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79 Cards in this Set

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What is a prediction about a problem that can be tested?
What is a term for drawing a conclusion based on something you observe?
What is the factor being measured in an experiment?
What is the first step in the scientific method when designing an experiment?
recognize the problem
What is the last step in the scientific method?
draw conclusion
What must scientist base their conclusions on to avoid being impartial?
What should be worn at all times to decrease the likelihood of an eye injury?
safety goggles
What type of footwear is required in a lab?
hard-soled, covered shoes
Which is the correct way to hold a test tube while heating its contents?
pointed away from yourself and others
Why should taste never be used to test the identity of an unknown chemical?
many chemicals are poisonous
A beaker contains X L of water. What is the volume of water in milliliters?
Kilo, Hecto, Deca (LMO) Deci, Centi,Mili
At what temperature does water boil in the metric system?
100 degrees Celsius
Convert X grams to kilograms.
Given a diagram, what is the volume of liquid in the graduated cylinder?
Measure the volume of liquid from the bottom of the meniscus
How many centimeters are in a meter? Kilometer? Meter?
How many meters are in a kilometer?
How many millimeters are in a meter?
What are you measuring when you measure something in meters cubed?
What is the amount of space taken up by an object?
What is the standard unit for length in the metric system?
What is the standard unit for mass in the metric system?
What is the unit for volume in the metric system?
What property of an object is measured in grams?
Which unit of length is the best to measure the length of your pencil?
How are electrons in an atom organized?
in energy levels
What are the particles that make up an atom?
protons, neutrons, electrons
Where are electrons located in an atom?
electron cloud
Which subatomic particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?
protons and neutrons
Which subatomic particles in an atom have a negative charge?
Which subatomic particles in an atom have a positive charge?
Which subatomic particles in an atom have no charge?
Which two subatomic particles have the greatest mass?
protons and neutrons
Who proposed that all atoms are small, hard particles made of a single material formed into different shapes and sizes?
Who was the Greek philosopher responsible for naming the atom?
Given a diagram of an element from the periodic table, find atomic mass.
The atomic number is the bottom number
What are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons called?
An atom’s identity is determined by which subatomic particle?
How many elements are in the first period of the periodic table?
Using a periodic table, be able to determine which element is the most reactive (based on the number of valence electrons).
know how
Using a periodic table determine how many electrons an element contains. How many neutrons; how many protons.
know how
In what period is calcium (Ca) located?
Locate elements by period number.
be able to locate
On the periodic table, what is a column of elements called?
group or family
On the periodic table, what is a row of elements is called?
What is the name of group 18 on the periodic table?
nobel gases
Which of the following elements are halogens:
flourine and chlorine
Given a Bohr diagram of an atom determine the atomic number.
count the positive charges in the nucleus
How many electrons can the first energy level of an atom hold?
How many electrons can the second energy level closest to the nucleus hold?
How many electrons can the second energy level closest to the nucleus hold?
What is the smallest particle of an element called that has the chemical properties of that element?
What is the smallest subatomic particle of an atom?
What items are contained in the nucleus of an atom?
protons and neutrons
What must the number of electrons equal in an atom?
What type of charge do atoms have?
What type of charge does a neutron have?
What type of charge does a proton have?
From the periodic table be able to determine an elements number of valence electrons.
be able to determine
What element is a gas at room temperature, and has six electrons in its outer level?
Which element has a full outermost energy level containing only two electrons?
Which group have a complete set of valance electrons in their outer energy level?
Noble gases
Why do elements in a family or group in the periodic table often share similar properties?
Their atoms have the same number of electrons in their outer energy level.
Where are metalloids located on a periodic table?
Between metals and nonmtals
Where are the most active metals located on the periodic table?
lower left
Which class of elements has no luster, and is a poor conductor?
Which element is a metal on the periodic table:
Metals are the left of the zig-zag line
Be able to locate the transition elements.
Using a periodic table, be able to locate the metals, nonmetals, metalloids, and transition elements.
be able to locate
Determine the correct electron-dot diagram for various elements.
Li O
What do atoms gain, lose or share when they bond?
What is the charge of an ion that contains 16 protons and 18 electrons?
What is the correct formula for calcium fluoride?
What is the correct formula for sodium chloride?
What type of bond holds together a neutral group of atoms?
What type of bond occurs between oppositely charged ions?
ionic bond
What type of bond occurs when the force of attraction is between the nuclei of atoms and the electrons shared by the atoms?
covalent bond
What is the correct electron-dot diagram of a: chlorine, fluorine, carbon, etc. atom?
Cl F C
Which type of element is most likely to gain electrons when it forms bonds?
Why don’t noble gases normally form chemical bonds?
Have a full outermost energy level