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58 Cards in this Set

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Both regional and general anesthesia cause reversible declines in? 4
RPF, GFR, urine flow rate, and urine sodium excretion; alterations tend to be less with regional anesthesia
Most anesthesia-related changes in renal function are?
indirectly mediated
Anesthetic agents may cause?
cardiac depression and peripheral vasodilation, and reduce MAP below the lower limit of renal autoregulation
Anesthesia can activate?
activiation of the SNS(stress response) causing renal vasoconstriction
What can anesthesia stimulate?
hormone secretion (ADH, aldosterone) can facilitate sodium and water retention
What are direct effects of anesthetic agents on renal function ? 3
1. Halothane and isoflurane may reduce vascular resistance
2. Methoxyflurane - nephrotoxicity secondary to fluoride ion release
3. Possible sevoflurane nephrotoxicity
Eger et al. reported what with sevo?
transient renal injury in normal volunteers administered 1.25 MAC sevo for 8 hours at a flow rate of 2 L/min
-but several other investigators have not found evidence of adverse effects of sevo on renal function
If nephrotoxicity occurs, it is most likely due to?
Compound A produced by sevoflurane degradation when the agent is passed at slow rates through Baralyme CO2 absorbent
NSAIDS and ACE inhibitors may?
exaggerate the effects of anesthesia and surgery on renal function
Preoperative considerations (KDOQI 2-4) assess?
level of renal function, Ccr
In patients in renal failure stages 2-4 what should emphasis be on?
prevention of postoperative ARF (mortality rate of 50-60%) particularly in patients undergoing surgical procedures that increase the risk of postop ARF
What things could you do to avoid ARF in patients in stages 2-4 renal disease already? 2
1. Preop administration of a balanced salt solution may correct hypovolemia
2. Mannitol, low-dose dopamine, fenoldopam, or loop diuretic may be administered to maintain urine flow
What preoperative medications are safe to administer to a renal failure stage 2-4 patient?
1. Benzodiazepines
2. Anticholinergic agents (atropine)
3. Histamine-2 receptor blocker
With the administration of benzodiazepines what things should you consider?
that they undergo hepatic metabolism before excretion in the urine and thus safe to use; however, hypoalbuminemia may increase sensitivity due to increased free fraction of drug
What should you consider when administering anticholinergic agents in patients with renal failure in stages 2-4?
possible accumulation with repeated doses
What are histamine-2 receptor blockers used for?
to increase gastric pH
What can an increased bleeding time be corrected by?
administration of cryoprecipitate or DDAVP
What is included in standard monitoring during the intraoperative time?
urine flow rate - output greater than 0.5 mL/kg/hr is desired
During induction of anesthesia what do you want to make sure is adequate?
the intravascular volume is adequate, otherwise hypotension may occur on induction
What drug may have an increased sensitivity due to increased free fraction of drug?
Are the pharmacokinetics of ketamine, propofol, and etomidate significantly altered?
Is succinylcholine safe to use?
yes, provided that serum potassium concentration is less than 5meq/L
What neuromuscular agents are the drugs of choice?
atracurium and cisatracurium, they are not dependent on renal clearance
What two neuromuscular agents may be modestly prolonged?
vecuronium and rocuronium
What gases are considered acceptable to use during the maintenance of anesthesia?
nitrous oxide together with either isoflurane or desflurane, some practitioners avoid sevoflurane because of concerns regarding fluroide ion release or compound A production
Are opioids safe to administer?
most opioids are suitable, possible avoid morphine and meperidine as active metabolites may accumulate
Fluid therapy during maintenance of anesthesia
administer a balanced salt solution to maintain normal or slightly expanded intravascular volume
T or F. Symptoms of fluid overload (pulmonary congestion) are easier to treat than are symptoms of ARF.
Which antiemetics can be used?
metoclopramide- does not depend on renal function for clearance, phenothiazenes, droperidol, and 5-HT3 receptor blockers can be used as well
Preop considerations for patients in stage 5 renal failure (3)
Thorough patient eval; uremia is likely
1. Evaluate intravascular volume status; hyper- or hypovolemia may be present
2. RBC transfusion may be given for severely anemic patient
3. Evaluate preoperative drug therapy
Premedication considerations for patients in stage 5 renal failure (3)
1. increased sensitivity to benzodiazepines and dexmedetomidine
2. Continue preop medications, especially hypertensive agents
3. Histamine-2 receptor blocker can be used to increase gastric pH
Should you place the BP cuff on the arm with the fistula?
no, invasive monitoring may be necessary
Induction of anesthesia with patients who have nausea, vomiting, or GI bleeding should undergo?
What induction drugs can be used with patients in stage 5 renal failure?
thiopental (reduced dose), propofol, etomidate, or ketamine can be used for induction
What muscle relaxants should be used with patients in stage 5 renal failure?
atracurium and cisatracurium
What volatile agents are preferred in patients in stage 5 renal failure?
isoflurane and desflurane- least effect on CO
In patients with very low Hb what should you avoid?
nitrous oxide- allows for administration of 100% oxygen
Which opioid should you use and which one should you avoid in stage 5 renal failure patients?
fentanyl is excellent opioid, avoid meperidine and morphine (accumulation)
What other way could you maintain anesthesia intraoperatively with these patients?
TIVA with remifentanil, propofol, and cisatracurium
Fluid therapy for stage 5 renal patients undergoing superficial procedures with little fluid loss?
D5W may be used to replace insensible water loss
Procedures that cause large fluid loss or shifts require administration of?
a balanced salt solution and/or colloid solution
In patients with hyperkalemia what solutions should you avoid?
glucose-free solutions and LR
In aortic cross-clamping what is the most important determinant of RBF changes and probablitly of postop ARF?
level of clamping
What is the incidence of ARF after infrarenal clamping?
What is the incidence of ARF after suprarenal clamping?
Postop mortality is ______ times higher in patients who develop ARF than in those who do not
Suprarenal clamping reduces? and increases?
RBF by 80% and increases fractional distribution of RBF to the cortex
Infrarenal clamping reduces RBF by?
How long does RBF remain depressed following release of clamp and return of systemic hemodynamics to normal?
30 min or more
What are some methods of renal protection during cross-clamping of the aorta?
1. Dopamine (2-3 micrograms/min)
2. Fenoldopam (DA-1 receptor agonist)
3. Furosemide
4. Mannitol
Mannitol produces?
diuresis and acts as a free radical scavenger
-does not necessarily improve outcomes
What has been found to be the most important in preventing postop ARF?
good hydration during clamping and after clamp release
Is intraoperative urinary output a predictor of postop renal fx?
What is the most reliable predictor of postoperative renal dysfunction after aortic cross-clamping?
is preoperative renal dysfunction ie, elevated Scr or BUN or decreased Ccr
What is the effect of endovascular aortic surgery on renal function?
prevalence of renal complications similiar to that with open surgery
Why is the endovascular approach not any better than the open approach?
large amounts of radiocontrast dye may be used- can aggravate preexisting renal dysfunction
What may be dislodged into the kidneys and contribute to ischemia?
atherosclerotic debris
What is warranted to lessen the risk of postop renal dysfunction?
good hydration