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16 Cards in this Set

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consists of all the organisms living in a community and its abiotic factors

trophic relationships

energy flows and nutrient cycles

trophic efficency

percentage of production transferred from one trophic level to the next

- about 5-20%

ex: caterpillar gets 1/6 of energy from leaf, rest goes to poop

green world hypothesis

-plants have defenses against herbivores

-nutrients limit herbivores

-competition and predator/prey interactions check herbivore densities

nutrient cycles

biological and geochemical processes move nutrient between organic and inorganic parts

ex: nitrogen, phosphorous, water CO2


decompose organic material and return elements to inorganic reservoirs

Gross Primary Production (GPP)

total primary production in an ecosystem

total photosynthesis + carbon fixation

Net Primary Production (NPP)

GPP - energy used by primary producers for respiration

-only available for consumers

-rainforests have highest productivity

-ocean unproductive

-put fertilizer in ocean with iron, increase productivity


amount of water annually transpired by plants and evaporated from a landscape

Hubbard Brook Experiment

constructed a dam to monitor water and mineral loss

cleared cut forest and sprayed valley with herbicides

higher N2 runoff in deforested area

-the return of soil nutrients lost due to acidification will take decades or longer

Anthropogenic Effects

human population is distrupting chemical cycles throughout biosphere

1/3 of N2 fixation comes from humans


increased nutrient availability leads to excessive algal production, break down and use too much oxygen, large animals die from lack of oxygen

Acid precipitation

combustion of fossil fuels releases sulfur, causes acid precipitation

H+ ions replace other ions in soil, drains nutrients, leads to defoliation


insecticide made by humans, insects developed resistance, doesn't break down in environment

FACTS-I Experiment

how elevated levels of CO2 influences tree growth

-maintained elevated level of CO2 in circles


protects life on earth from radiation

depleting from chlorine releasing pollutants produced by human activity

sky is blue bc refraction and ozone