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38 Cards in this Set

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what should the focus of a lesson be

focus of a lesson should include a anticipatory set which were just get the students attention or where you have review of prior knolwedge

what should the closure of a lesson be

must include a review and then one more use of the concept just learned; shouldn't include something new

what should the preassessment be

description of how you will know students are ready for the lesson; can be something in the focus or beginning of the instrucitonal input

what should the post assessment be

how you will know you met the objectives for the lesson and what expectations have for students meeting the objectives (how correct )

What is CCSS

common core state standards, represents more rigorous expectations for student learning and part of louisiana's instructional priorities

what is SLTs

student learning targets, measurable goal for student achievement over a given period of time for all teachers

what is VAM

value added model, one component of compass for evaluating teachers who teach in tested grade a way for teachers to look back at the end of year and see if students made growth

what does NTGS stand for

non tested grades and subjects which include kindergarten, first, and second

what is RTI

response to intervention, multi tie approach to early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs

what are the three tiers of RTI

tier 1: high quality class instruction, screening, and group intervention

-tries to prevent failure learning and involves all students

tier 2: targeted intervention

-tries to address instructional challenges that may contribute to individual student difficulty

tier 3: intensive intervention and comprehensive evaluations

-tries to accelerate learning for students who need more intensive help

what are Louisiana's top instructional priorities

common core and compass

what is compass

modified version of Danielson's Framework for teaching and reflects the shifts in instructional practice required to help students meet these more rigorous expectations

what are the two components of evaluation with compass?

two components: student growth measures (SLT and VAM) and professional practice measures (observation)

how much does each component count for in evaluation of teacher effectiveness?

each component count for 50% and receives a score between 1 and 4

what are the 3 characteristics of a well written SLT

priority content-focuses on learning content that aligned with state CCSS

rigor-represents appropriate amount of student learning that's challenging yet attainable for specified set of students and interval of instruction

high quality evidence- assessment provides data from beginning to end of students time with teacherand sometimes based on common assessment when available

what is the value added teacher evaluation model

calculates student academic growth and relies on student information like SES, background, to predict how much a student should learn in one year

what does the acronym LCET stand for

Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching

what is the purpose of LCET

this is what your observer will look for to ensure you meeting the compass rubric requirements

how many domains does the LCET use to observe teachers

D1: Planning and Preparation

D2: Classroom Environment

D3: Instruction

how many componenet/levels of effectivesness does the LCET use to observe teachers

1c: setting instructional outcomes

2c: managing classroom procedures

3b: using questioning and discussion techniques

3c: engaging students in learning

3d: using assessment in instruction

what is PGP

professional growth plan; plan the teacher makes for herself to monitor her professional development throughout the year

what is SPA

specialized professional agencies; for math- NCTM for ELA- NCTE

what is SIT

School Improvement Team; a committee made up of representative from every grade level- collect data (ABSENCES, TARIDES) and see where accommodations need to be made

who are responsible for writing SLT


how are VAM teachers and NTGS teachers evaluated differently

VAM teacher make SLTs as well as teaching grades who take the standardized test and evaluated based off of student growth on both test where as NTGS teachers only make SLTs and get evaluation of student growth from that

how does compass work?

set goals, observation feedback support, evaluate performance, use data to inform decision making

what is the single most important factor in the classroom

an effective teacher

what does the component of compass process called goal setting do

allows teachers to measure students progress all year long

what does the component of compass process called observation/feedback support do

where principal and principal desginee observe teachers, document what observe, share feedback, provide targeted support

what does the component of compass process called evaluate performance do

for VAM: evaluate results from state and use data to evaluate student growth

with all teachers: assing final SLT test, evaluate student progress over the year

calculate final professional practice scores

what does the component of compass process called use data to inform decision making do

promotion for higher performing teacher, intensive assisting plans for struggling teachers, dismissal proceedings for educator who recieve ineffective rating two years in a row

what is INTASC

Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium; a consortium of state education agencies and national organization dedicated to reform of preparation, licensing, and on going profesional development of teachers

what is SBESE

State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education; adopts regulations and enacts policies governing operations of the schools under it jurisdiction

what is NBPTS

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards; independent nonprofit organization; develop professional standards for accomplished teachers

what are PLC

professional learning community; a community of teachers in school who meet regularly to identify common issues to research and study how to teach or do task better that have success at other schools

what are the teacher graduate expectations by state of Louisiana

know content coming and going, use effective instructional strategies, make data-based instructional decisions, engage in PLCs for continual growth, know the rule of the game

what are rules of the game for teacher graduate expectations

student performance is related to teacher efficacy, teachers paid to help students learn the Louisiana curriculum, teachers will be evaluated based on students perform and grow, the LEADS data system link all information together that range from test to state, university evaluated based on efficacy of their teacher graduates

what is IEP

state mandated education assistance plan for students classified LD