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26 Cards in this Set

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very sad, very bad

woeful = traurig, schlecht, erbärmlich, jämmerlich, erschreckend

a small group of people who are interested in the same thing and who usually do not allow other people to join the group

coterie = Clique, Zirkel

having red or pink skin

rubicund = rötliche Haut

to steal money that you have been trusted with

to embezzle = veruntreuen, unterschlagen

to make (something) smooth or slippery : to apply a lubricant to (something, such as a machine or a part of a machine)

to lubricate = schmieren, einölen

someone or something that causes a great amount of trouble or suffering

scourge = Geißel, Plage

the acquisition of gain (as money) in dishonest or questionable ways; also : illegal or unfair gain

graft = Schiebung, Amtsmissbrauch

hard to find or capture: hard to understand, define, or remember

elusive = schwer fassbar, flüchtig (Gedanke)

not feeling or showing any concern about the problems or suffering of other people

callous = hartherzig, gefühllos

generally believed to be something

putative = angeblich, mutmaßlich

able to bend without breaking: able to move freely: too easily influenced or controlled by other people

pliant = fügsam, nachgiebig, leicht zu beeinflussen

secret or dishonest behavior or activity

skulduggery = üble Tricks, Hinterlist

sad because a family member or friend has died

bereft = sich verlassen fühlen, einer Sache beraubt sein

(a piece of) rock that contains a lot of iron and can therefore be used as a magnet (= an object that pulls metal objects towards it)

lodestone = Publikumsmagnet

(formal) not telling the truth

mendacious = verlogen

vollgepackter Schreibtisch

cluttered desk

(of a machine or engine) to stop working or fail suddenly, or (of a person) to go to sleep

to conk out = den Geist aufgeben

to divide an area into election districts (= areas that elect someone) in a way that gives an unfair advantage to one group or political party

to gerrymander = die Wahlbezirksgrenzen manipulieren

not wanting to say plainly what you think or intend to do

cagey = verschlossen, zugeknöpft, sich bedeckt halten

filled with the activity of many people or things:

teeming = überfüllt, von Menschen wimmelnd

gaily frivolous or light in content or treatment, insubstantial

frothy = seicht (Unterhaltung)

false or dishonest: causing a lack of trust or confidence: in bad condition

dodgy = armselig, unbeständig (Wetter), zweifelhaft, nicht vertrauenswürdig

in bad condition : of bad quality: ill or unwell

ropey = marode

very angry and excited

apoplectic = cholerisch

a powerful or important person

bigwig = hohes Tier

a rural area

boondocks = tiefste Provinz