ----

Oxygen, digitalis, atropine, pacemaker

Sinus pause/arrest if bb toxicity give g--, if ccb toxicity, give ----

Glucagon, calcium

Normal PR interval is 0.12- --- seconds


Normal QRS interval is less than -- seconds


Sinus bradycardia rhythm ---, and rate -- bpm.

Regular, 60.

Symptomatic bradycardia give o---, hold d--, give a---.

Oxygen, digoxin, atropine.

Symptomatic bradycardia give g-- if bb toxicity, give c-- if ccb toxicity.

Glucagon, calcium.

Symptomatic bradycardia patient needs temporary/permanent --.


Atrial tachycardia rhythm is ---. Rate is 150- --.

Regular, 250

Atrial tachycardia p wave may encroach on --- wave, but you can still see p wave.


Atrial fibrillation pr interval is -- to measure due to speed of rhythm.


Atrial tachycardia give o--, and a---. In addition, patient can --- down. You can do cardioversion, but --- first.

Oxygen, adenosine, bear, sedate.

Sinus arrhythmia is ---. Rate is 60 - ___. R waves and ___ waves are not spread apart equally.

Irregular, 100, P.

Sinus arrythmia treatment is usually ___. To abolish, increase hr by --- or drugs.

Unnecessary, exercise.

Sinus arrhythmia symptomatic with palpitations give s--, t--, a--, ephedrine, or isoproterenol administration.

Sedatives, tranquilizers, atropine.

Accelerated idioventricular rhythm has no __ rhythm, and the ventricular is regular to ___

Atrial, irregular

Accelerated idioventricular rate is ventricular ____ than 40. With qrs _____ than 0.12.

Greater, greater.

Accelerated idioventricular treatment p___, e_____, a_____.

Pacemaker, atropine, epinephrine.

Accelerated idioventricular treatment if pulseless pea do ___, acls protocol, call a ___ and call the doctor.

Cpr, code

Artificial pacemaker regulates heart rate when heart's pacemaker is not ___ enough or there are ___ in the heart's conduction system.

Fast, blocks.

Indications for pacemaker are symptomatic ____, ____ and drugs that cause bradycardias, periods of asystole greater than or equal to ___ seconds, and ___ degree block.

Bradycardia, arrythmias, 3, second.

Fixed asynchronous pacemaker is an option for ____ degree block.


Pacemaker failure to ___ does not recognize ___ beats, and generates unnecessary pacemaker spike

Sense, normal

Pacemaker failure to ___, no ___ spikes where they should have been.

Fire, pacer

Pacemaker loss of ____ /failure to ____, pacer spikes not followed by p of qrs complex.

Capture, capture.

Pacemaker _____ pace beats or spikes too close to previous beats results in spikes in T waves or qrs.


Pacemaker failure to fire is also known as failure to p___, and failure to o____.

Pace, output.

Premature atrial contractions (PAC) rhythm is ___ due to ____ beats.

Irregular, premature.

PAC rate depends on ___ rhythm, slow, normal or fast.


__ wave of PAC has different shape than sinus __ wave because the originate from a different atrial pacemaker.

P, p

PAC pr interval may be different from underlying ___


PAC may be caused by ____ stress, or excessive caffeine intake.


PAC may be caused by sympathomimetic agents e___ and isuprel.


PAC may be caused by ___thyroidism.


PAC may be associated with structural ___ disease, and increase in frequency with age.


Isolated PAC occur in persons with ___ hearts, not significant.


Frequent PAC in heart disease may be caused by ___ heart failure or acute ___.

Congestive, MI.

PACs may warn of _____ arrhythmias such as a-tach, a-flutter, or a-fib.


True or false: PAC generally requires therapy.


PAC symptomatic or when they precipitate t____, give d___, b___, c___.

Tachycardia, digoxin, betablocker, calcium channel blocker.

Premature ventricular complex rhythm: underlying rhythm ___ with occasional premature ventricular beats


PVC occurs in the ___.


PVC rate is slow, normal, and ___.


PVC p wave is related to ____ rhythm and PVC has __ p wave.

Underlying, no

PVC qrs is related to underlying rhythm PVC is ___ than 0.12.


PVC can be caused by emotional stress, d__ toxicity, stimulants, hypoxia, and ____ disturbances

Digitalis, electrolyte

PVC is not ___ in normal adults of all ages.


PVC occurs more frequently in ___ age.


Young adults may have PVCs because of ___ or excessive caffeine intake.


PVC may be seen with virtually any type of heart disease, most commonly seen with acute ___


Suppressing PVC or short runs of VT with antiarrhythmic drugs has __ been shown to improve survival.


True or false: antiarrhythmic drugs may make PVC worse.


Trueor false: For PVC mixing multiple antiarrhythmic medications may cause a proarrhythmic effect.


Reverse PVC by finding the causes, h___, hypokalemia, hypom___and certain s____ drugs.

Hypoxia, magnesemia, stimulant

True or false: do not give BBC with PVC because you may make things worse.


Coupled PVCs occur in ____


Multifocal PVCs have more than one __


Supraventricular tachycardia is ___ a specific arrhythmia.


SVT means ___ the ventricles.


SVT rhythm is ___, and has __ waves.

Regular, p

PVC has an abnormally wide, bizarre



Rhythm is ___ when PVCs occur.


In PVC p wave may be present, or __. It may be obscured and appear as a ___ on the T or ST segment.

Absent, notch

PVC has a compensatory ___, an a upright ___ wave superimposed on a premature ectopic beat, and a wide and bizarre ___.

Pause, p, qrs

In PVCs if the p wave is present it is of the underlying rhythm, they continue without ___ during and after PVC. They occur at their expected time.


The obscured p wave in a PVC may appear as a ___ on the st segment or the t wave of the PVC. This is a clue that it is not a ___ rhythm.

Notch, PAC

SVT hr is 150- ___


SVT p wave is ___ with t wave.


SVT pr and qrs are ___


SVT pr interval can be difficult to ___


Ventricular tachycardia hr is greater than ___


V tach has no ___ rate, and the __ wave is not there or buried in qrs.

Atrial, p

V tach p:qrs ratio is __: ___

0 : 1

V tach unable to measure ___ interval. QRS is wide and bizarre greater than ___

PR, 0.12

V tach caused by ischemia, h__tension, h__kalemia.

Hypotension, hypokalemia

V tach can be caused by sinus Brady or __ block, or ____ tachy

Av, supraventricular

V tach has __ or more consecutive pvcs.


V tach hr greater than __


Atrial tachycardia give o__, fluids, antypyretic, anti___, antianxiety, and rest.

Oxygen, anticoagulants.

True or false: in Atrial tachycardia you can measure the pr interval.

False, it is difficult to measure due to speed of rhythm.

What is the difference in p waves for atrial tachycardia and supraventricular tachycardia?

You see the p waves in atrial tachycardia, but not in supraventricular tachycardia.

True or false: both supraventricular tachycardia and atrial tachycardia are 150-250 beats, per minute.


P waves in atrial tachycardia may be upright or ____


Sinus tachycardia rhythm is ___ 150.


Sinus tachycardia treat underlying cause, ___ requirements increased.


Sinus tachycardia caused by anemia, give __


Sinus tachycardia caused by hypovolemia, give ____.


Sinus tachycardia caused by fever, temp will in ease __ bpm for every degree above 98F.


Sinus tachycardia p wave is ___, normal, and consistent.


The difference between sinus tachycardia from atrial tachycardia is the heart ___. A tach is ___ than s. tach.

Rate, faster

Treat accelerated junctional by holding d___


Accelerated junctional rate is 60 - __


Accelerated junctional p wave is i__, or missing, or inverted after the ____.

Inverted, qrs

True or false: you cannot measure rate, rhythm, or intervals in ventricular fibrillation.


Treat v. Fib with immediate d___ c___, epinephrine, a___, and magnesium.

Defibrillation, cpr, amiodarone.

V. Fib can be caused by acute __, d__ toxicity, drug overdose, ____ (lightening).

MI, digitalis, electrocution.

True or false: the v. Fib is disorganized, v. Tach is organized.


You defibrillate to organize electrical activity in v. ___


Pulseless electrical activity has ___ pulse, but appears on the monitor as a rhythm.


Treat pulse less electrical activity as a____. P_ is usually inefective, try as a last resort.

Asystole, pacing

Pulseless electrical activity always check for a ____


Pulseless electrical activity treat with acts, c__, e____, o__, and must find the cause and treat it.

Cpr, epinephrine, oxygen.

PEA (pulseless electrical electrical activity), there is __ pumping of the heart with electrical activity.


T or F: PEA p wave may or may not be present


T or F: PEA rate may be regular or irregular.


T or F: PEA may be caused by hypovolemia, cardiac tamponade, tension pneumothorax, acidosis, and PE.


First degree AV block strip looks normal except the pr interval is prolongued, it is greater than ____


Second degree AV block type one ventricular rate is i___, atrial rate is regular.


Second degree AV block type one ventricular rate is ___ than atrial.


Second degree AV block type 1 PR interval gets progressively longer until one ___ wave is blocked.


Second degree AV block type one p rate is regular, to me it looks like ___ interval is dropped.


Second degree av block is also known as mobitz type __, and w___.

1, wenckebach

2nd degree av block type 1, you will see pqrst complexes in c___, p-qrs ratio is 1:1, or 2:1.


2nd degree av block type 1 if hr less than ___, and patient symptomatic treat with a___.

50, atropine

First degree av block generally does not require specific treatment. If, excessive vagotonia, bradycardia, and hypotension present administer a___.


2nd degree av block type 2, if patient symptomatic give and has a normal qrs give a__.


2nd degree av block type 2 do temporary cardiac ___ for symptomatic patients.


2nd degree av block type 2, rhythm is usually ___ when conduction rates are constant.


2nd degree av block type 2 rate atrial is normal, ventricular rate __ than atrial.


Second degree av block type 2 please wave may be normal or p__, but it is constant until one __ wave is not conducted.

Prolonged, p

True or false: 2nd degree av block type 2 ratio can be 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, or, any combination.


Third degree av block do temporary cardiac p___ for treatment if symptomatic, otherwise a standby cardiac pacemaker is indicated.


3rd degree av block with narrow qrs occasionally responds to a___ if it is caused by an acute inferior or right ventricular MI.


3rd degree av block has a ____ pr interval. P wave is not married to qrs.


3rd degree av block __ waves hiding in qrs or t waves.


3rd degree a block has ___ qrs and___ ventricular rate.

Wide, decreased

True or false 3rd degree av block p - qrs ratio is unrelated.


Junctional rhythms have inverted __ wave, __ p wave, or inverted p wave after the qrs.

P, no

In ventricular rhythms, pvc has no __ wave and qrs is __ than 0.12.

P, greater

In ventricular tachycardia you are unable to determine __ rate.


In ventricular tachycardia there is __ p wave or it is buried in qrs.


In ventricular tachycardia qrs has a ___ bizzare morphology __ than 0.12.

Wide, greater

Torsades des pointes rhythm is ___, rate is greater than ____

Regular, 250

Torsades des pointes qrs __ than 0.12, and ____ around isoelectric line.

Greater, twists

Torsades de pointes treat with IV ___, atrial or ventricular ___, permanent __, or ICD.

Magnesium, pacing, pacemaker

Asystole treat with acls protocol, do ___, give e__, a___, treat cause of asystole.

Cpr, epinephrine, atropine.

Idioventricular rhythm there is no ___ rate. Ventricular usually __ than 40.

atrial, less

Idiiventricular rhythm qrs ___ than 0.12


Idioventricular do acls and temporary ___.


Accelerated idioventricular has ___ atrial rate, ventricular rate is ___ than 40, and qrs is ___ , greater than 0.12.

No, greater, wide

Accelerated idioventricular do p__, a__, e__. If pulse less pea do CPR and acls protocols.

Pacemaker, atropine, epinephrine.