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63 Cards in this Set

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What year was the Java programming language released to the public?
Who created Java?
James Gosling
What is Object-oriented programming (OOP)?
software development methodology in which a program is conceptualized as a group of objects that work together.
Objects are created from templates called ...
classes contain _____ and the _______ required to use it.
data, statements
Platform neutrality is ...
run without modification in different environments or platforms
Java programs are transformed into a format called ________ that can be run by any computer or device equipped with a ____.
Byte-code, Java virtual machine or JVM
What are 3 ways Java is easier than C++
1) automatically memory allocation and de-allocation; 2) no pointers; 3) single inheritance
At a high level, how do you put together an OO program?
1) create objects; 2) connecting to each other or to existing objects
Describe an object
a self contained construct in memory which accomplishes specific tasks
Describe a class
A template used to create an object (bonus: a class is also loaded into memory, when its object is created.)
What is instantiation?
process of creating an object
What is an instance?
an accessible object in memory
What is the software development kit provided by Oracle, called?
What is Java SE, Java EE and the JDK?
These are the software libraries. SE is Standard Edition, EE is Enterprise Edition, JDK is the Java Development Kit.
What two distinct structures are found in a Java class?
Attributes and behaviours
Describe attributes
attributes are characteristics which describes state of an object
How are attributes defined in an object?
What is an instance variable? What other term is often used?
storage location, specific to an instance of an object; object variable
What is a class variable?
Variable that is defined at the class level. Only one value is stored, no matter how many objects of the class have been created.
Describe behaviours
things that objects can do to themselves and possibly other objects
What are methods?
behaviours that perform specific tasks
Well designed Methods perform only ____ task.
Variables are limited to storage of specific types of data. Give two examples of data that can be stored in a string type variable.
regular text, directly assigned; the instance of another object as long as it was created from the string class
What is a type?
a way of classifying a piece of data; often used interchangeably with object
What is main()? How do you define it?
What is meant by immutable?
can not be changed after it is set. If you try to change, a new object is created.
What is a primitive type?
Basic data types built into the language. Can be used without instantiation.
Methods, properties & data in a class are referred to as ...
Describe inheritance
enables a class to inherit behaviour and attributes from another class
What is a subclass?
class which is inherited from a superclass
What is a superclass?
A class that is inherited from one level up the hierarchy
How many superclasses can you inherit from in Java?
What is the root superclass for everything in Java?
When you write a new class, what default class does it inherit from? How would you stop this default?
object; you can indicate that it is a superclass
When you call a method in a subclass, how does Java find it?
locates the method by looking through the class hierarchy, bottom up
When Java is looking through a hierarchy for a method call, how does it behave when there is more than one method with the same name and signature?
it uses the method it locates first, bottom up
What is overriding a method mean?
creating an implementation in a subclass, for a method that already exists in a superclass
What type of inheritance does Java support?
What is an interface? (object interface not user interface) (2)
1) class with method names, but no definitions; 2) a contract which forces the implementation of specific methods, to ensure compatibility between different object types
What is a package in Java?
a way to group and hierarchically name classes and interfaces
What does the import statement allow?
provides a shortcut reference to a class from another package
How does Java, manage classes and their objects when a program is executed?
BOTH objects AND their classes are loaded into memory when needed
What is a generic?
a class or method without a type
A statement that produces a value is called an ________.
The result produced by a statement is called its _______ ________.
return value
A group of statements grouped together using a { and }
Name three levels of Java variables
instance, class and local
Four ways to declare a variable in Java - use *int* as the type and *sample* as the var name
int sample; int sample1, sample2; int sample = value; int sample1 = value1, sample2 = value2;
T/F ? You can declare a local variable without assigning any value
False. The value may not be known while coding, but it must be assigned to at some point in time.
Variable names in Java must start with (3 items)
letter, underscore, $
T/F? Java is case-sensitive
Difference between Pascal Case and Camel Case
PascalCase capitalizes every word, eliminate spaces; camelCase capitalizes every successive word
Integer, byte is what size?
8 bits
Integer, short is what size?
16 bits
Integer, int is what size?
32 bits
Integer, long is what size?
64 bits
What is a Floating-point data type? Give two Java Floating-point types
numbers with a decimal point; float - for most uses; double - for very precise calculations
Data type best suited to handle single character and symbols
Difference between char and Char
char is a primitive data type; Char is a special Java class with similar functionality
What does void indicate?
used in methods to indicate that no value will be returned
Difference between = and ==
= is an assignment operator, == is a comparison operator
A _______ is a variable with a value that never changes.