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76 Cards in this Set

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o Sputnik
Oct 4, 1967 – satellite launched by Soviet Union scared the U.S. into realizing that we were behind in the space race. The realization was that our schools weren't strong enough in Maths, Sciences, and Technology. Nation focused on these subjects so they wouldn't be a threat to us in war.
Nation at risk
1983 - The hard work of our predecessors is being lost through a "lazy" generation. Other nations are matching and surpassing our educational attainments in the world. Taking the Sputnik era for granted.
Linda Darling Hammond
she launched the School Redesign Network, the Stanford Educational Leadership Institute, and the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education. Darling-Hammond is author or editor of more than a dozen books and more than 300 articles on education policy and practice. Her work focuses on school restructuring, teacher education, and educational equity. She was education advisor to Barack Obama's presidential campaign [1][2] and was reportedly among candidates for Secretary of Education in the Obama administration.[3]
What sets kids up for failuer?
Poverty + new teachers
knowing how to teach and executing it
Where are the biggest shortages for teachers?
south & west; greater need in the big cities (inner cities)
Where do a majority of new teachers end up?
poor & rural schools
What are some other duies for teachers?
clubs, committees, “homework”, detention
3 Main Duties of a teacher
o Instruction
o Supervision
o Provision of a Safe Environment
What is the goal of public education?
social, economic, or political.
When does education's history date back to?
What was education's goal in the early1800's?
 Citizenship Training
 Equal opportunity
 Reduction of crime
What is the country composed of?
Immigrants that came here for new opportunity and way of life.
What did the grades go up to in the beginning of education?
Who controlled the classroom curriculum in the early 1800's?
teacher and community
Who controls education today?
State Government
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is in the hands of the ...
federal government
- The concepts we have to remember in education is:
-Diversity is the way of the world
-Students are competing in the global economy
-What will be taught in the classroom
Waht is TEA?
TX Education Agency (TEA) decides what we will teach based on input from different sources
What is public school designed to serve?
The public
What is the major goal in public education today?
What and who are some examples of who NOT to use public schools systems?
o Nazis – promoted racial superiority
o South Africa – Maintaining racial divide
o US – Racial segregation and biased and textbooks designed to maintain racial hierarchy
What are some of the instances where we use the school to teach since they have a "Captive" audience?
o Obesity
Why did American start "raising" more scientist and Engineers?
Sputnik Era
Career education
– while kids re in school they were being molded into skills they could get jobs with; technical/ vocational training.
- Common causes of failure among new teachers
o Getting bad assignments
o Isolation from colleges
o Poor facilities
o Extra assignments
o Lack of understanding of policies
o Inadequate supervision
o Learning by trial and error
What schools have more problems?
Inner City Schools
- Help for new teachers
o Mentorship
o Induction programs
o Supervision
o Better understanding of policies
o Don’t’ “dump” on them
What did public schools bring first
national culture/ ID
- Immigration places new obstacles in education
o Financial
o Bilingual
o Taxes
- George Washinton’s Proposal
o National university for training national leaders
o All students from all areas attend
- Jefferson’s Plan
o System based on Meritocracy – gives equal chance to all to develop their abilities and advance in the social hierarchy; best person for the job
o 3 yrs of free education for all non-slave children
What did Jefferson believe in regards to his "Plan"
o He didn’t believe people needed to be good citizen but if they could all read it would help society
Horace Mann
- Father of education
- He created “Common School” = get a common education; everyone get the same education
 Supposed to ensure the survival of the U.S.
 Supposed to teach socialization
o Socialization
– what students learn from following school rules and interacting with other students, and participating in social events
Does socialization work?
o Doesn’t’ work because after school; they are who they are; you can’t erase what’s going on in their life
- Johann Fitche
o Socialization for control
o Combo of socialization and patriotic teachings would make a citizen more willing to be in the military and eventually reduce the cost of national defense
Patriotic Exercises and School Spirit
- Emphasized after arrival in the 1890’s of a large number of immigrants
-Sports and pep rallies was a way to raise school spirit and bring everyone from different backgrounds together; consequently preparing them for military service
The Pledge of Allegiance
- Written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy (a socialist)
- Became popular classroom practice as educators worried about the loyalty of immigrant kids
- 1950 congress added “under God”
Social goals of Schooling
- Mann believed that to stop crime, schools should instill moral values
What does school do education?
School is the key mechanism for social control; this is how society maintains order and controls crime and rebellion.
Mann's Ideology???
- Mann’s idea of unity through community was limited because three main groups of people were being discriminated against
- These divisions existed till Civil Rights movement came around in mid 1900’s
Edward Ross
- Referred to education as mechanisms for social control.
- Said that the school was replacing the family and church in teaching values
What decade was the teenager established?
What was HUGE in the 1930's?
Senior Prom
What brought the need for Sex Ed in public schools?
Mass enrollment
What is the NCLB's stand on Sex Ed?
Teach abstinence not Sex Ed
When the OG Sex Ed instituted and by who?
1926 by the NEA
Has sex ed really had the desired impact?
What is a big problem in teenagers even with Sex Ed?
What socio-economicgroup has the majority of Sexual problems?
Mann's thoughts on crime and education
education would lower crime rates; not so much
is there a relationship between education and crime rates
What is the "next frontier" for education
When the nation start taking responsibility for nutrition improvement
late 19th century
Waht reformed school's desire to be healthy
Fast food chains
When was the Common school model designed
19th century
What's the idea behind the fair school model
you help kids based on the individual qualities
Sorting Machine Model
- Separated by test scores
- All backgrounds will be placed together to be on the
same track
o Competition for social positions takes place
How do kids get sorted in Sorting Machine Model
By counselors, teachers and standardized testing
What affected the Sorting Machine Model operted
Industrial Revolution in the 20th centruy
At level testing is used to decide types of jobs society will need?
middle school
What was the purpose of intelligence testing?
- to eliminate social background
- Objectively measures what type of occupation persons would enter
- Equality through scientific testing
How was Democracy reflected?
in the level of intelligence that corresponded with their level
o Binet said ...
the poor didn’t do well because they were dumb
- Nature v. Nurture
– natural qualities (things you’re born with) v. learned traits (family, community)
- IQ Debate
o Home life effects how a child will develop intellectually
o No doubt that normal child development requires a certain level of childhood care
o Environment can have an impact on IQ
o IQ Testing relates to Sorting
- High Stakes Testing Model; no graduation and being retained
o Tests what a person has learned not innate ability
o All are given an equal chance to learn and take the same test
o Determines what they have learned
o Uses scientific measurements to socially engineer equality of opportunity
- Who does society spend the most money on?
o The very rich
o The very poor
o Because pooper districts get more federal funding, there are more opportunities for kids and teachers
o Eligibility based on number of kids at that school
- At Risk is ...
– If something doesn’t happen for these kids there’s a good chance that they’ll drop out
What is the best indicator for drop rate
What "group of kids are at a greater risk for poor education?
o Kids being raised in poverty and single parent families
- Tracking and ability grouping
o Separates by curricula – tracking
o By ability – grouping
Putting them in a group and they never get a chance to get out of it
 Fosters social inequality
- Teacher perception
o Teachers expectation are linked to the perceived social class of the students
o Pygmalion – intelligent rats
o Teachers will find a way to ensure that kids pass
What do schools reflect?
Their population and community in which they are located.