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58 Cards in this Set

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elementary school counselors spend a large portion of time
-teaching parent help activities
Student Assistance Programs
composed of school personnel from a variety of backgrounds
family counseling interventions by school counselors use 3 primary subsystems
1.the family
2.the school
3.family & school interactions
offer a safe, relatively non treatening connection to children's problems
4 areas concerns from needs assessments fall into
-family relationship
-relationship with others
-the self
needs assessment
structured surveys that focus on the systemic appraisal of the type, depth & scope of problems in particular populations
ways to prevent suicide
be aware of their danger signs and alert counselors or mental health helpers
Couselors participate in:
Individual Education Plan(IEPs)

ed program tailored to special need of certain children
couselors can enhance self esteem by
skill building, such as improving social skills, problem solving skills and coping skills
2.service coordiator
determines whether he or she has the expertise to handle situation, if not refer
priority of elementary school counselors
making themselves known and establishing links with others
dev of elementary school counseling was slow for 3 reasons
1.many people believed that teachers sould serve as counselors for students
2.counseling was primarily concerned with vocational dev. which is not a major focus of elementary kids
3.people did not recognize a need for counseling at elementary levels
wrap around programs
provide direct assistence for youth at risk of violence as well as his or her family and community/school personnel who come in contact with the youth
schools are like families:
-attempt to foster dev. in an environment that is often less than ideal
-face persistent problems
the use of booka as aids to help children gain insight into their problems and find appropriate solutions
elementary school counseling programs emphasize the 4 c's
-counseling services
-coordination of activities
-consultation with others
-curriculum dev.
schools are homeostatic
interaction patterns remain constant
high school counselors
bogged down with nonprofessional activities
elementary school programs can
positively influence the affective, behavioral, & inter personal domains of childrens lives and as a result, can affect children's achievement positively
professional growth cluster
programs for school staff and paraprofessionals
play therapy
children express emotions by manipulating play media such as toys
elementary school counselors
-work with kids form a purely preventive and dev. perspective
-facilitate optimal dev. of the whole child
in remediation sessions, you children respond best to techniques that require
active participation
ex.play therapy,use of games, bibliotherapy
Brewer- life skills training
(high school)
eduation & guidance meant assisting youg people in living
assessment service cluster
tests and evaluate services
career resource cluster
focus on the students future goals and vocation
curriculum service
facilitates course placements and academic adjustments
self esteem
results from comparison of oneself to others in a peer group
by law elementary school counselors must report
child abuse
technique to combat potential destructiveness
multiple concurrent actions:
-counselors access more than one set of services within the community at a time
-this is a coordinated action between school & community agencies
communication service cluster
inform general public about what the school counseling program is doing
best way to work remedially with middle school is to combine it with
a preventive approach
most common characteristic in middle school kids is
peer monitoring
-older student paired up with younger student
-older student accepts and teaches the younger student through cooperative learning
middle school kids in counseling are called
-bubblegummers or transescent
ex. of prevention:divorce
-teach topic in classroom guidance classes
-alleviates negative stereotypes and myths about divorce
self counseling
when people thing the ideas they believe, then react to those with logical emotional reactions and logical physical behaviors
guidance programs need
-a proactive, dev. comprehensive approach
-to address conflict resolution & peer mediation
counseling services
provided on an individual, group or peer level& are offered during off school and in school hours
community contact cluster
working with parents and other interested people to open the lines of communication between the school and other agencies
crisis person
deals with emergencies
rational self counseling
way to help students help themselves to deal effectively with their emotions
3 distint school ages populations:
-elementary k-gr.5
-middle school gr.6-gr.8
-secondary school-gr.9-gr.12
3.info administrator
coordinate a plan in whichindividuals or agencies in nonschool counseling settings deliver student services
conflict for secondary counselors
engaging in student counseling
doing academic & administrative tasks
secondary school counselors focus on
specific problematic behaviors that occur in their setting
ie.depression, parental divorce, teen parenting
Morganett's group counseling
-prevention program
-dev. skills for living
-flexibility in helping students deal with sensitive areas
Succeeding in School's Approach
-promising prevention program
-help children become comfortable with themselfs, teachers & schools
-kids active in learning process
-lesson focus is prosocial event
middle school kids experience
more anxiety that elementary or high school
Elkind-middle graders must deal successfully with 3 basic stress situations
1.Type A: foreseeable & avoidable ie.walking in a dangerous area at night
2.Type B: neither foreseeable of avoidable ie.unexpected death
3.Type C: foreseeable but not avoidable ie.going to the dentist
counseling in middle school
focus on the child's total dev. (holistic)
secondary school counselors are involved in
throughprimary prevention students become more
self reliant and less dominated by a peer group
peer education
the strongest means of dissuading adolescents from engaging in destructive behaviors
peer counselors
specially selected and trained students who serve the school & the counselor in positive & unique ways
secondary school counselors usually do not
deal directly with sever mental disorders due to time and resources
school counselor as service coordinator from 3 roles
1.information retriever
collect info about particular somplex situation
the act of trying to make a situation right