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40 Cards in this Set

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a representation of information. A function of time (usually) or


Sets of numbers

R: set of all real numbers (a number whose square is non-negative)

Z: set of all integers {...-3, -2, ,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3...}

N: set of all natural numbers {1, 2, 3...}

W: set of all whole numbers {0, 1, 2, 3...}

Q: set of all rational numbers {m/n such that m, n are integers and n is non-zero}

Q': set of all numbers whose square is positive but cannot be represented m/n.

Notice Q + Q' = R.

Continuous time signal

the domain is the set of all real numbers for a given interval of


Discrete time signal

the domain contains a "countable" set of values

Reflection of x(t)

x(-t), does not change the area under the graph.

integral of x(t) = integral of x(-t)

Even functions:

What are they?

Is their linear combination even or odd?

Is their product even or odd?

What is the shortcut for the integral?

x(-t) = x(t)

A linear combination of even functions is even.

The product of even functions is even.

The integral of an even function is twice the area under the positive (or negative) portion.

Odd functions:

What are they?

Is their linear combination even or odd?

Is their product even or odd?

What is the shortcut for the integral?

x(-t) = -x(t)

A linear combination of odd functions is odd.

The product of odd functions is even.

The integral of an odd function is zero.

Formulas for even and odd functions:

Splitting an equation into even and odd parts.

Adding and multiplying even and odd functions.

x_even(t) = (1/2)[x(t) + x(-t)]

x_odd(t) = (1/2)[x(t) - x(-t)]

The sum of an even and odd function is neither even nor odd.

The product of an even and odd function is odd.

Time shifting

x(t) --> x(t-b)

Graph shifts to the right b units.

Time scaling

x(t) --> x(at)

Graph shrinks by a factor of a (each horizontal component divided by a).


the lowest value in the domain of a function. If x(t) >= M for all t, M is the lowerbound.


the greatest value in the domain of a function. If x(t) =< M for all t, M is the upperbound.

Unbounded signals

signals whose upper or lowerbounds are infinite

Bounded signals

signals whose upper and lowerbounds are finite

Formula for power of x(t)


Formula for energy of x(t)

What are signals with finite energy values called?

integral of [x(t)]^2 dt

Signals with finite energy values are energy signals.


Average power of periodic signal x(t)

(1/T) integral over one period of [x(t)]^2 dt


Average power of nonperiod signal x(t)

lim as T--> infinity of (1/T) integral from -(T/2) to (T/2) of [x(t)]^2 dt

Formula for L^(p) norm.

What is L^2 norm?

What are signals with finite L^2 norm values called?

[integral x^p(t) dt]^(1/p)

L^2 norm is power.

Signals with finite L^2 norm values (power values) are power


What should x(t)^2 be replaced with when calculating values for

complex signals?


Deterministic signal

a signal for which the signal value can be determined for a given

value of time (i.e. signals with mathematical expressions).

Can be evaluated using transform techniques

Random signal

a signal for which the signal value cannot be determined for a given value of time (i.e. noise

from sound. It cannot be recreated and can't be expressed by a mathematical expression).

Can be evaluated using probability and statistics. Modeling can be used so that random signals can be evaluated similarly to deterministic signals (using transform techniques).

Periodic signal

A signal that can be written x(t) = x(t+T), where T is the period.

Angular frequency

w = 2*pi*f = (2*pi)/T


f = 1/T


T = (2*pi)/w

Half angle formulas

cos^2(A) = [1 + cos(2A)]/2

sin^2(A) = [1 - cos(2A)]/2

Analog signals have ____ domain values and ____ co-domain values

Continuous, continuous

Digital signals have ____ domain values and ____ co-domain values


Discrete, discrete (quantized)

Heaviside's Unit-Step signal:


Is it a power signal?

Is it an energy signal?

U(t) = 1, when t >= 0 and

0, when t =< 0

Neither a power (L^2) signal nor an energy signal.

Discrete Unit-Step expression

U[n] = 1, when n >= 0 and

0, when n< 0

Dirac Delta expression

d(t) = 0, when t != 0 and

infinite, when t = 0


Equals 1 for a specified value of x and 0 for all other values

Impulse train

Equals 1 for multiple specified values of x and 0 for all other values

Gating (gate function)

Equals 1 over a period, T, and 0 for all other values; a rectangular shaped graph.

Undoes convolution with an impulse train


Overlapping in the time or frequency domain; y values add


Domain when frequency is on the x-axis

Euler's formula for complex numbers

e^(st) = e^(sigma*t)[cos(wt) + jsin(wt)]

Anything multiplied by j represents the imaginary part while

anything not multiplied by j represents the real part.

Convolution with an impulse or impulse train results in ____.


Multiplication with an impulse or impulse train results in ____.

Sifting (sampling)