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50 Cards in this Set

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APA Definition

- be present in a t least 2 settings

- occur before age 12

- persistent for > 6 months

- NOT be attributable to another disability

Types of ADHD

- hyperactive/impulsive

- inattentive

- combined

Hyperactive Impulsive Type

- fidgeting

- leaving seat

- running/climbing

- blurting out answers

- difficulty taking turnstalking excessively

Often the first to identify because you can see it

Inattentive Type

- loses things

- difficulty finishingassignments

- easily distracted

- poor attention to detail

Inattentive Accommodations

- teachers should make sure students have enough time to shift from activities

- allow flexible limits in finishing work

- simplify tasks that have multiple steps

- teach organizational skills

Hyperactive Accommodations

- Allow breaks

- Multiple testing sessions

- Different test setting

Wrap Around Services

- Servicesthat address all educational, mental health, and physical health needs

Receptive Language

- Trouble understanding others or linguistic information

Expressive Language

- difficulty sharing thoughts ideas and feelings

Universal Design for Learning

- flexible learning environment that can accommodate individual learning differences

Emotional Disability Definition

- Inappropriate behavior

- Inability to build friendships

- Unhappiness/depression

- inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors

3 types of Speech Disorders

- Articulation ( production of sound)

- Voice (pitch, duration, intensity and quality)

- Fluency (rate and rhythm of speaking)


- Receiving, understanding and expressing language


The meaning of what is expressed


Social language-- the communication between a speaker and a listener within shared social environment


Rules for putting together series of words to form sentences


Rules for putting together SOUNDS within a word

Learning Disability

- impairment caused primarily by poor instruction


- disability must adversely affect a students educational performance

Section 504 Plan

- student who does not require SPED services but needs some accommodations in the classroom

Alternate Assessment

- students who can't learn same content as peers and who can't test with accommodations

Differentiated Instruction

- using more than one methodology

- providing variety of materials

- expanding assessment options

- vary complexity of content


changes the way students access information

- extended time

- read aloud

-multiple settings



- changes the instructional level of curriculum

- less test questions

- change wording


Curriculum Based Measurement

- method used in RTI to track progress

Conduct Disorder

- Aggressive conduct

- lying

- property distraction

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

- must be present for at least 6 months

- refusal to cooperate

- loss of temper

-deliberate annoyance of others

Mood Disorder

- extreme deviation in either depressed or elevated direction

- sometimes both at same time

Separation Anxiety Disorder

- fear of being away form home, family and others who child has close attachment to

Panic Disorder

- overwhelming attack resulting in rapid heartbeat, dizziness (physical symptoms)

Standards based on reform

- academic content that students should master in standard for achievement

Alternative Achievement Standards

- designed for students with severe cognitive deficits

2 Categories that hold 2/3s of SWDs?

- Learning Disability

- Speech and Language Impairments

What is expressed in language


IDEA allows agencies to identify LDs by?

- discrepancy model

-scientific, research based interventions

- alternative research based procedures

Organizer of language


IDEA covers what age span

birth to 21


Individual Family Support System

- written plan from birth to age 2

Written reports, exams, drawings are all examples of?

Multiple means of action and expression


- presumption in favor of inclusion

- includes extracurriculars

- continuum of placement should be condisderd

***NOT TRUE***

- Gen Ed is always LRE -- false

Working Memory

ability to preserve some info while processing others

Articulation Disorder

- Submission

- omission

- distortion

Reading Disorder

- Difficulty decoding words and comprehending text

By what age have children learned to produce all consonants and vowels that make up their language?

age 8

Which dimensions determine the content and social use of language?

- semantics


Accommodations for language disorders

- additional time

- visual support

- word processor

Vocabulary of 2 year old

200-300 words

Why doesn't the US Dep of Ed provide data on the # of students with ADHD who are educated in the gen ed classroom?

- Because ADHD is not a separate category under IDEA

What percentage of SWDs have specific learning disabilities

nearly 36%


Ensures that SWDs are provided Free and Appropriate Public Education that is tailored to their individual needs