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23 Cards in this Set

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social psychology
the study of how peoples thoughts, feelings, and behavior influence, and are influenced by, the behavior of others
social cognition
mental processes associated with peoples perceptions of an dreactions to other people
self concept
the way one things of oneslef
self esteem
the evaluations people make about how worthy they are as human beings
temporal comparison
using ones previos performance or characteristics as a basis for judging oneslef in the present
social comparison
using other poeple as a basis of comparison for evaluating oneself
reference groups
categories of poeple to which people compare themselves
relative deprivation
the belief that in comparison to a reference group one is getting less is deserved
social identity
the beliefs we hold about the groups to which we belong
self schemas
mental representations taht people form of themselves
social perceptions
the process through which we people interpret information about others, draw inferences about them, and develop mental representations of them
self-fulfilling prophecy
a process through which an initial impression of someone leads that person to behave in accordance with that impression
the process of explaining that causes of peoples behavior, including ones own
fundamental attribution error
a bias toward overattributing the behavior of others to internal causes
actor-observer bias
the tendency to attribute other peoples behavior to internal causes while attributing ones own behavior (especially erros and failures) to external causes
a predisposition toward a particular cognitive, emotiona, or behavioral reaction to objects
elaboration likelihood model
a model suggesting that attitude change can be driven by evaluation of the content of a persuasive message (central route) or by irrelevant persuasion cues (peripheral route)
cognitive dissonance theory
a theory asserting that attitude change is driven by efforts to reduce tension caused by inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors
self perception theory
a theory suggesting that attitudes can change as people consider their behavior in certain situations then infer what their attitude must be
a positive or negative attitude toward an entire group of people
differential treatment of various gorups, the behavior component of prejudice
contact hypothesis
the idea that stereotypes and prejudice toward a group will diminish as contact with the group increases
matching hypothesis
the notion that people are most likely to form relationships wiht those who are similar to themselves in physical attractiveness