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52 Cards in this Set

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Call the addItem method of the client object. What must be included in the statement?
client.addItem(); the parenthesis must be included
If you want to format a string before output, what method of the System could you use?
What could a method return? (3)
1) reference to an obj; 2) a primitive; 3) null;
If a method returns an object, you can call the methods of that returned object in the ________ ________, using ________ method calls.
same statement; nested
Why would you use a class method?
creating a general utility function which might need to be independent of object instances, but makes sense to include in the class
What is an object reference?
an address indicating where an object is stored
What are primitive type wrappers?
classes, whos objects can contain primitive values
What is Autoboxing?
automatic conversion of primitives to their respective object wrappers and vice versa
What is unboxing?
conversion of primitive type object wrappers to their primitive values
What is Casting?
Converting one type to another
How does the == operator behave with objects?
it determine whether both sides of the operator refer to the same object
What method of a String object, could you call to perform a comparison?
How do you define a constant?
use the keyword final before the declaration i.e. final string name = Tom;
What does System.out.println(x) do
Prints to the system console the value of x followed by a line break
What does System.out.print(x) do
Prints to the system console, the value of x without a line break
List three kinds of comments in Java
single line (//) with no ending tag, multi-line (/*) with an ending tag (*/) and Javadoc (/**) with an ending tag (*/)
What is special about comments that start with (/**) and ends with (*/)
javadoc comments; are designed to be read by utilities which can create external documentation
What is a literal?
any number, text, or other value
In the following expression, pennyTotal = pennyTotal + 4L; What does the L after 4L indicate?
It formats the number 4 (a literal value) as the data type long
How would you use a literal with octal numbering? for the octal number 777
Add a zero in front of the number, 0777
How would you use a literal with hexidecimal numbers? for the number FF?
Prepend 0x (zero-x), 0xFF
How would you use a literal with binary numbers? for the number 11111111?
Prepend with 0b (zero-b), 0b11111111
All floating-point literals are considered to be of the type _________. How would you assign a literal value to a float var? for 3.1415927?
double, the literal followed by an F, like this: 3.1415927F
How can you use exponents in floating-point literals? for the number 12 to the power of 22?
use e or E to denote the exponent, 12e22 or 12E22
You can not use commas in large numbers like 3,500,000 as a literal. What else can you do to ensure readability?
In Java 7 and higher, use underscores like 3_500_000
T/F? Only the literals 1 or 0 may be assigned to a boolean in Java.
False, you can only assign the literals true or false to boolean in Java
How are character (char) literals expressed?
using single quotes
Identify the character escape code: \n
New line
Identify the character escape code: \t
Identify the character escape code: \b
Identify the character escape code: \r
Carriage return
Identify the character escape code: \f
Identify the character escape code: \\
Backslash (the 1st backslash denotes an escape character)
To use a single or double quote in a literal, what must you do?
Prefix it with an escape code - backslash \
Most mathematical operators can be safely used on integers, except ...
division. the result may end up being a floating-point number and that can not be handled by an int
What is the safest way to determine data types for numbers to be used in calculations?
by examining the type youre trying to end up with. using incompatible types will result in unpredictable values
Increment var x
Decrement var x
In the following expression, where y=1; x = y++; What value is x assigned?
In the following expression, where y=1; x = ++y; What value is x assigned?
What is the difference between prefix and postfix operators, when assigning to a variable (++x x--)
prefix (++x) performs the operation, then makes the assignment; postfix (x++) performs assignment, then performs the operation
The difference between & and &&
AND operator; 1) &, the expression on both sides of the operator are evaluated; 2) &&, if the left expression is false, the right expression is never evaluated
The difference between | and ||
OR operator; 1) |, both sides of the operator are evaluated; 2) ||, if the left side is true, the right side is never evaluated
What is the ^ comparison operator?
XOR, if left or right side of operator are opposites, expression is true. If both are same, expression is false.
What is special about the String data type in Java?
1) allows direct assignment of data; 2) treated as a class not a data type; 3) creates an instance of the class when assigned to
Are primitive data types in Java, also objects?
Use the ___ keyword to create an instance of a class. Provide an example.
new; Object objectName = new Object();
What are the default delimiters in StringTokenizer?
spaces, tabs, newlines, cr or ff
At a high level, what happens when you create a new instance?
1) memory is allocated for it; 2) constructor is called
What is a constructor?
special method that initializes a new object
When a class has multiple constructors, how are they differentiated from each other?
number and type of arguments (also called its signature)
What is Java garbage collection?
Java can determine whether an object has any live references to it. It periodically checks for unused objects, disposes of them and reclaims the memory.