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85 Cards in this Set

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define interdependence

in a globalised world, events in any one country will quickly spread to others.q

in the 19th Century the British empire was a 'global network' and connected by :

1. Network of undersea telegraph cables

2. extensive trade in raw materials

3. shared head of state

4. global military power, eg Royal Navy

5. imposing shared culture eg international cricket

5 types of globalisation

1. economic

2. cultural

3. political

4. demographic

5. environmental

define economic globalisation

growth of TNC

define cultural globalisation

people eat similar food, eg Mcdonnalds and watch global channels eg SKY

define political globalisation

dominance of western democracies (G8)

define demographic globalisation

results from increasing migration and mixing of the populations

define environmental globalisation

involves realisation that global environmental threats require global solutions.

factors accelerating globalisation: free trade

removing trade tariffs = quicker trade

factors accelerating globalisation: International organisation

WTO has promoted free trade, trade blocs have encouraged free trade within and between groups of countries

factors accelerating globalisation: communications technology

Satellite and fibre optic communications have led o growth of mobile phone and internet communications

factors accelerating globalisation: financial deregulations

Gov controls on banks, currencies, interest rates and companies have all decreased. investment easier - higher profits

factors accelerating globalisation: consumers

the global consumer has contributed to soaring demand for goods from all corners of the world.

factors accelerating globalisation: the media
large global media corporations have global reach and present a similar 'world view' of the news, contributing to the sense of connected world.

China's exports rose from ..... in 2000 to ..... in 2009

$200bn, to $1,200bn

negatives of globalisation:

1. inequality

2. dominated by TNC and gov

3. encouraged unsustainable growth

4. lends towards 'westernised'

in 2008, how many million legal economic migrants were there?

145 mil

in 2008, how many illegal migrants

20-30 mil

in 2008, how many refugees

15 MIL

in 2008, how many internally displaced people?

26 mil

USA - migrants from?

Mexico - 10 mil

EU- where from?

Southern EU - spain, Malta, Italy. 5 mil

Middle East - where form?

south asia

examples of MEDC

uk, usa, Australia, Greece, Singapore

examples of NIc

South Korea, Brazil, Taiwan, Chile


European Union - internal free trade and migration


organisation for economic cooperation and development - minimise bribery and corruption


Oil exporting countries - large influence of oil price


forum of most powerful 8 countries


top 20 including EU


developed nations to give voice to developing world

positives of TNC - 3 things

1. Jobs

2. Trade.

3. Connections

negatives of TNC's - 3 things

1. Exploitation

2. unemployment

3. identity

global connections tie the world together though: ( 5 things)

1. mobile phones

2. internet connection

3. low - cost jet

4. cable and satellite channels

5. brands such as coca cola etc

switched on: air travel case study..

Easy JEt

effects of increased air travel:

1. reduces distance.

2. increase cultural mixing

3. workers to move cheaply

4. allows TNC to move freely

benefits of internet - 5 things

1. education

2. reduced isolation

3. access to best prices

4. business opportunities

5. exchange of political ideas

what are different type of bananas?

1. colonial bananas - smaller firms

2. dollar bananas

when was banana wars?


why was there banana wars?

Eu favoured bananas from small colonial producers and applied a 20% tariff to banana imports from dollar banana exporters.

periphery has not attracted investment for a number of reasons; 5 aspects.

1. political instability

2. debt

3. lack of good infrastructure

4. physical constraints

5. poverty and disease

the population in UK is............. and expected to rise to ......% by 2020

ageing, 26%

in uk there is a decline in .... and .... employment

primary and secondary.

in 1920, how many coal miners were there?

1.2 million

in 1983, what % of people were unemployed?

12% - 3 million people

define dependency ratios

the ratio of over 65s and under 16s to the working age population

economic challenges and opportunities of greying pop

Challenges- NHS costs rise, TAX rise, workers shortages

Opportunities- have experience, have money to spend. many don't want to retire at 65.

Social challenges and opportunities of greying pop

Challenges- housing will remain occupied, pressure to raise state pension

Opportunities - more law abiding, take more responsibility of childcare

environmental challenges and opportunities of greying pop

Challenges- new sites for care homes

Opportunities - 'grey vote' may become powerful political force, focussing on equality and environmental sustainability.

when were the 8 Eastern European member states added to EU - A8

Jan 1 2004

what agreement removed border controls?

1995 Schengen agreement

pull factors of UK - 5 things

1. Uk has reputation for tolerance for migrants

2. Uk was in need for low-wage labour

3. cheap bus and air travel costs

4. existing migrant groups - Poles

5. immigrant friendly services eg Polish banks

costs of migration - source country - 4 things


1. loss of workforce - 7% Poland

2. Brain dead

3. Poland's pop could reduce from 38, -33m by 2050

4. some workers exploited

costs of migration - host country - 5 things

1. social/ cultural tension

2. rise in crime

3. 8% of total pop, babies born to immigrants

4. downward pressure on wages

5. pressure of schools and housing

benefits of migration poland- source country - 3 things

1. remittances

2. Higher wages

3.skills can be taken back

benefits of migration poland - host country - 4 things

1. skills gaps filled

2. Lincolnshire- 10% are A8 immigrants

3. business opportunities providing polish food

4. counteracts ageing

how many A8 migrants came to UK since 2004 and how many returned?

1m and 350,000

how much did merchandise earn Disney in 2006?

US $23 billion

define just in time

where companies demand goods from suppliers on short timescales, rather than producing and holding large volumes of stock themselves.

how much were workers paid in a Bandgladesh textile factory?

$0.15 for every $17.99 shirt they made

what happened in 2006 with disney?

toy supplier closed down in Tokyo after a campaign against working conditions in the factory 12-16 hour days.

Disney's entrance to China?


Disney's entrance to france?

Hunchback of Notre Dame

Disney's entrance to Africa?

Lion King

5 stages of Rostow's model of development

1. Traditional society

2. preconditions take off

3. take off

4. drive to maturity

5. age of high mass consumption

where was the polytunnel discovered?

\ALmeria in SPAIN

negatives of growing under plastic?

1. trees are cleared

2. risk of serious flooding

3. illegal use of water wells

4. streams are polluted

pull factors to med?

1. housing/cost of living

2. business opportunities

3. better weather

4. relaxed lifestyle

push factors out of the UK

1. rising crime

2. high tax

3. lack of space

costs to uk

1. family breakup

2. loss of skilled workforce

costs to Spain

1. little social integration

2. ruined coastal landscapes with large villa developments

benefits to UK

1. immigration balances out immigration

2. fewer old people to take care of

3. relieves new pressure for new homes

benefits to Spain

1. increase local spending

2. previous unproductive land becomes valuable

advantages an disadvantages of border controls

A: keep track of net migration

D: extremely costly UK electronic border £2bn

advantages an disadvantages of work permits

A: allows temporary workers to be controlled and matched to skill shortages

D: work permits can be abused

advantages an disadvantages of Refugees

A: Prestige is gained by accepting vulnerable groups

D: very costly

advantages an disadvantages of integration

A: Citizen tests help integration

D: does not prevent tension and racism.

define megacity

population excess of 10mil

typical worker in China's Pearl River Delta, what is pay?

$50-150 per month

5 R's






different strategies of ethical globalisation

Fair trade

Ethnically sourced goods

Buying Locally


Organic food

FSC certified

problems facing LA


2. work

3. water

4. waste

5. waste

6. health and education

7. Transport

8. massive energy use

why is LA a donut city?q

car, tyre and steel factories closed due to competition overseas. TNC now fill the hole

what does PLAN stand for?

Progressive Los Angeles Network

what does plan hope to achieve?

1. pay workers decent amount of money

2. community benefits

3. clean fuel vehicles

4. improve public transport

5. promote clean safe, walkable and bicycle- able neighbourhoods